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2013--2018 global and domestic pump manufacturing industry investment development strategy research report

2013--2018 global and domestic pump manufacturing industry investment development strategy research report
2013--2018 global and domestic pump manufacturing industry investment development strategy research report
2013--2018 global and domestic pump manufacturing industry investment development strategy research report

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2013--2018 global and domestic pump manufacturing industry investment development strategy research report ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 72178〗 〖completion date of September 2013 〖delivery〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖〗 QQ Service 1271943744, 24 hours: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/jixiedianzi/jixie/72178.html (click see text) [Report Contents] Chapter 1: Report research ideas and report 15 1.1 Research methodology defined scale 15 1.1.1 1.1.2 vacuum pump industry defined 15 types of industry report 15 1.2 research ideas and research reports 17 1.2.1 Overview 17 1.2.2 research ideas reporting methodology Introduction 17 1.3 Data Sources 18 1.3.1 Statistics and statistical departments and the statistical standards 18 1.3.2 statistical methods and data classification 18 Chapter 2: Progress in domestic pump manufacturing industry 20 2.1 Environmental conditions forecast industry policy environment conditions forecast 20 2.1.1 Industry Management System 20 2.1 .2 the industry's major policy 20 22 2.1.4 2.1.3 industry standards industry progress planning 25 2.2 Industry 27 2.2.1 The economic climate prediction international economic situation forecast predicted China's economic situation 27 2.2.2 28 2.2.3 China's foreign economic situation Prediction 29 (1) The international economic forecasting 29 (2) 30 2.3 China's economic forecast predicted environmental conditions, social sectors 31 2.3.1 industry energy conservation issues with social and economic progress in the coordination of 31 facing the industry 32 2.3.2 2.3.3 Industry Progress Regional imbalances 32 2.4 Sector Skills environmental conditions forecast 33 2.4.1 industry overall skill levels 33 2.4.2 Sector Skills gap with foreign countries 33 (1) industry skills gap with foreign countries 33 (2) of the main reasons for the gap caused 35 2.4.3 industry research and new product 36 2.4.4 Sector Skills progress forecast 38 (1) international skills progress 38 (2) Chinese skills progress 38 Chapter 3: The domestic operations of the vacuum pump manufacturing industry forecast 40 3.1 Industry Overview and Features progress Factors industry 40 3.1.1 Overview 40 3.1.2 The industry progress progression characteristics affecting the industry 40 3.1.3 Progress 41 (1) a favorable factor 41 (2) adverse factors 42 3.2 2012--2013 years of industry operating conditions forecast 43 3.2.1 Industry 43 forecast operating efficiency industry profitability forecast 43 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 industry marketing ability to predict 44 44 3.2.5 Industry sector solvency prediction ability to predict progress 45 3.3 2012--2013 years of industry supply and demand balance forecast 45 3.3.1. industry overall supply situation forecast 45 (1) industry output forecast 45 (2) Industry 46 3.3.2 Finished forecast supply situation of the regional area forecast before 10 47 (1) The output value of the top 10 regions 47 (2) Finished Ranking Overall demand 48 3.3.3 Forecasts 50 (1) forecast sales value of 50 industries (2) industry sales forecast 50 3.3.4 Regional demand forecast 51 (1) prior to the sales value of the top 10 regions 51 (2) Sales revenue 10 regional top 52 3.3.5 2004--2012 54 years of industry sales rate of 3.4 2012--2013 import and export industry trends forecast 54 3.4.1 Overall situation 54 3.4.2 import and export trade industry exports forecast 55 (1) of the overall export range 55 (2) monthly export dynamic industry imports 55 3.4.3 Prediction 56 (1) of the overall import range 56 (2) monthly import dynamic 57 Chapter 4: domestic pump manufacturing industry competitive market trend forecast 58 4.1 Market forecast industry trends in international competition 58 4.1.1 Progress in the international market trends 58 4.1.2 Vacuum Pump current state of international competition in the market vacuum pumps 59 4.1.3 international market progress multinational competition 59 4.2 Trends in China 60 4.2.1 multinational competition predict trends in China 60 (1) Leybold (Leybold) 60 (2) Japan vacuum (ULVAC) 60 (3) Germany in their music (Rietschle & Thoams) 62 (4) US Gardner Denver Group of 62 (5), Osaka, Japan vacuum (Osaka) 63 (6) USA and Thailand Weir Group noted (Tuthill) 64 (7) South Korea superior to (Woosung) 65 4.2.2 4.3.1 67 foreign companies predict changes in industry concentration 67 4.3.2 industry five forces model of competitive strategy in China 65 4.3 Industry China market competition Prediction 67 (1) competition within the industry 67 (2) the bargaining power of the upstream industry 68 (3) downstream bargaining power industry 68 (4) Industry Potential entrant threat 69 (5) 69 4.4 Industry alternatives threaten industry mergers and reorganization and integration prediction 69 4.4.1 industry mergers and reorganization and integration trends 69 4.4.2 Characteristics of industry mergers and reorganization and integration of 70 industry mergers and reorganization and integration 4.4.3 Status 71 Chapter 5: Progress in domestic pump industry market forecast breakdown products industry 72 5.1 Product Structure 72 5.2 Market forecast 72 gas pumps water ring vacuum pump 5.2.1 Market Forecast 72 (1) Overview 72 (2) Status Application 75 (3) of market competition 75 (4) market progress 76 5.2.2 VANE Market Forecast vacuum pump 76 (1) Overview 76 (2) Status Application 78 (3) of market competition 79 (4) market progress 79 5.2.3 Market Forecast Roots vacuum pump 81 (1) Overview 81 (2) Application Status 83 (3) of market competition 85 (4) market progress 85 5.2.4 Market Forecast slide valve vacuum pump 86 (1) Overview 86 (2) Status Application 87 (3) of market competition 87 (4) market progress 88 5.2.5 Market Forecast molecular pump 89 (1) Overview 89 (2) Status Application 90 (3) of market competition 90 (4) market progress 90 5.2.6 Market Forecast dry vacuum pump 91 (1) Overview 91 ( 2) Application Status 91 (3) of market competition 92 (4) market progress 92 5.2.7 Other gas pump market forecast 93 (1) reciprocating pumps 93 (2) fixed-type vacuum pump 96 (3) I put line pump 97 (4) steam ejector 99 (5) water jet pump 101 (6) gas jet pump 103 (7) diffusion pump 104 (8) 105 5.3 composite vacuum pump gas trap 105 5.3.1 Market Forecast adsorption pump 105 5.3.2 Market Forecast Market Forecast cryogenic pump 106 Chapter 6: domestic pump manufacturing industry, mainly production and management company forecast 107 6.1 overall trend forecasting company progress 107 6.1.1 Vacuum Pump Company-wide ranking 107 (1) Production range ranking 107 (2) Sales of top 108 (3) total profit ranked 108 6.1.2 109 6.1.3 Vacuum Pump's innovative capacity vacuum pump company overall competitiveness ranking 110 (1) The main ingredient prediction method described 110 (2) The company's comprehensive competitiveness evaluation index 110 (3 ) company overall competitiveness ranking industry leader Case 111 6.2 112 6.2.1 Prediction water pump factory in Foshan, Guangdong Province, limited business case forecast 112 (1) Company Brief progress 112 (2) Products and skill level 112 (3) sales channels and network 113 (4) 2008--2012 annual operating conditions 1131) Main Economic Indicators 1132) profitability estimates 1133) marketing ability to predict 1144) solvency forecast 1155) Advances in the ability to predict the advantages and disadvantages forecast 115 (5) company 116 (6) The latest progress trends 116 6.2.2 Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant Co. business case forecast 116 (1) Company Brief progress 116 (2) Products and skill level 117 (3) sales channels and network 118 (4) 2008- 2012 Operation 1181) Main Economic Indicators 1182) profitability estimates 1183) marketing ability to predict 1194) solvency forecast 1195) Advances in the ability to predict 120 (5) operating strengths and weaknesses forecast 121 (6) Latest Progress Trends 121 6.2.3 association Ji Monash Machinery Co. business case forecast 121 (1) Company Brief progress 121 (2) Products and skill level 122 (3) sales channels and network 122 (4) 2008--2012 case 122 years of operation 1) Main Economic Indicators 1232) profitability estimates 1233) marketing ability to predict 1244) solvency forecast 1245) Advances in the ability to predict 125 (5) The operating advantages and disadvantages forecast 126 6.2.4 Shandong Huacheng Group Co. business Forecast of 126 (1) Company Brief progress 126 (2) Products and skill level 126 (3) sales channels and network 127 (4) 2008--2012 annual operating conditions 1271) the ability to forecast 1272 sales) profitability estimates 1283) marketing ability to predict 1284) solvency forecast 1295) Progress ability to predict 129 (5) The operating advantages and disadvantages forecast 130 6.2.5 Shenyang Tupper vacuum skills limited business