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Car air checks, environmental Plough (certified), air

Car air checks, environmental Plough (certified), air
Car air checks, environmental Plough (certified), air
Car air checks, environmental Plough (certified), air

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Company:Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
Information Name: Car air checks, environmental Plough (certified), air
Update Time:2015-02-12
Price Description: RMB/
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 Decoration pollution on the health hazards of formaldehyde have much to tell you, Chongqing Plough environmental harm long-term exposure of low doses of formaldehyde are: chronic respiratory diseases caused by air control, causing nasopharyngeal cancer, colon cancer, brain tumor, menstrual disorders, mutations nucleus, DNA pay even a single strand and DNA and protein cross-linking and inhibition of DNA damage repair, pregnancy syndrome, caused by neonatal chromosomal abnormalities, leukemia, causing adolescent memory and mental decline. In all contact persons, children and pregnant women are particularly sensitive to formaldehyde air, more harmful, are the main pollutants in the decoration and furniture. Release of up to 3-15 years, the tide will encounter when exposed to heat from deep out of the volatile material, serious pollution of the environment has become a worldwide problem difficult to solve, for the elderly, children and pregnant women, the most damaging. Formaldehyde serious harm places: the newly renovated rooms, offices, conference rooms, hotels, KTV rooms and furniture stores, shopping malls and other building materials. Formaldehyde to prevent harm to note the following: 1. attention to indoor air testing and purification. According to the degree of formaldehyde in indoor air pollution, see the relevant experts to provide effective governance programs, especially in families with elderly, children and families allergic constitution, but also to pay attention to. 2. Use a wood-based panel production wardrobe, such as formaldehyde are not cleaned, the use must pay attention, try not to put underwear, pajamas and children's clothing on the inside. 3. take some effective measures to purify the indoor and furniture, furniture can reduce the release of harmful gases. Air understand knowledge, do you really know? Pro, how much of our understanding of life in the integral air, do you miss the blue sky of our childhood, do you complain about every state of the environment of PM2.5? Air, suggests that it is a day that we all breathe the "life of gas", which covers the surface of the earth layered, transparent and colorless and tasteless, it is mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen, have an important impact on human survival and production. If there is no air, our planet will be a barren desert, there is no trace of life. Green plants use carbon dioxide in the air and sun and water, nutrients, oxygen is released, humans and other animals by breathing air to get healthy green oxygen. With advancing age the air inside the examination, industrial development, air pollution more serious indoor air governance, a large number of industrial emissions of harmful substances, polluting the air, so the air increases the harmful ingredients. When harmful substances in the air reaches a certain concentration, it will seriously damage human health and crop growth, destruction of certain substances in the atmosphere will lead to reduced visibility, impact on traffic safety. Air pollution is not only caused by the production of life-threatening human interference, but also their health, causing lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, leukemia and other diseases. Car air checks, environmental Plough (certified), the air is provided by the Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited Plough. Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited (www.tiangangep.com) (www.tiangangep.com) is the Chongqing Municipality, a leader in environmentally friendly products agents, over the years, the company is implementing the scientific management, innovation and development, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, the maximum to meet customer needs. In Plough environmental leadership with the staff warmly welcome all inquiries negotiations to create a better future environmental Plough. You can also access (www.tiangangep.com/supply_details_45371060.html), for more information about the company. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Shen Gang rule()
Telephone Number: 023-63511677
Company Address: Jingwei Road Yuzhong District 333 a 22-8, Chongqing City, Chongqing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 400000
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