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2013--2018 shock absorber manufacturing industry of China market depth research and investment trends in the pre ..

2013--2018 shock absorber manufacturing industry of China market depth research and investment trends in the pre ..
2013--2018 shock absorber manufacturing industry of China market depth research and investment trends in the pre ..
2013--2018 shock absorber manufacturing industry of China market depth research and investment trends in the pre ..

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Company:Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co...
Information Name: 2013--2018 shock absorber manufacturing industry of China market depth research and investment trends in the pre ..
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China shock absorber manufacturing industry market depth research and investment trends forecast -------------------------------- 2018 - 2013 ------------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 72160〗 〖completion date of September 2013 〖 delivery〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖 Customer Service QQ〗 1271943744 24: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/jixiedianzi/jixie/72160.html (click see text) [Report Contents] Chapter 1: China Summary of the Development shock absorber manufacturing industry manufacturing industry 1.1 Definition and Classification 1.1.1 The industry sector concepts and definitions main product categories 1.1.2 1.2 1.2.1 shock absorber manufacturing industry statistical standard statistical offices and manufacturing industries 1.2.2 statistical shock absorber manufacturing industry statistics 1.2.3 Manufacturing Industry Data types 1.3 shock absorber manufacturing industry supply chain analysis 1.3.1 shock absorber manufacturing industry downstream industry supply chain damping 1.3.2 Introduction manufacturing industry, mainly downstream industry chain analysis (1) Analysis of China's auto industry development (2) supporting the automobile market analysis (3) Development of automotive aftermarket analysis (4) Analysis of the motorcycle market development 1.3.3 Save shock absorber manufacturing industry upstream industry supply chain analysis (1) steel market operating conditions and price analysis (2) non-ferrous metal market conditions and price analysis operations (3) rubber industry operating conditions and price analysis (4) of the spring industry operating conditions and price analysis (5) The mold industry operating conditions and Price Analysis Chapter 2: 2012--2013 shock absorber Manufacturing Industry Analysis 2.1.1 Development of Chinese manufacturing industry overall damper Overview 2.1 2.1 China absorber manufacturing industry development. 2 Chinese damper main characteristics of the manufacturing industry in 2012 2.1.3 Analysis of operating status shock absorber manufacturing industry (1) 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry management benefit analysis (2) 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry profitability analysis ( 3) 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry operating capacity analysis (4) 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry solvency analysis (5) 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry development capacity of 2.2 2012--2013 年 shock absorber manufacturing sectors of the economy Indicators 2.2.1 shock absorber manufacturing industry and the major economic factors 2.2.2 2012--2013 年 shock absorber manufacturing sector analysis of economic indicators 2.2.3 2012--2013 Different scale enterprises analysis of economic indicators 2.2.4 2012-2013 Analysis of the different nature of business and economic indicators 2.2.5 2012--2013 Different regions Enterprises analysis of economic indicators 2.3 2012--2013 balance supply and demand shock absorber Manufacturing Industry Analysis 2.3.1 2012--2013 national shock absorber manufacturing industry supply analysis (1 ) 2012--2013 national shock absorber Manufacturing industry output analysis (2) 2012--2013 national shock absorber manufacturing of finished products 2.3.2 2012--2013 REGION shock absorber manufacturing industry supply analysis (1) 2012--2013 annual output value of the top 10 Area (2) 2012 - before 2013 with an annual output of finished ranked 10 Area 2.3.3 2012--2013 national shock absorber manufacturing industry needs analysis (1) 2012-2013 National absorber manufacturing industry sales value analysis (2) 2012--2013 national shock absorber manufacturing industry sales analysis 2.3.4 2012--2013 REGION shock absorber manufacturing industry needs