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Air treatment | Air | Plough Environmental
Air treatment | Air | Plough Environmental
Air treatment | Air | Plough Environmental

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Company:Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
Information Name: Air treatment | Air | Plough Environmental
Update Time:2015-02-12
Price Description: RMB/
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 Have to look at: How to choose formaldehyde detection Chongqing - Chongqing Plough Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. Hangzhou market now is quite a mixed bag of these companies, we should be how to tell if a professional does. Xiaobian for you to start a detailed analysis. 1. Are there industry CMA qualification. CMA is a regional qualification, provinces are not common, some companies go to Shanghai or Beijing to buy a CMA report, it is not allowed. So there is a qualified indoor air testing Hangzhou company is actually small. 2. Detect whether the norms. Generally divided into three categories of detection, the first category is carrying a device to read the air inside the box came in the scene to check the data, these advantages are relatively cheap, the disadvantage is the data is human judgment, and very accurate. If you do such testing at home when you can do an experiment where appropriate, the same place twice each sample to see if the same data twice? Or the same test tube, every 10 minutes to read again the same? The second category is the laboratory analysis, testing company is only responsible for air sampling, data is sent to the laboratory analysis, such testing is very accurate data, the average customer wants the data are accurate. The third category is the CMA test report, the data and the second class, but more of an industry CMA chapter air, indoor air treatment is a legally binding, the price is high, generally used for project acceptance and handling disputes. 3. Does not have a regular license and the business record. This is the legend of "guerrilla" to the things that can not be found when the person in charge, so the strength of the company are looking to find a strong entity better. The main sources of pollution have decoration which ones? - Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd., Chongqing Plough is an important part of formaldehyde adhesive, so all related to adhesives, including plywood, paint, carpet, furniture, will contain formaldehyde, if the individual is bound to cause excessive air quality is not compliance. Wood panels, wood itself from natural, non-toxic, but its time to use urea-formaldehyde adhesive bonding process, and the formation of formaldehyde pollution. Paint, because it contains a lot of pungent benzene, paint so people perceive most strongly; home decoration only partial use of paint, plus volatile paint very fast, three days can be volatile over 70% of harmful substances. So it is not the biggest source of pollution. Glue, home decoration main ingredient is formaldehyde glue, use glue places like wall paint putty rubber air grassroots governance, paste white latex wood panels used in wallpaper paste wallpaper glue. Required to do long-term prevention of formaldehyde, should pay attention to the following aspects: 1. Multi-window ventilation is conducive to volatilization and diluted formaldehyde; 2. can keep some fish, because formaldehyde is water soluble substances, formaldehyde in the air have reduced the role of content; 3. air purifying agent, be sure to use no secondary pollution, such as the Maya Lan's results were good, not only can quickly get rid of formaldehyde and other harmful gases, but also to quickly get rid of the odor. 4. raise some green-leaved plants, helps to absorb and mitigate the concentration of formaldehyde as spider plants, aloe; 5. can be placed in the appropriate position of some activated carbon material can absorb some of formaldehyde, but saturated, less effective. 6. You can find a professional organization in addition to formaldehyde, such as ice worms environmental technology such units, preferably with a CMA chapter, have legal effect. Air treatment | Air | Plough Plough environmental provided by Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited. Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited (www.tiangangep.com) (www.tiangangep.com) strong, credible, in Chongqing, Chongqing environmental agents and other products industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving Plough innovative ideas will lead into the brilliant green and you work for a better future! You can also access (www.tiangangep.com/supply_details_45931525.html), for more information about the company. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Plough Chongqing Environmental Engineering Limited
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Contact Person: Mr. Shen Gang rule()
Telephone Number: 023-63511677
Company Address: Jingwei Road Yuzhong District 333 a 22-8, Chongqing City, Chongqing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 400000
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