case forecast 130 (1) Company Brief progress 131 (2) Products and skill level 131 (3) sales channels and network 132 (4) 2008--2012 annual operating conditions 1321) the ability to forecast 1322 sales) profitability estimates 1323) marketing ability to predict 1334) solvency forecast 1335) Advances in the ability to predict 134 (5) The operating advantages and disadvantages forecast 135 Chapter 7: domestic pump industries and key areas of future demand analysis pump industry 235 7.1 235 7.1.1 Distribution of downstream applications, vacuum pumps downstream applications distributed application configuration 235 7.1.2 235 7.2 petrochemical industry pump 236 7.2.1 Demand Forecast progress status of the petrochemical industry dialysis 236 (1) Progress of the petrochemical industry forecast 236 (2) Petrochemical Investment Trends 240 7.2.2 Vacuum Pump Application in petrochemical projects in the petrochemical pump 242 7.2.3 Application of state of the industry in the metallurgical industry pumps 246 7.3 246 7.3.1 Demand Forecast progress status of the metallurgical industry 246 (1) status of non-ferrous metallurgical industry 246 (2) Status of ferrous metallurgy industry 247 7.3.2 Vacuum Pump Application in Metallurgical Industry 249 7.3 .3 pump application status in the metallurgical industry, the food industry pumps 249 7.4 250 7.4.1 Demand Forecast progress status of the food industry 250 (1) status of the food manufacturing sector 250 (2) The status of food machinery industry 252 (3) Food Packaging Industry Status 253 7.4.2 Vacuum Pump status of food industry in the application of the vacuum pump 253 7.4.3 Application situation in the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry in the vacuum pump 254 7.5 254 7.5.1 Demand Forecast progress status of the pharmaceutical industry 254 (1) status of the progress of the pharmaceutical industry 255 (2) Status pharmaceutical packaging industry 256 7.5.2 Application in the pharmaceutical industry pump 256 pumps 7.5.3 Application status in the pharmaceutical industry, the electronics industry 259 7.6 259 7.6.1 Demand Forecast pump electronics status of progress in the electronics industry 259 7.6.2 Vacuum Pump Application Status industry 262 7.6.3 pump applications of the electronics industry in the power industry 262 7.7 263 7.7.1 Demand Forecast pump power industry 263 7.7.2 Status Progress vacuum application status in the power industry in the vacuum pump 266 7.7.3 applications of the power industry in the paper industry pumps 267 7.8 268 7.8.1 Demand Forecast progress status of the paper industry pumps 268 7.8.2 Application in paper industry 269 7.8.3 pump applications of the 269 in the paper industry 7.9 "Twelve Five "pump industry future progress analysis 270 Chapter 8: domestic pump manufacturing industry progress and investment forecasts pump industry progress 272 8.1 272 8.2 vacuum pump industry forecast predicted investment properties 273 273 8.2.2 8.2.1 The barriers to entry industry profit model 274 8.2.3 Factors industry profits 275 8.3 276 pump industry investment risk analysis of macroeconomic volatility risk 276 8.3.5 8.3.1 8.3.2 276 industry policy risks risk 276 8.3.3 Industry Sector Skills supply and demand risks associated with industry risks 277 276 8.3.4 8.3.6 Industry 277 8.4 Other risks pump industry investment opportunities and Opinion 277 the industry's latest investment trends 277 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 279 industry investment opportunities in the industry predict major investment advice 280 Charts Chart 1: Chart scale vacuum pump 16 2: The main pump industry standard 22 Chart 3: 2005 - 2013 world GDP and CPI quarterly operating conditions (unit:%) 28 Figure 4: 2009 - the first half of 2013, China's GDP quarterly growth (unit:%) 29 chart 5: 2010--2012 economic growth and analysis of the world's major economies (unit:%) 30 Figure 6: 2012 national pump manufacturing industry sales geographical distribution (unit:%) 33 Figure 7: 2012--2013 年 vacuum pump manufacturing industry operational efficiency (Unit: family, man, million,%) 43 Figure 8: 2012--2013 domestic pump manufacturing industry profitability forecast (unit:%) 44 Figure 9: 2012--2013 domestic pump manufacturing industry marketing capabilities forecast (Unit: Times) 44 Figure 10: 2012--2013 solvency domestic pump manufacturing industry forecast (unit:%, times) 45 Figure 11: 2012--2013 domestic pump manufacturing industry the ability to predict progression (unit:%) 45 chart 12: 2006--2012 年 vacuum pump manufacturing industry and the growth rate of industrial output dynamics (Unit: 100 million,%) 46 Figure 13: 2006--2012 年 pump