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Indoor air inspection, environmental Plough (certified), air

Indoor air inspection, environmental Plough (certified), air
Indoor air inspection, environmental Plough (certified), air
Indoor air inspection, environmental Plough (certified), air

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Company:Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
Information Name: Indoor air inspection, environmental Plough (certified), air
Update Time:2015-02-12
Price Description: RMB/
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 What the reaction of people being poisoned by formaldehyde formaldehyde at low concentrations it initially irritate the eye mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract stimulation slightly higher concentrations, causing coughing, chest tightness, and forehead feel special pressure in indoor air treatment, and mucous membranes ulceration, thereby causing inflammation in the lungs. One of the most sensitive sense of smell and irritation, so the main hazard for the stimulating effect on the performance of the mucosa. Formaldehyde easily absorbed through the respiratory tract, nasal inhalation of formaldehyde 93% retention in the nasal tissue, there will be severe respiratory tract irritation and edema inhaled at high concentrations, increased airway resistance, decreased respiratory rate, eye irritation, headaches. According to reports, when the air formaldehyde content of 0.06 to 1.2 mg / cubic meter, you can smell the taste; 0.01 to 1.9 mg / cubic meter, eye tingling; 0.1 to 3.1 mg / cubic meter, throat excitement; reach 5.0 to 6.2 mg / cubic meter, 30 minutes exposure to which people will cry; 12 to 25 mg / cubic meter, from which one hour would strongly tears; 37 to 60 mg / cubic meter, there will be edema, inflammation, pneumonia; 60 to 125 mg / cubic meter, people will die. Human repeated inhalation of small doses of formaldehyde can induce allergic reactions air treatment, asthma; direct skin contact with formaldehyde can cause allergic dermatitis, pigmentation and necrosis. With a variety of mammalian cells in vitro test results prove that formaldehyde has evoked the role of the mammalian cell gene mutation air inside the vehicle inspection, and on the role of DNA damage. Experimental animals exposed to high concentrations of inhaled can cause nasal squamous cell carcinoma. Epidemiological survey showed that the risk of exposure to formaldehyde nose, nasopharynx, and an increased risk of oral cancer - Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited. What testing organizations must provide notarized data through the measurement certification for social product quality inspection institutions, specifically, the following activities shall apply for the measurement certification bodies: (a) providing a proof of the role of data and results of administrative decisions made by the executive ; (ii) provide a proof of the role of data and results for the ruling made by the judiciary; (c) the arbitration decision of the arbitration institutions provide a proof of the role of data and results; (iv) providing a social welfare activities proof of the role of data and results; (e) providing a proof of the role of data and results for economic or trade relations person; (f) other legal needs through accreditation of. Indoor air inspection, environmental Plough (certified), the air is provided by the Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited Plough. Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited (www.tiangangep.com) (www.tiangangep.com) is the Chongqing Municipality, a leader in environmentally friendly products agents, over the years, the company is implementing the scientific management, innovation and development, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, the maximum to meet customer needs. In Plough environmental leadership with the staff warmly welcome all inquiries negotiations to create a better future environmental Plough. You can also access (www.tiangangep.com/supply_details_45931555.html), for more information about the company. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Shen Gang rule()
Telephone Number: 023-63511677
Company Address: Jingwei Road Yuzhong District 333 a 22-8, Chongqing City, Chongqing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 400000
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