analysis (1) 2012--2013 annual sales Rank 10 regions before value analysis (2) 2012 - before the 2013 sales revenue ranked 10 Area 2.3.5 2012--2013 national shock absorber manufacturing industry sales rate analysis Chapter 3: shock absorber Manufacturing Industry Market Environment 3.1 Industry 3.1.1 Policy Environment 3.1.2 shock absorber industry-related policy developments manufacturing industry 3.2 Industry Development Plan 3.2.1 Economic Environment 3.2.2 Analysis of international macroeconomic environment and domestic macroeconomic environment analysis 3.2.3 macroeconomic environment industry Consumption Analysis 3.3 Industry 3.3.1 Environment 3.3.2 Industry sector consumption characteristics of the analysis of consumer trends 3.4 Industry Trade Environment 3.4.1 Industry 3.4.2 Development Status trading environment the industry's business environment trends 3.5 Industry Social Environment 3.5.1 Industry regional imbalance of economic development and social development of industry coordination 3.5.2 Chapter 4: shock absorber Manufacturing industry market competition analysis 4.1 Industry 4.2 Analysis of the overall market competition international competition in the industry market analysis 4.2.1 International damper Analysis of the international manufacturing market developments 4.2.2 4.2.3 shock absorber manufacturing market competition shock absorber Manufacturing international market development trend analysis 4.2.4 multinational companies for investment in the Chinese market (1) Japan Showa Corporation Investment Distribution in China Analysis (2) United States Tenneco investment in China layout analysis (3) Investment Co., Ltd. of Japan tokico layout analysis in China (4) Germany ZF investment in China layout analysis (5) Industry Co., Ltd. in Japan KYB China Investment layout analysis (6) Japan Yamashita Rubber Company's investment in China 4.2.5 Layout of multinational corporations in China's Competitive Strategy Analysis 4.3 Industry 4.3.1 Analysis of domestic market competition in the domestic competition shock absorber Manufacturing Industry Analysis 4.3.2 China shock absorber manufacturing industry concentration analysis (1) industry sales concentration analysis (2) industry concentration analysis of assets (3) industry concentration analysis 4.3.3 Profit domestic manufacturing industry shock absorber market size analysis 4.3.4 4.3.5 Analysis of bargaining power manufacturing industry automobile shock absorber Manufacturing OEM Competitive Analysis Market (1) automobile enterprise procurement policy (2) Auto Parts Enterprise Development Strategies (3) automotive shock absorbers OEM market development and the size of 4.3. 6 potential threat to domestic shock absorber Manufacturing Industry Analysis 4.4 Industry Investment Analysis 4.4.1 merger and reorganization and integration of the shock absorber manufacturing industry merger and reorganization and integration of investment before 4.4.2 International damper manufacturers invest domestic mergers and reorganization and integration 4.4.3 shock absorber manufacturers invest mergers and reorganization and integration 4.4.4 shock absorber manufacturing industry merger and reorganization and integration features investment judgment 4.5 Industry characteristics of different economic types of enterprises of different economic types of enterprises 4.5.1 4.5.2 features the industry's economic situation type concentration Analysis Chapter 5: The main shock absorber manufacturing industry Market Analysis 5.1 Industry Structure 5.1.1 The main product characteristics of the product structure industry 5.1.2 Industry Overview 5.2 Industry Market Development Market Analysis 5.2.1 major automobile shock absorber motorcycle shock absorbers market analysis 5.2.2 Market Analysis 5.3 Industry 5.3.1 Analysis of major products supporting vehicle supporting the market analysis supporting the use of car shock absorbers 5.3.2 5.3.3 Passenger market analysis supporting the market by reducing the use of shock absorbers 5.3.4 truck shock absorber market analysis supporting analysis 5.3.5 SUV market analysis supporting the use of shock absorber with matching 5.3.6 MPV market analysis 5.3.7 pickup market analysis supporting the use of shock absorber market by 5.4 Industry The main product technology gap with foreign technology gap with foreign countries main products 5.4.1 Industry 5.4.2 caused the main reason for the gap with foreign products 5.5 Industry main products and new technology development trends 5.5.1 International absorber manufacturing industry, new technology trends 5.5 .2 domestic manufacturing industry, new shock absorber technology trends Chapter 6: shock absorber manufacturing industry focus on the regional market analysis Overall Regional Structure 6.1 Industry Analysis 6.1.1 Industry 6.1.2 Regional structure features industry overall regional concentration analysis 6.1. 