2013 - Chinese metal tool industry surveys and market prospects consultation report 2018
2013 - Chinese metal tool industry surveys and market prospects consultation report 2018
2013 - Chinese metal tool industry surveys and market prospects consultation report 2018
Chinese metal tool industry surveys and market prospects consultation report ------------------------------------ 2018 - 2013 --------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 72185〗 〖completion date of September 2013 〖delivery〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖〗 Service QQ 1271943744 24: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/jixiedianzi/jixie/72185.html (click see text) [Report Contents] Chapter I 2012--2013 World metal Analysis tool industry overall operational status Section 2012--2013 world metal tool industry Environment That Section 2012--2013 years of market development pattern of world metal tool industry a world of metal cutting tools market characteristics of two, world metal tool brand Summary III. Global competition metal tool market Section 2012--2013 Major World countries a metal tool market analysis, the US market consumed material metal cutter comparative analysis II, Japan needs to continue to grow three metal tool, dynamic analysis German precision metal cutting tools market IV 2013--2018 World metal tool industry development trend analysis Chapter 2012--2013 World brand of metal cutting tools business operating conditions of Section Sandvik I. Company Overview II investment sales operation in China Third, the international development strategy analysis Section Kenner I. Company Overview II investment sales operation in China Third, the international development strategy analysis Section III Wagner I. Company Overview II market sales of investment in China run three and international development strategy analysis Section IV Mitsubishi I. Company Overview II investment sales operation in China Third, the international development strategy analysis Section V Sumitomo I. Company Overview II market sales of investment in China run three international Toshiba's development strategy analysis Section VI I. Company Overview II investment sales operation in China Third, the international development strategy analysis Chapter 2012--2013 years of market development environment analytical Chinese metal tool industry Section 2012-2013 Chinese macroeconomic environment analysis First, Chinese GDP analysis Second, the consumer price index analysis Third, analysis of four urban and rural incomes, total retail sales of social consumer goods V., total fixed asset investment of six, the total import and export growth in the second quarter 2012- Analysis 2013 Chinese metal tool market policy environment analysis First, the international standard "cutting tool data representation and exchange." Second, knives that standard three, tool sets the standard four, five related industrial policies and regulations, import and export policies III 2012-2013 metal cutting tools in China market technical environmental analysis a metal tool coating technology Second, CNC high-speed cutting technology will soon become a new three-speed cutting technology IV 2012--2013 metal tool industry in China in the social environment of a population of two environmental analysis educational environment analysis Third, Fourth and cultural environment analysis, environmental analysis Chapter 2012--2013 metal tool industry of China's market run trend analysis Section 2012 - Analysis of 2013 Chinese metal tool industry operating conditions First, the Chinese tool industry to accelerate restructuring and industrial upgrading process structure Second, CNC metal cutting tool industry is developing rapidly three diamond metal tool industry cluster analysis of four, domestic CNC metal cutting tool manufacturer V., bonded rise precision cutting tool industry cluster Section 2012-2013 China CNC metal cutting tool operations analysis a CNC metal cutter resolve two types of materials, multi-channel to promote the progress of China-made CNC metal cutting tools Third, the domestic CNC metal cutting tool industry is facing a huge threat Fourth, our CNC metal cutting tool Development Strategies Section affect Chinese metal tool industry Three factors for development of Chapter 2010--2012 China's metal cutting tools production data analysis Section 2010 national metal cutting tool production data analysis of a country in 2010 two metal cutting tool production data, key provinces and cities in 2010 metal cutting tool production data Section 2012 national metal cutting tools production data analysis (data can be updated to the latest month) First, in 2012 the national production of metal-cutting tool data Second, key provinces and cities in 2012 production data for the third metal cutting tools National Day of metal cutting tools production growth analysis Chapter 2007--2012 above China's cutting tool manufacturing industry scale enterprises economic performance data to monitor the first quarter 2007-2012 (quarterly updates) China Cutting Tools Manufacturing industry data monitoring review I. Number two competitors, the loss situation three, four market sales growth, gross profit increased five investment asset growth of six, the number of industry practitioners Investigation and Analysis Section 2007-2012 (quarterly updates) China Cutting Tools Manufacturing Industry Investment the valuation of one or two sales margins, gross margin three