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Low price Used QW-10HM3 microwave drying sterilization machine price - product pricing used WG- ..

Low price Used QW-10HM3 microwave drying sterilization machine price - product pricing used WG- ..
Low price Used QW-10HM3 microwave drying sterilization machine price - product pricing used WG- ..
Low price Used QW-10HM3 microwave drying sterilization machine price - product pricing used WG- ..

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Company:Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
Information Name: Low price Used QW-10HM3 microwave drying sterilization machine price - product pricing used WG- ..
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Drying equipment works drying process requires large amounts of energy, in order to save energy, certain high moisture content of the material, or a solution containing suspended solids is generally first by mechanical dewatering or heating evaporation, and then dried in a dryer to obtain dry solids. Vacuum oven drying process in the need to complete the heat and mass (moisture) transfer, ensure the material surface moisture vapor partial pressure (concentration) is higher than the external space moisture vapor partial pressure, to ensure that the temperature is higher than the temperature of the material source . Heat from the heat source in a variety of ways passed to the wet material, the material surface moisture vaporize and escape into outer space, so that the difference between the moisture content of the material appear in the surface and interior. Internal moisture diffusion and vaporization to the surface, so that the material moisture content decreasing gradually complete drying of the material as a whole. The drying rate depends on the material surface diffusion rate and the internal rate of vaporization of moisture. The drying rate is usually dried by early vaporization rate control surface; then, as long as external conditions remain unchanged drying, drying rate and surface temperatures of materials that maintain a steady, constant drying phase at this stage is called; when the moisture content of the material is reduced to a degree, reduce internal moisture diffusion rate to the surface, and the surface is less than the vaporization rate, drying rate that is mainly determined by the internal diffusion rate, and with lower moisture content and continue to reduce, at this stage called the falling rate drying stage. Features and Applications 1 oven, precision oven microcomputer precision temperature controller, input parameters, convenient and simple, while the display setting temperature measurements, and provides a constant temperature of the sample, in order to facilitate the test or dry samples. 2, precision oven using a highly efficient compression glass wool insulation effect easily remarkable. 3, precision oven has over-temperature liquid expansion of power protection devices, it can better ensure the safety of the test article. 4, precision oven with separate vertical assembly design, reasonable case structure, small footprint, more efficient use of cabinet space. 5, precision oven designed forced air circulation system to ensure the uniformity of temperature distribution. Precision oven (hot air circulation oven) suitable for industrial and mining enterprises, laboratories, research institutes, drying, baking melting wax, sterilization and other functions as. 
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Company Name: Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Xu wave()
Telephone Number: 0537-7600770-01
Company Address: Jining, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
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