manufacturing finished products and growth dynamics (Unit: 100 million,%) 47 Exhibit 14: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 industrial output value of the top (Unit: million,%) 47 Figure 15: Figure 10 regional share of total industrial output value of the top 2012 (unit:%) 48 Exhibit 16: 2012 - 10 regions with an annual output of finished among the top 2013 tables (Unit: million,%) 49 Figure 17: Figure 10 regional share of 2012 with an annual output of finished among the top (unit:%) 49 Figure 18: 2006--2012 年 vacuum pump manufacturing industry sales value and growth changes (Unit: 100 million,%) 50 Figure 19: 2006--2012 年 vacuum pump manufacturing industry sales revenue and growth status changes (Unit: 100 million,%) 51 Exhibit 20: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 among the top sales value (Unit: million,%) 52 Figure 21: Figure 10 area proportion among the top sales value in 2012 (unit:%) 52 Figure 22: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 sales revenue of the top (Unit: million,%) 53 Figure 23: Figure 10 regional share of sales among the top 2012 (unit:%) 53 Exhibit 24: 2004-2012 National vacuum pump manufacturing industry sales rate of change in the situation (unit:%) 54 Figure 25: 2012--2013, China's total import and export pump industry (Unit: million US dollars,%) 55 Chart 26: 2009-2013 January-March domestic pump manufacturing industry exports (Unit: million USD million units,%) 55 Chart 27: 2009-2013 January-March domestic pump manufacturing industry monthly export dynamics (Unit: USD million) 56 Exhibit 28: 2009-2013 January-March imports of domestic pump manufacturing industry (Unit: million US dollars, ten thousand units,%) 56 Exhibit 29: 2009-2013 January-March domestic pump manufacturing industry monthly import dynamics (Unit: USD million) 57 Exhibit 30: 59 major countries and the vacuum pump companies Exhibit 31: Japanese vacuum skills Corporation for investment in China 61 Exhibit 32: 2006--2012, Ltd., Osaka, Japan vacuum machine making changes in revenue and pre-tax profit margin of sales (unit: one million yen ,%) 63 Figure 33: 2006--2012, Ltd., Osaka, Japan vacuum machine making changes in assets and owner's equity (unit: one million yen,%) 64 Figure 34: 2006--2012 年 vacuum pump manufacturing industry sales concentration change (unit:%) 67 Figure 35: 2012 national pump manufacturing industry types of companies in different economic competition (unit:%) 68 Exhibit 36: Vacuum species (according to the type of vacuum method) 72 Exhibit 37: water ring vacuum pump works 73 Chart 38: 2012 major water ring vacuum pump water pump manufacturing company production (unit: Taiwan) 75 Exhibit 39: 2012 General Machinery Industry Association Branch pump water ring vacuum pump and compressor sales and exports (unit: Taiwan) 76 Exhibit 40: rotary vane vacuum pump works 78 Exhibit 41: 2008--2012 Major rotary vane pump manufacturing company rotary vane pump production (unit: Taiwan) 79 Exhibit 42: Theory of the Roots pump 83 Chart 43: Roots vacuum pump Pumping speed graph 84 Chart 44: 2008--2012 Major production company Roots pump Roots pump output (unit: Taiwan) 85 Exhibit 45: rotary piston vacuum pumps working schematic diagram 86 46: 2008--2012 Main spool pump manufacturing company rotary piston pump output (unit: Taiwan) 88 Chart 47: reciprocating pump structure diagram 94 Chart 48: 2012 General Machinery Industry Association Branch pump reciprocating pump sales and exports (unit: Taiwan) 95 Chart 49: 2008 --2012 Major companies reciprocating pump output (unit: Taiwan) 96 Chart 50: fixed vane vacuum pump works 97 Exhibit 51: trochoidal pump working principle and transmission structure 98 Chart 52: steam ejector structure 100 Chart 53: Horizontal water jet vacuum unit 101 sets Chart 54: horizontal sets of soda the tandem structure 103 Chart 55: 2012--2013 年 vacuum pump manufacturing industry gross industrial output value (current price) of the top ten companies (Unit: million) 107 Chart 56: 2012 - 2013 vacuum pump manufacturing industry sales revenue of the top ten companies (Unit: million) 108 Chart 57: 2012--2013 total profit of the top ten pump manufacturing company (Unit: million) 109 Chart 58: 2012--2013 年 pump the company's new product output value (unit: million) 110 Chart 59: Domestic vacuum pump manufacturing industry index 111 Chart 60: Domestic pump company's comprehensive competitiveness ranking 112 Chart 61: 2008--2012, Foshan Pump Factory Guangdong Enterprises Ltd., the main economic indicators forecast (Unit: million) 113 Chart 62: 2008--2012, Foshan, Guangdong Pump Factory Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 