ROA Fourth, the next five years cutting tool manufacturing profitability forecast third quarter 2007-2012 (quarterly updates) China cutting tool manufacturing industry a marketing survey, industrial output Second, the industrial sales output value of three or four marketing survey, over the next five years cutting tool manufacturing product sales forecasting fourth quarter 2007-2012 (quarterly update) cutting tool manufacturing export delivery value of a data export value Growth Second, the export delivery value of industrial output proportion Chapter VII of the 2008 2010 - blade knife and import and export statistics on China machinery or mechanical appliances of Section 2008 2010 - knives and blades exports of Chinese machinery or mechanical appliances Statistics Section 2008 2010 - knives and blades imported Chinese machinery or mechanical appliances statistics Section 2008 2010 - knives and blades import and export prices of Chinese machinery or mechanical appliances or contrasting fourth Chinese machinery and mechanical appliances knife Blade a major source of import and export and export destination V Chinese machinery or mechanical appliances blade knife and import and export provinces and analysis Chapter VIII 2012--2013 of China metal cutting tools market competition Dialysis Section 2012--2013 China's metal a tool market competition, Chinese metal tool industry more competitive Second, carbide metal tools industry faces new competition in three, six Chinese mainstream faction together with the Chinese metal tool market segmentation cake Section 2012--2013 China's metal tool industry concentration analysis of a market concentration analysis Second, the regional concentration analysis of world metal tool III giant Rio Tinto a Chinese market, the new composite metal tool times out metal tool to establish two new forces, Japanese metal tool business investment in China the rapid increase of 3, Kennametal metal tool market itself in China the fourth quarter of 2013 - Chinese metal tool industry competitive trend analysis Chapter IX 2012 2018 - 2013 Chinese metal cutting tools business competitive advantage and critical data analysis Section Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co., Ltd. I. Company Overview II basic, 2008--2013 company growth analysis III, 2008--2013 company financial capacity analysis IV, 2008--2013 five company solvency analysis, 2008--2013 company cash flow Analysis Table VI, 2008--2013 company operating capacity analysis seven 2008--2013 company Profitability Analysis Section Tools Group Co., Ltd. Chengdu into a company basic overview Second, the company mainly engaged in the analysis of data Indicators Third, the company's competitiveness analysis Fourth, the company's development strategy analysis Section Qingdao to TU and the Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. a company basic overview Second, the company mainly engaged in the analysis of data Indicators Third, the company competitive analysis Four, the company's development strategy analysis Section IV, Dongguan Nan Xing Woodworking Machinery Co., a company basic overview Second, the company mainly engaged in the analysis of data Indicators Third, the company competitive analysis Fourth, the company's development strategy analysis Section V Zhongshan Lian Hing Metal Products Co., a company basic overview of two main operating company data index analysis Third, the company competitive analysis Four, the company's development strategy analysis Section VI Rongcheng City Rongsheng Blades Ltd. a company basic overview Second, the company mainly engaged in the analysis of data Indicators Third, the company competitive analysis Fourth, the company's development strategy analysis seven Xihua leaves port Township Central Union Iron Industry Development Company I. basic overview Second, the company mainly engaged in the analysis of data Indicators Third, the company competitive analysis IV, the company's development strategy analysis Section VIII Qingdao Lifeng Tool Manufacturing Co. First, the company basic overview Second, the company mainly engaged in the analysis of data Indicators Third, the company competitive analysis Four, the company's development strategy analysis Section IX Harbin First Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. A company basic overview Second, the company mainly engaged in the analysis of data Indicators III. The company competitive analysis Four, the company's development strategy analysis .. . . . . . Chapter 2012 - Section I 2012 China tool materials industry operating condition in 2013 - 2013 Chinese industry development overview tool material, tool material Overview Second, the development review of three metal cutting tool materials, dry cutting tool materials research and development before four superhard tool material development of Section 2012--2013 China's high-speed steel cutting tools industry running situation dialysis I. Overview II high speed steel, high-speed steel tool material development history of three Chinese high-speed steel industry concentration analysis Fourth, China High Speed steel export opportunities increased five-speed steel tool material Future Development Section 2012--2013 China's development pattern of a carbide industry, carbide 2 an overview of carbide industry outlined three Carbide Tool domestic tool industry is the development direction of Chapter XI 2013--2018 metal tool industry in China in investment opportunities