3 Regional distribution of industry analysis 6.1.4 Analysis of the regional distribution of industrial scale indicators 6.1.5 Regional distribution industry efficiency indicators 6.1.6 Analysis of the regional distribution of the number of enterprises analyze the development industry in Guangdong Province shock absorber Manufacturing Industry 6.2 Analysis and Forecast 6.2.1 Guangdong Province shock absorber manufacturing industry analysis 6.2.2 Status Changes in the industry in Guangdong Province shock absorber manufacturing industry, Guangdong Province, the economic situation 6.2.3 Analysis 6.2.4 shock absorber manufacturing enterprises in Guangdong Province shock absorber Manufacturing industry trends 6.3.3 Analysis of Jiangsu Province, the shock absorber damping predict the development of manufacturing industry 6.3 Analysis and Forecast 6.3.1 in Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province, the shock absorber manufacturing industry 6.3.2 Status Changes in the industry's Jiangsu Province, the economic health of the manufacturing sector shock absorbers 6.3.4 Analysis of manufacturing industries and enterprises in Jiangsu Province shock absorber Manufacturing industry trends forecast 6.4 Analysis and Prediction 6.4.1 Changes in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, damper position in manufacturing industry in the development of the industry 6.4.2 shock absorber manufacturing industry in Zhejiang Analysis of provincial economic performance shock absorbers manufacturing industry manufacturing industries and enterprises 6.4.3 Zhejiang shock absorber manufacturing industry development trend analysis 6.4.4 Prediction 6.5 Sichuan Province, Zhejiang Province shock absorber Manufacturing Industry Development Analysis and Forecast 6.5.1 Sichuan shock absorber manufacturing industry's position in the industry change 6.5.2 Sichuan shock absorber Manufacturing industry economic situation analysis 6.5.3 Analysis of Sichuan shock absorber manufacturing industry enterprises in Sichuan shock absorber Manufacturing Industry 6.5.4 Development Forecasting 6.6 Development of shock absorbers Chongqing manufacturing industry 6.6.1 Analysis and Prediction of Chongqing shock absorber manufacturing industry's position in the industry change 6.6.2 Chongqing shock absorber manufacturing industry economic situation analysis 6.6.3 Chongqing Deals Shock manufacturing industry business analysis 6.6.4 Chongqing shock absorber Manufacturing industry trend forecast Chapter 7: shock absorber Manufacturing Industry Import and Export Market Analysis Summary 7.1 7.2 Imports and Exports shock absorber manufacturing industry manufacturing industry export market Analysis 7.2.1 Analysis of industry exports in 2011 (1) export industry as a whole (2) industry export product structure analysis 7.2.2 2012 export industry (1) export industry as a whole (2) industry structure of export products manufactured shock absorbers 7.3 Industry Import Market analysis 7.3.1 2011 industry import analysis (1) industry overall imports (2) industry imported the product structure analysis 7.3.2 2012 industry imports (1) Industry imports as a whole (2) Industry Structure 7.4 minus imports shock absorber manufacturing industry import and export prospects and recommendations 7.4.1 shock absorber manufacturing and export prospects recommendation 7.4.2 shock absorber manufacturing industry import prospects and recommendations Chapter 8: shock absorber manufacturing industry, mainly the production and operation analysis 8.1 damping Analysis 8.1.1 8.1.2 shock absorber manufacturing industry enterprise scale manufacturing industrial output status 8.1.3 shock absorber manufacturing industry sales revenue and profit 8.1.4 main damper manufacturers develop innovative manufacturing enterprises overall condition Capacity of 8.2 shock absorber Manufacturing industry leader Case Study 8.2.1 Guangzhou Showa Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) profitability analysis (4) Business operational capability analysis (5) business solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) product mix and new product trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) 8.2.2 SWOT analysis of business conditions minus four Chuan Chuannan shock absorbers Group Co., Ltd. Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) profitability analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) business solvency analysis (6) business development capacity Analysis (7) product mix and new product trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) business situation SWOT analysis 8.2.3 Chongqing Changan Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) profitability analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) business solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis framework analysis (7) business organizations (8) product mix and new product trends (9) business sales channels and networks (10) business situation SWOT analysis 8.2.4 Shanghai Huizhong Sachs Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. Analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) corporate earnings Capacity Analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations (5) business solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) product mix and new product trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) SWOT analysis of business conditions (10) Analysis of the latest corporate developments 8.2.5 Absorber Co., Ltd., Jiangsu star operation analysis (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis (2) business and marketing capacity analysis (3) profitability analysis (4) the ability to analyze business operations ( 5) solvency analysis (6) business development capacity analysis (7) product mix and new product trends (8) business sales channels and networks (9) business situation SWOT analysis (10) Analysis of the latest corporate developments 9 Chapter: shock absorber manufacturing industry development trend analysis and forecasting 9.1 Chinese manufacturing market trends shock absorber manufacturing market 9.1.1 China 9.1.2 Development Trend of Chinese manufacturing market development forecast shock absorber Manufacturing 9.2 Industry Investment Characteristics 9.2.1 shock absorber manufacturing industry barriers to entry analysis 9.2.2 shock absorber manufacturing industry profit model analysis 9.2.3 shock absorber Manufacturing industry profitability factor analysis 9.3 China 9.3.1 shock absorber Manufacturing industry investment recommendation Deals shock absorber manufacturing industry investment risk analysis 9.3.2 shock absorber manufacturing industry investment advice Charts Chart 1: shock absorber industry chain Figure 2: 2005-2012 China in November monthly auto sales (Unit: ten thousand) Chart 3: 1992- 2012 from January to November auto sales and growth in China (Unit: thousand,%) Chart 4: 2009-2013 In March, domestic steel prices (Unit: yuan / ton) Chart 5: 2007-2013 2 month copper price (Unit: yuan / ton, ton) Exhibit 6: Global and changes in China's average daily production of primary aluminum (Unit: thousand tonnes) Chart 7: LME aluminum inventories and prices (unit: tons and $ / tonne) Figure 8 : 2011 China synthetic rubber production in the top ten provinces (Unit: million tons) Figure 9: 2012--2013 年 shock absorber manufacturing industry management benefit analysis (unit: one, man, million,%) Chart 10: 2012-2013 In China shock absorber manufacturing industry profitability analysis (unit:%) Figure 11: 2012--2013 China's manufacturing industry operating shock capacity analysis (unit: times) Exhibit 12: 2012--2013 shock absorber manufacturing industry in China in compensation debt capacity analysis (unit:%, times) Exhibit 13: 2012--2013 China's manufacturing industry development analysis of the shock absorber (unit:%) Figure 14: 2012--2013 年 shock absorber manufacturing industry statistics major economic indicators (Units : million, a,%) Chart 15: 2012--2013 major shock absorber manufacturers in China in major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Chart 16: 2012 - 2013 China Medium shock absorber Manufacturing business major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Chart 17: 2012--2013 small shock absorber manufacturer in China in major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Figure 18: 2007- in 2012 the proportion of the number of enterprises of different sizes trend (unit:%) Figure 19: 2007 - Total changes in the proportion of different sizes trend of corporate assets in 2012 (unit:%) Figure 20: 2007 - sizes vary the proportion of sales revenue in 2012 Trend (unit:%) Figure 21: 2007 - 2012 Different size proportion of total corporate profit trend change (unit:%) Figure 22: 2012--2013 shock absorber manufacturing enterprises are mainly state-owned economic indicators Statistics (Unit: ten thousand Yuan, a,%) Chart 23: 2012--2013 annual collective shock absorber manufacturer major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Chart 