114 Chart 63: 2008--2012, Foshan, Guangdong Province pump factory limited ability to predict corporate marketing (unit: s) 114 Chart 64: 2008--2012, Foshan, Guangdong Province Pump Factory Co. solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 115 Chart 65: 2008--2012, Foshan, Guangdong Province Pump Factory Co. ability to forecast business progress (unit:% ) 115 Chart 66: water pump factory in Foshan, Guangdong Province, advantages and disadvantages of limited companies forecast 116 Chart 67: Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant Co. business industry position 117 Chart 68: 2008--2012 Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant Co. business major economic indicators forecast (Unit: million ) 118 Chart 69: 2008--2012 Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 119 Chart 70: 2008--2012 Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant Co., corporate marketing ability to predict (Unit: Times) 119 Chart 71: 2008 --2012 Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant Co., solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 120 Chart 72: 2008--2012 Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant Co., the ability to forecast business progress (unit:%) 120 Chart 73: Zibo Vacuum Equipment Plant advantages and disadvantages of limited companies forecast 121 Chart 74: 2008 - 2012 association Ji Monash Machinery Enterprises Ltd., the main economic indicators forecast (Unit: million) 123 Chart 75: 2008 - 2012 association Ji Monash Machinery Co., profitability forecast (Units :%) 123 Chart 76: 2008 - 2012 association Ji Monash Machinery Co., corporate marketing capacity Forecast (Unit: Times) 124 Chart 77: 2008 - 2012 association Ji Monash Machinery Co. solvency forecast (unit:%, fold) 125 Chart 78: 2008 - 2012 association Ji Monash mechanical limited ability to forecast business progress (unit:%) 125 Chart 79: association Ji Monash Machinery Co., advantages and disadvantages of business forecasting 126 Chart 80: 2008--2012 Shandong Huacheng Group limited ability to predict corporate sales (unit: million) 127 Chart 81: 2008--2012 Shandong Huacheng Group Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 128 Chart 82: 2008--2012 Shandong Huacheng Group Co. corporate marketing capability (Unit: Times) 129 Chart 83: 2008--2012 Shandong Huacheng Group Co. solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 129 Chart 84: 2008--2012 Shandong Huacheng Group Co., the ability to forecast business progress (in :%) 130 Chart 85: Shandong Hua Cheng Group Co., the enterprise the advantages and disadvantages forecast 130 Chart 86: JCD-D1800 solar collectors continuous coating production lines are mainly technical indicators 131 Chart 87: 2008--2012 Shenyang Tupper vacuum skills limited enterprise marketing capacity forecast (Unit: million) 132 Chart 88: 2008--2012 Shenyang Tupper vacuum skills limited profitability forecast (unit:%) 133 Chart 89: 2008--2012 Shenyang Tupper vacuum with limited skills of corporate marketing ability to predict (unit: s) 133 Chart 90: 2008--2012 Shenyang Tupper vacuum with limited skills solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 134 Chart 91: 2008--2012 Shenyang Tupper vacuum with limited skills the ability to forecast business progress (unit:% ) 134 Chart 92: Shenyang Tupper vacuum skills limited companies advantages and disadvantages forecast 135 Chart 93: Beijing North instrument innovative vacuum skills limited liability companies industry position 136 Chart 94: 2008--2012 Beijing in north-innovative vacuum skills limited liability companies and marketing capacity forecast (Unit: million) 137 Chart 95: 2008--2012 Beijing in north-innovation vacuum skills limited liability corporate profitability forecast (unit:%) 138 Chart 96: 2008--2012 Beijing in north-vacuum skills limited liability enterprise innovation marketing capabilities (Unit: Times) 138 Chart 97: 2008--2012 Beijing in north-innovative vacuum skills limited liability companies solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 139 Chart 98: 2008--2012 Beijing in north-innovative vacuum skills limited liability Advances in the ability to predict business (unit:%) 139 Chart 99: Beijing North instrument innovative vacuum skills limited liability companies the advantages and disadvantages forecast 140 Chart 100: 2008 - 2012 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum (Tianjin) Co., corporate marketing capacity Forecast (Unit: ten thousand Yuan) 142 Charts 101: 2008 - 2012 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum (Tianjin) Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 142 102 Chart: 2008 - 2012 