and risk aversion Guidelines Section 2013 - Chinese metal tool industry investment cycle analysis of 2018 Section 2013--2018 China's metal tool industry Investment Opportunities Analysis I. CNC metal cutting tool to usher in a good development opportunities Second, bring a metal tool to develop new engine block machining scene III 2013--2018 China's metal tool industry investment risk early warning of a macro-control policy risks Second, the market Three competing risks, raw material supply risk Fourth, market operation mechanism Risk fourth 2013--2018 metal tool industry of China Investment Planning Guidelines Chapter XII 2013--2018 China's metal tool industry trends and prospects Section 2013-2018 In China metal cutting tool industry development prospects of a, China will become the world's largest market two tools, metal cutting tools and efficient Chinese market has great potential Third, the domestic high-end products in the field of metal cutting tools to be developed Fourth, metal cutting machine tool industry maintained good momentum Section Chinese metal cutting tool industry development trend analysis of a 2018 mainstream direction two metal tool development, new metal cutting tool material development trend analysis III, cutting technology trend analyzes, CNC metal cutting tools future development trend of the third quarter of 2013-2018 - 2013 metal cutting tool industry in China a market forecast analysis, cutting tools and metal-cutting machine tool production forecast analysis II, metal cutting tool consumption prediction analysis Third, metal cutting tools import and export situation forecast analysis Chapter 2013--2018 China's metal tool market earnings analysis Summary table of figures: Figure 1 2012 Quarterly GDP 2 2001 Figure - 2010 年 retail sales Figure 3 GDP growth Figure 4 2012 January - China in November consumer price index in January year on year Figure 5 2012 --11 month's national consumer price index fell more than 6 Figure rose in December 2012 large-scale industrial production of key data on Figure 7 above-scale industrial added value growth rate (%) Figure 8 east, central and west above-scale industrial added value growth rate (%) Figure 9 2012 年 January-December China's power generation capacity Figure 10 2012 年 January to December, China's steel output Figure 11 2012 年 January-December China's cement output Figure 13 2012 年 January to December ten kinds of nonferrous metals output Figure 14 2012 年January-December China's ethylene production Figure 15 2012 年 January-December China's auto output Figure 16 2012 年 January-December China's car output Figure 17 2012 年 February to December real estate development and investment situation Figure 18 2012 Investment in real estate development Figure 19 2012 年 cases from January to November China's manufacturing PMI index Figure 20 2012 年 November manufacturing PMI index (%) Chart 2010 national metal cutting tool production data chart 2010 key provinces of metal cutting tools production data in the chart in 2012 China metal cutting tools production data chart 2012 metal cutting tool production in key provinces and cities nationwide data charts metal cutting tool production growth analysis graph 2007--2012 cutting tool manufacturing industry in China in the number of firms growth trends Chart 2007 - China Cutting Tools Manufacturing 2012 Number of loss chart area businesses and industry losses in 2007 - 2012 China cutting tool manufacturing industry overall sales growth trend Chart 2007--2012 year overall total profit of China cutting tool manufacturing industry growth chart in 2007 - the overall number of employees China cutting tool manufacturing industry in 2012 Charts 2007--2012 China's cutting tool manufacturing industry investment asset growth analysis chart in November 2012 the number of Chinese provinces and companies cutting tool manufacturing industry statistics chart in November 2012 Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry enterprises quantity distribution chart 2012 In China provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry sales statistics chart 2012 Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry sales income distribution chart Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry a total profit of Statistics 2012 Chart 2012 Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry Total profit distribution chart 2012 Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry total profit of the fastest growing provinces and cities Comparison Chart China cutting tool manufacturing industry statistics chart Chinese provinces asset cutting tool manufacturing by the end of November 2012 by the end of November 2012 Industry Asset Allocation Chart 2012 Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry asset growth speed comparison Chart 2012 Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industrial output value chart 2012 Chinese provinces cutting tool manufacturing industry, industrial sales output value chart 2012 cutting tool Manufacturing industry sales rate (data can be updated to the latest month) Chart 2008 2010 - China's exports of knives and blades machines or mechanical appliances charts 2008 2010 - knives and blades China imported machinery or mechanical appliances charts 2008-2010 The main source and export destination knives and knife blades and blade import and export import and export price comparison chart Chinese machinery or mechanical appliances of Chinese