24: 2012--2013 shares in a cooperative shock absorber manufacturer ENTERPRISES Indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Chart 25: 2012--2013 shareholding system the shock absorber manufacturer major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Chart 26: 2012--2013 private sector of Deals shock absorber manufacturer major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Chart 27: 2012--2013 Selection of Foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan invested shock absorber Manufacturing statistics and economic indicators major companies (Unit: million, a,% ) Chart 28: 2012--2013 year Other properties damper manufacturers of major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, a,%) Chart 29: 2007 - 2012 Different nature of the business trend of the number of share (unit:%) Exhibit 30: 2007 - 2012 years Total assets of the different nature of business changes in the proportion of trend (unit:%) Figure 31: 2007 - 2012 Different nature of the business trend of the proportion of sales (unit:%) Chart 32: 2007--2012 Different changes in the proportion of total profit nature of the business trend (unit:%) Figure 33: 2012 - 10 provinces and sales statistics in 2013 among the top (unit: million,%) Chart 34: 2012--2013 years in front of 10 provinces, the proportion of sales (unit:%) Figure 35: 2012 - 10 cities in total assets of the top statistics in 2013 (Unit: million,%) Chart 36: 2012 - 10 in 2013 among the top the proportion of total provincial assets (unit:%) Chart 37: 10 among the top provinces in 2013 - - 2012: 2012 10 provinces and liabilities among the top statistics in 2013 (Unit: million,%) Chart 38 Liabilities proportion (unit:%) Chart 39: 2012--2013 years in front of the 10 provinces and the sales profit tables (Unit: million,%) Chart 40: 2012 - 10 provinces and cities in the sales profit in 2013 among the top specific gravity (unit:%) Chart 41: 2012 - 10 provinces and cities in 2013 the total profit of the top tables (Unit: million,%) Chart 42: 2012 - 10 among the top provinces in 2013 the proportion of total profits (unit:%) Chart 43: 2012 - 10 provinces and finished products among the top statistics in 2013 (Unit: million,%) Chart 44: 2012 - 10 provinces and cities in the proportion of finished products in 2013 among the top diagram (unit:%) Chart 45: 2012 - 10 provinces Units Units loss statistics in 2013 and among the top (unit: piece) Table 46: 2012 - 10 provinces among the top companies in 2013 the proportion of the number of units (unit:%) Chart 47: 2012 - 10 losses among the top provinces in 2013 total losses of Statistics (Unit: million,%) Chart 48: 2012 - 10 losses among the top provinces in 2013 the total loss specific gravity (unit:%) Chart 49: 2005 - 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry and the growth rate of industrial output trend (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 50: 2005 - absorber manufacturing of finished products in 2012 and growth Rate Chart (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 51: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 industrial output value of the top (Unit: million,%) Chart 52: 2012 industrial output among the top 10 Region specific gravity (unit:%) Chart 53: 2012--2013 annual finished among the top 10 regions of Statistics (Unit: million,%) Chart 54: 2012 annual proportion (Unit finished among the top 10 regions of :%) Chart 55: 2005 - 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry sales value and growth changes (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 56: 2005 - 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry sales revenue and growth trends Figure (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 57: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 among the top sales value (Unit: million,%) Chart 58: Specific gravity (Unit 10 regions in 2012 among the top sales value :%) Chart 59: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 sales revenue of the top (Unit: million,%) Figure 60: Figure 10 areas the proportion of sales revenue of the top 2012 (unit:%) Chart 61 : 2002 - 2012 National absorber manufacturing industry sales rate trends (unit:%) Chart 62: 2012 shock absorber manufacturer distribution (unit:%) Chart 63: 2012 Chinese manufacturing market competition shock absorbers Pattern (unit:%) Chart 64: 2012 China shock absorber manufacturing market sales of the top ten rankings (unit: million) Exhibit 65: 2012 former Chinese shock absorber manufacturing industry 10 manufacturers of sales and sales share (unit : million,%) Chart 66: 2003 - 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry