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Air Purifier | Air | Plough Environmental

Air Purifier | Air | Plough Environmental
Air Purifier | Air | Plough Environmental
Air Purifier | Air | Plough Environmental

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Company:Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
Information Name: Air Purifier | Air | Plough Environmental
Update Time:2015-02-12
Price Description: RMB/
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 Chongqing Environmental Plough tell you except that you fall into formaldehyde indoor decoration pollution Eight misunderstanding, you can use air fresheners, pineapple, orange peel, etc. to clean indoor air with air freshener or pineapple skin to eliminate harmful indoor air is not science only a short time to cover up the smell, and can not effectively break down harmful gases, can not fundamentally solve the problem on the second, and so long as the use of air purifiers or activated carbon products, contamination can only be used as a means to solve these auxiliary indoor environmental governance means, the effect is limited. And these measures can only be released into the air, some of the harmful substances act, for the sources of the powerless. Third, there is rapid and thorough treatment methods complex sources of indoor pollution, after renovation, the different materials in the interior release time varying lengths toxic gases such as formaldehyde in about 3-15 years, some only a few months. Elimination of indoor air pollution is a long and complicated process, should choose a sustained, comprehensive, secure purification scheme. Fourth, only concerned about formaldehyde indoor air treatment, neglect harm other gases have renovated the harmful gases may have hundreds of species, which are: formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene, etc., after the renovation of the house must be more toxic and hazardous gas as comprehensive testing, the same attention to indoor air pollution may cause harmful gases. Air understand knowledge, do you really know? Air pollution is not only caused by the production of life-threatening human interference, but also their health, causing lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, leukemia and other diseases. Lung cancer is the most common malignancy of the current world, there is one in every four cancer is lung cancer. Currently air control reasons, the industry recognized the major cause of lung cancer is smoking and air pollution. Car air control high lung cancer mortality, there are 1.2 million new cases annually in the world, almost every 30 seconds, one person dies of lung cancer. Lung cancer is the highest incidence of cancer, the annual incidence rate of 35 per 100,000 people suffering from lung cancer. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema common is a gradual weakening of respiratory function in patients with destructive lung disease. The main factors that lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, including smoking and dust, therefore, avoid smoking and reduce airborne dust exposure is an effective way of prevention. 10 million people worldwide each year because of indoor air pollution and asthma deaths, of which 35% are children. Children living in air pollution are more likely to suffer from bronchial hypersensitivity, allergic reactions which occur later in life in the end will lead to allergic asthma and other lung diseases. Dust mites, various types of respirable particulate matter, are the cause of asthma in children culprit, therefore, reduce the flow of air in the dust, mites and other methods are effective in preventing asthma in children. The incidence of leukemia is 3/10 Chinese people. About 40,000 new leukemia patients each year, of which 50 percent are children, and to children aged 2-7 majority, the proportion of patients with leukemia, the city accounted for 30%. Indoor air pollution has become the main reason to induce leukemia. Air Purifier | Air | Plough Plough environmental protection provided by the Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited. Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited (www.tiangangep.com) (www.tiangangep.com) strong, credible, in Chongqing, Chongqing environmental agents and other products industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving Plough innovative ideas will lead into the brilliant green and you work for a better future! You can also access (www.tiangangep.com/supply_details_45371115.html), for more information about the company. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
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Contact Person: Mr. Shen Gang rule()
Telephone Number: 023-63511677
Company Address: Jingwei Road Yuzhong District 333 a 22-8, Chongqing City, Chongqing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 400000
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