machinery or mechanical appliances charts knife and blade Importers Chinese provinces machines or mechanical appliances analysis charts 2008- 2013 Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co. Growth Charts 2008--2013 年 Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co. financial capacity analysis charts 2008--2013 年 Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co., operational efficiency analysis charts 2008--2013 年 Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co. solvency analysis charts 2008--2013 年 Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co., cash flow analysis table Chart 2008--2013 年 Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co. business capacity analysis charts 2008--2013 年 Zhuzhou Diamond Cutting Tools Co. Shares the company's profitability analysis charts Chengdu into a tool Group Co., Ltd. profitability indicators chart Chengdu into a tool to run performance indicator of the Group Company Asset chart Chengdu into a tool Holdings Limited Balance Index of Charts Chengdu into a tool Holdings Limited Profitability Chengdu into a situation Chart Tools Group Co., the income chart Chengdu into a tool Group Co., Ltd. Qingdao chart cost composition of TU Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. profitability indicators chart Qingdao to TU and the Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. asset performance indicators status Chart Qingdao to TU and the Electrical and Mechanical Technology Limited Balance Index of Charts Qingdao to TU and the Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. profitability situation chart Qingdao to TU and the Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. sales income chart Qingdao to TU and the Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd. costs constitute situation chart Dongguan City, South Hing Woodworking Machinery Co., profitability indicators chart Dongguan City, South Hing Woodworking Machinery Co., assets run performance indicator chart Dongguan City, South Hing Woodworking Machinery Co., Ltd. Balance chart Index of Dongguan City, South Hing Woodworking Machinery Co. earnings capacity situation chart Dongguan City, South Hing Woodworking Machinery Co., Ltd. Sales income chart Zhongshan Lian Qing Metal Products Co. earnings chart indicators Zhongshan Lian Hing Metal Products Co., run performance indicator of assets Dongguan City, South Hing Woodworking Machinery Co. composition of cost chart Chart Zhongshan Qing Lian Metal Products Co., Ltd. Balance Index of Charts Zhongshan Lian Hing Metal Products Co., the profitability chart Zhongshan Lian Hing Metal Products Co., sales income chart Zhongshan Lian Hing Metal Products Co., the composition of cost chart Rongcheng Rongsheng Blades Ltd. profitability indicators chart Rongcheng Co. Rongsheng assets and cutting operational performance indicator chart Rongcheng City Rongsheng Blades Ltd. Balance Index of Rongcheng City Rongsheng Blades Ltd. chart the profitability chart Rongcheng City Rongsheng cutting tool Limited sales income chart Blades Ltd. Rongcheng City Rongsheng cost composition of leaves port chart Xihua Township Central Union Iron Industry Development Earnings chart indicators Xihua leaves port Township Central Union Iron Industry Development Company assets run performance indicator chart Xihua leaves port Township Central Union Iron Industry Development Index of the company's assets and liabilities chart Xihua leaves port Township Central Union Iron Industry Development Company profitability situation chart Xihua leaves port Township Central Union Iron Industry development company sales income chart Xihua leaves port Township Central Union Iron Industry Development Company costs Composition Chart Qingdao Lifeng Tool Manufacturing Co., profitability indicators chart Qingdao Lifeng Tool Manufacturing Co. run performance indicator chart Qingdao Lifeng assets Tool Manufacturing Co., assets and liabilities Index of Charts Qingdao Lifeng Tool Manufacturing Co., the profitability chart Qingdao Lifeng Tool Manufacturing Co. sales income chart Qingdao Lifeng Tool Manufacturing Co., the cost of the composition of the chart Harbin first tool Manufacturing Co. Earnings indicators chart Harbin First Tool Manufacturing Co. run performance indicator charts assets Harbin First Tools Co., Ltd. Balance Index of Charts Harbin First Tool Manufacturing Co., the profitability chart Harbin first tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd. sales income chart Harbin First Tool Manufacturing Co. composition of cost chart 2013--2018 China's cutting tools and metal-cutting machine tools yield prediction analysis chart 2013--2018 China's metal consumption forecasting tool analysis charts 2013--2018 China's metal cutter import and export situation forecast analysis charts 2013 - Chinese metal tool market analysis 2018 earnings forecast --------------------------------- ------ Ms. Gao 〖Contact〗 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Miss Zhao〗 〖QQ 1271943744 24: 18211180815
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Company Name: | Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co... |
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Contact Person: | Mr. Zhao Ying(Sales) |
Telephone Number: | 010-56205768 |
Company Address: | Chaoyang District, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, China |
Zip/Postal Code: | 100000 |
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