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Low price Used XMY600 Filter Press

Low price Used XMY600 Filter Press
Low price Used XMY600 Filter Press
Low price Used XMY600 Filter Press

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Company:Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
Information Name: Low price Used XMY600 Filter Press
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Frame filter from the filter plates are arranged alternately form a group and filter frame filter chamber. The surface of the filter plate with grooves, its protruding parts to support the filter cloth. There on the corner of the filter frame and filter plate through hole, after assembling a complete channel, can pass into the suspension, washed with water and extraction filtrate. Plate, both sides of the box have a handle on the beam holder by the pressing means pressing plate box. Board, cloth box from the gasket between the role. The suspension by a hydraulic feed pump into the filter chamber to form a residue on the filter cloth filter chamber until full. The filtrate through the filter cloth and flows along the filter plate groove to frame corners channel, concentrated discharge. Filtration is complete, it can pass the wash water residue was washed into the clear. After washing, sometimes pass into the air, the remaining washing liquid is removed. Then open the removable filter residue, cleaning cloth and re-pressing plate box, start the next work cycle. Frame filter residue compression for large or nearly incompressible suspension can be applied. Suitable solid particle concentration of the suspension is generally below 10%, the operating pressure is generally from 0.3 to 0.6 MPa, 3 MPa or special higher up. Filter area can be increased or decreased with the number of frame used. Frame is generally square, the side length of the filter frame 200 to 2000 mm, a thickness of the frame 16 to 80 mm, filtration area of ??0.5 to 1200 m2. Plate and frame restraining hand screw, electric screw and hydraulic and other means. Board and box manufacturing wood, iron, steel, stainless steel, polypropylene and rubber and other materials. Van filter structure and operating principle is similar to Van filter frame filter, except that both sides of the filter plate recess, each combination of two filter plate into a car-shaped filter chamber, eliminating filter box filter plates has a circular hole suspension thus flows into each filter chamber. This filter residue does not require cleaning and is suitable for a suspension to be filtered at higher pressures. Vertical Filter Plates stacked horizontally and vertically to form a group of the filter chamber, a smaller footprint. It uses a continuous belt filter, filtering is done, move the filter belt dumping slag and cleaning filter with automatic operation. Apply a wide range of filter press, simpler structure. Plate and frame pinch and pull, dumping slag and cleaning cloth can automate operations, help filter large-scale development. After the addition of the filter chamber filter press elastomeric membrane with the aid of a rubber diaphragm compression at the end of the filter residue with high pressure water or compressed air, so that residues from further squeezed off liquid, forming the filter chamber of variable volume, residues compressed diaphragm press filter, a pressure of up to 1 to 2 MPa. Belt filter press belt filter press sludge dewatering widely used in urban sewage treatment, chemical, oil refining, metallurgy, paper making, leather, food, coal washing, printing and dyeing industry, the aircraft continuous operation, high degree of automation, energy , efficient, easy to maintain and is ideal for sludge dewatering equipment. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Liangshan used chemical equipment operators Yun-ho
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Xu wave()
Telephone Number: 0537-7600770-01
Company Address: Jining, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
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