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Used sterilizing oven model range

Used sterilizing oven model range
Used sterilizing oven model range
Used sterilizing oven model range

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Company:Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
Information Name: Used sterilizing oven model range
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Propagules oven dry heat sterilization methods sterilization of bacteria in the dry state, 80 ℃ ~ 100 ℃ 1 hour to be killed; Bacillus needs to be heated to 160 ℃ ~ 170 ℃ 2 hours to kill. Dry heat sterilization methods are ① burning: the fire burned a thorough sterilization methods, destructiveness, or only for animal carcasses and other waste materials; ② burning: the direct use of flame sterilization for laboratory sterilization of metal instruments (tweezers, scissors, ring vaccination, etc.), glass tubes and bottle mouth, etc.; ③ dry roasted: carried out in a dry oven (hot air sterilizer) within heated to maintain 160 ℃ ~ 170 ℃ 2 hours, kill all microorganisms, including spores, including. Suitable for high-temperature glass, porcelain, glass syringes and other quality; ④ IR (infrared): a wavelength of 770nm ~ 1000μm electromagnetic waves to 1μm ~ 10μm wavelength thermal effect is the strongest. Infrared thermal effect only exposure to the surface, so that the object can not be uniformly heated, commonly used in sterilization bowls, chopsticks and other utensils; ⑤ microwave (microwave): 1mm ~ 1000mm wavelength electromagnetic collectively referred to as microwaves penetrate glass, ceramics and plastic films and other materials, but can not penetrate the metal surface. Thermal effects of the uneven distribution of microwave sterilization effect is not reliable for non-metallic devices and utensils disinfection. Dry heat sterilization and heat sterilization method mainly used dry heat sterilization method is a dry environment (such as a flame or hot dry air) sterilization technology. Usually flame sterilization and dry and hot air sterilization. This law applies to dry powder, Vaseline, sterilization oil, also applies to glassware (such as test tubes, plates, straws, syringes) and metal utensils (eg titer of steel, needles, tweezers, scissors, etc.) to eliminate bacteria. Moist heat sterilization method is a method of sterilizing with saturated steam, boiling water or steam circulation, due to the latent heat of steam, penetration, easy to make protein denaturation or coagulation, so the efficiency of the method of sterilization than dry heat sterilization high method, the production process is a pharmaceutical formulation The most commonly used method of sterilization. Moist heat sterilization method can be divided into: boiling sterilization, pasteurization, autoclaving, circulation steam sterilization, and intermittent steam sterilization. Solution of drugs, pharmaceuticals, glass instrument, medium, sterile clothes, dressing and other materials when the temperature and humidity do not change or damage, may use this law sterilized. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Xu wave()
Telephone Number: 0537-7600770-01
Company Address: Jining, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
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