sales concentration change (unit:%) Chart 67: 2012 before the Chinese manufacturing industry 10 shock absorber manufacturer assets (Unit: million ,%) Chart 68: 2003 - 2012 shock absorber manufacturing sector asset concentration variation (unit:%) Chart 69: 2012 former Chinese shock absorber manufacturing industry 10 firms profit (Unit: million,%) Chart 70: 2003 - 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry profits concentration change (unit:%) Chart 71: 2003 - 2012 China market size of the shock absorber manufacturing industry trends (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 72 : 2012 Ownership structure of the shock absorber manufacturing sector enterprises (unit:, million) Chart 73: Financial situation of the manufacturing industries in different shock absorbers economic enterprises of comparison (a) (unit:%, times) Chart 74: financial situation absorber manufacturing industry compare different economic types of enterprises (b) (unit:%) Chart 75: 2012 different types of sales are Chinese economic shock absorber manufacturing industry (Unit: 100 million) Exhibit 76: 2012 China shock absorber manufacturing industry sales revenue percentage by economic type (unit:%) Chart 77: 2004 - 2012 industry accounted for the economic type (by revenue) (unit:%) Chart 78: 2004 - 2012 focused on the industry's economic type variation trend (by revenue) (unit:%) Chart 79: 2005-2012 China in November monthly car sales (unit: units) Exhibit 80: 2005-2012 China in November SUV monthly sales (unit: units) Chart 81: Before 2012 model MPV 20 位 rankings and sales (unit: units) Exhibit 82: 2005-2012 China in November MPV monthly sales (unit: units) Exhibit 83: 2008--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in China in the region market conditions (unit:, million) Chart 84: 2008--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in China in the number of regional companies (unit:%) Chart 85: 2008--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in China in the regional sales (unit:%) Chart 86: 2008--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in China in the regional total assets (unit:%) Chart 87: 2012 China shock absorber manufacturing industry sales income twenty Pacific Rankings (Unit : million) Exhibit 88: 2012 China sales of shock absorber manufacturing industry by province cumulative percentage (unit:%) Chart 89: 2005 - 2012 China sales front shock absorber manufacturing industry accounted for five regional situation ( unit:%) Chart 90: 2005 - 2012 China shock absorber manufacturing industry accounted for sales of the top five regions and standard deviation (unit:%) Chart 91: 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry regional distribution of assets and income (Unit : 100 million,%) Chart 92: 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry Beneficial regional distribution (Unit: 100 million,%) Chart 93: 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry regional distribution of the number of enterprises (units: one,%) Chart 94: 2004 - 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province status changes (unit:%) Chart 95: 2006--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in Guangdong Province in the economic situation (unit:%, times, times) Chart 96: Guangdong Province, the manufacturing industry and the profitability of the shock absorber (Unit: million,%) Chart 97: 2004 - 2012 Jiangsu shock absorber manufacturing industry status changes (unit:%) Chart 98: 2006--2012 in Jiangsu Province shock absorber manufacturing industry economic situation (unit:%, times, times) Chart 99: Jiangsu shock absorber manufacturing industry corporate concentration (unit: million,%) Figure 100: Development of Jiangsu Province and the shock absorber manufacturing industry Profit (Unit: million,%) Chart 101: 2004 - 2012 Zhejiang shock absorber manufacturing industry status changes (unit:%) Chart 102: 2006--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in Zhejiang economic situation ( Unit:%, times, times) Chart 103: Zhejiang Province shock absorber manufacturing industry corporate concentration (unit: million,%) Chart 104: Zhejiang shock absorber manufacturing industry and the profitability (Unit: million, %) Chart 105: 2004 - 2012 Sichuan shock absorber manufacturing industry status changes (unit:%) Chart 106: 2006--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in Sichuan Province economic situation (unit:%, times, times) Chart 107: Sichuan shock absorber manufacturing industry corporate concentration (unit: million,%) Chart 108: Sichuan shock absorber manufacturing industry