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What makes a good air purifier, air, environmental Plough

What makes a good air purifier, air, environmental Plough
What makes a good air purifier, air, environmental Plough
What makes a good air purifier, air, environmental Plough

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Company:Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
Information Name: What makes a good air purifier, air, environmental Plough
Update Time:2015-02-12
Price Description: RMB/
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 Children's furniture decoration pollution over eighty percent since pollution is more serious, according to the colorful home magazine, home air chambers together, for 20 families of the children's room air quality testing, the results show more than 80% formaldehyde, 30% of which BTEX, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) exceeded 45%, eight sources of pollution become children's furniture. Found during testing, multiple family decoration car air control is not complicated, but in each house of formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, TVOC and other harmful substances, formaldehyde levels were exceeded. Among them, the parents bedroom only trace exceeded, and the children's room of formaldehyde, TVOC seriously overweight. It is understood that the family situation is quite similar, are the parents of the room using the old furniture in the past, but the purchase of a new children's room children's furniture, and more for the plate, colorful furniture. Secretary General Chamber of Commerce air control, the main source of pollution is reflected in the children's room children's furniture, the crux of the main furniture, surface paint. Parents need to note that excessive low formaldehyde, benzene and other indoor air control also affect children's health, especially in children under five years of age. "Formaldehyde pollution is caused by the release of children under five years of age increased mainly due to asthma. Long-term exposure to low doses of formaldehyde can cause chronic respiratory diseases, eye diseases. If you are pregnant mothers may lead to pregnancy syndrome, neonatal malformations mental depression illness. "expert analysis, the current plate on children's furniture market, mostly timber MDF and particleboard, only part of the well-known children's furniture brands such as the use of pine timber. "Because of MDF and particleboard using a very large amount of adhesive, resulting in children's furniture, formaldehyde and other harmful substances exceeding health problems more serious than other furniture." Han Feng, general manager of the company to remind consumers of ice worms, his long-term testing work found that the paint colors more vivid, the more it contains heavy metals such as lead, which is mainly made of lead paint pigment containing compounds caused. Typical purify indoor air pollutants key technology "typical indoor air pollutants purification key technology and equipment," The overall objective of the project: a significant demand for large public places (such as supermarkets, shopping malls, entertainment, etc.) Indoor air pollution control, to control organic pollution and harmful micro-organisms for the purpose of study of indoor air pollutants in public places and control technology analysis, the development of new environment with independent intellectual property rights and technology purification materials, preparation purification components, development of new independent air purifier suitable for central air-conditioning phase air purification unit prototype form of indoor air pollution purification technology systems, and application of the model, to enhance the level of pollution cleanup technology and equipment of the indoor air, improve indoor air quality in public places to provide support. Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited. What makes a good air purifier, air, Plough Plough environmental protection provided by the Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited. Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited (www.tiangangep.com) (www.tiangangep.com) strong, credible, in Chongqing, Chongqing environmental agents and other products industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving Plough innovative ideas will lead into the brilliant green and you work for a better future! You can also access (www.tiangangep.com/supply_details_45931550.html), for more information about the company. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
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Contact Person: Mr. Shen Gang rule()
Telephone Number: 023-63511677
Company Address: Jingwei Road Yuzhong District 333 a 22-8, Chongqing City, Chongqing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 400000
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