and the profitability (Unit: million,%) Chart 109: 2004- 2012 Chongqing shock absorber manufacturing industry status changes (unit:%) Chart 110: 2006--2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry in Chongqing economic situation (unit:%, times, times) Chart 111: Chongqing shock absorber Manufacturing development and profitability of the industry (Unit: million,%) Chart 112: 2012--2013 shock absorber manufacturing industry of China Imports and Exports (Unit: million US dollars,%) Chart 113: 2011 shock absorber manufacturing industry exports Monthly Amount Chart (Unit: USD million) Chart 114: 2011 China shock absorber manufacturing export products (unit: m, t, million) Chart 115: 2011 shock absorber structure of export products manufacturing industry (Unit: %) Chart 116: shock absorber Manufacturing industry exports in 2012 amount monthly chart (Unit: USD million) Chart 117: 2012 China shock absorber manufacturing export products (unit: m, t, million) Chart 118 : 2012 shock absorber manufacturing export structure (unit:%) Chart 119: shock absorber manufacturing industry imports monthly amount in 2011 Chart (Unit: USD million) Chart 120: 2011 China imported shock absorber manufacturing industry Products (unit: m, million) Chart 121: 2011 shock absorber manufacturing industry imported the product structure (unit:%) Chart 122: shock absorber manufacturing industry imports monthly amount in 2012 Chart (Unit: USD million) Chart 123: 2012 China imported shock absorber manufacturing industry (unit: m, million) Chart 124: 2012 shock absorber manufacturing industry imported the product structure (unit:%) Chart 125: shock absorber manufacturing industry total output value, sales revenue and profit before ten business chart 126: shock absorber manufacturing industrial output value (current price) of the top ten companies (Unit: million) Exhibit 127: shock absorber manufacturing industry enterprise product sales revenue and gross profit ( Unit: million) Exhibit 128: shock absorber manufacturing industry output value of new product (unit: million) Exhibit 129: 2008--2012 Guangzhou Showa Auto Parts Co., Ltd. production and marketing capacity analysis (unit: million) Exhibit 130: 2008 --2012 Guangzhou Showa Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 131: 2008--2012 Guangzhou Showa Auto Parts Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 132: 2008--2012 Guangzhou Showa Auto Components Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) Chart 133: 2008--2012 Guangzhou Showa Auto Parts Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) Chart 134: Guangzhou Showa Auto Parts Co., Ltd. SWOT analysis chart 135: 2008--2012 fourth Chuan Chuannan shock absorber Holdings Limited marketing capability analysis (unit: million) Exhibit 136: 2008--2012 fourth Chuan Chuannan shock Group Limited Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 137: 2008 --2012 fourth Chuan Chuannan shock Group Limited operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 138: 2008--2012 fourth Chuan Chuannan solvency analysis Shock Absorber Group Limited (unit:%, times) Chart 139: 2008- 2012 four Chuan Chuannan shock Group Limited development capacity analysis (unit:%) Chart 140: Four Chuan Chuannan shock Group Limited SWOT Analysis Chart 141: 2008--2012 Chongqing Changan shock absorber Ltd. production and marketing capacity analysis (Units : million) Exhibit 142: 2008--2012 Chongqing Changan shock absorber Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 143: 2008--2012 Chongqing Changan shock absorber Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 144 : 2008--2012 Chongqing Changan shock absorber Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) Chart 145: 2008--2012 Chongqing Changan shock absorber Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) Chart 146: Chongqing Changan Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. SWOT Analysis Chart 147: 2008--2012 Huizhong Sachs Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. in Shanghai and marketing capacity analysis (unit: million) Exhibit 148: 2008--2012 Huizhong Sachs Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. in Shanghai profitability Analysis (unit:%) Chart 149: 2008--2012 Huizhong Sachs Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. in Shanghai operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) Chart 150: 2008--2012 Huizhong Sachs Shock Absorber Co., Ltd. in Shanghai solvency analysis (unit:%, times) --------------------------------------- 〖Contact〗 high Ms. Miss Zhao 〖Order〗 010-56205768〗 〖QQ 1271943744 24: 18211180815 
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