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum (Tianjin) Co., corporate marketing ability to predict ( Unit: Times) 143 Chart 103: 2008 - 2012 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum (Tianjin) Co., solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 143 Chart 104: 2008 - 2012 Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum (Tianjin) Co., Advances in the ability to predict business (unit:%) 144 105 Chart: Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum (Tianjin) Co., advantages and disadvantages of business forecasting 144 Chart 106: 2008--2012 Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Group Co., the ability to predict corporate sales (unit: million) 146 Chart 107: 2008--2012 Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Group Co., the profitability forecast (unit:%) 146 Chart 108: 2008--2012 Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Group Co., corporate marketing capacity Forecast (Unit: Times) 147 Chart 109: 2008-2012 Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Group Co., solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 147 Chart 110: 2008--2012 Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Group Co., the ability to forecast business progress (unit:%) 148 111 Chart: Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Group Co. Enterprise Advantages and Disadvantages forecast 148 Chart 112: 2008--2012 Ningbo ULVAC vacuum skills limited ability to predict corporate sales (unit: million) 150 Chart 113: 2008--2012 Ningbo ULVAC vacuum skills limited profitability forecast (unit: %) 150 Chart 114: 2008--2012 Ningbo ULVAC vacuum corporate marketing skills limited ability to forecast (Unit: Times) 151 Chart 115: 2008--2012 Ningbo ULVAC vacuum with limited skills solvency forecast (unit:% , times) 151 Chart 116: 2008--2012 Ningbo ULVAC vacuum skills limited ability to forecast business progress (unit:%) 152 117 Chart: Ningbo ULVAC vacuum business advantages and disadvantages of limited skills forecasting 152 Chart 118: 2008-2012 Anhui Sanlian Pump Co. business and marketing capacity Forecast (Unit: million) 154 119 Chart: 2008--2012 Anhui Sanlian Pump Industry Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 155 Chart 120: 2008--2012 Anhui Sanlian Pump Industry Co., corporate marketing ability to predict (Unit: Times) 155 Chart 121: 2008--2012 Anhui Sanlian Pump Co. solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 156 Chart 122: 2008--2012 Anhui Sanlian Pump Advances in the ability to predict stock limited companies (unit:%) 156 123 Chart: Anhui Sanlian Pump Co., advantages and disadvantages of business forecasting 157 Chart 124: 2008--2012 with the Department of Shandong pump limited ability to predict corporate sales (unit: million) 158 Chart 125: 2008--2012 with the Department of Shandong pump limited profitability forecast (unit:%) 159 Chart 126: 2008--2012 Pump Co., Shandong Department of Enterprise Marketing with the ability to predict (Unit: Times) 159 Chart 127: 2008 --2012 with the Department of Shandong pump limited solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 160 Chart 128: 2008--2012 with the Department of Shandong pump limited ability to forecast business progress (unit:%) 160 129 Chart: Shandong with Meeting Pump Co., advantages and disadvantages of business forecasting 161 Chart 130: 2008--2012 Nantong City Visa vacuum equipment limited ability to predict corporate sales (unit: million) 162 Chart 131: 2008--2012 Nantong City Visa vacuum equipment limited corporate earnings the ability to predict (unit:%) 162 Chart 132: 2008--2012 Nantong City Visa vacuum equipment limited the ability of corporate marketing (Unit: Times) 163 Chart 133: 2008--2012 Nantong City Visa vacuum equipment limited solvency (Unit:%, times) 163 Chart 134: 2008--2012 Nantong City Visa vacuum equipment limited ability to forecast business progress (unit:%) 164 135 Chart: Nantong Visa vacuum equipment limited business advantages and disadvantages forecast chart 136 165 : 2008--2012 Chengdu South Light Machine Co. business and marketing capacity Forecast (Unit: million) 166 Chart 137: 2008--2012 Chengdu South Light Machine Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 167 Chart 138: 2008--2012 Chengdu Nanguang limited ability to predict corporate marketing machine (Unit: Times) 168 Chart 139: 2008--2012 Chengdu South Light Machine Co. solvency forecast (unit:%, times) 168 Chart 140: 2008--2012 Chengdu South-machine business progress limited capacity forecast (unit:%) 169 141 Chart: Chengdu South-machine business advantages and disadvantages of limited predictive 169 Chart 142: 2008--2012 Zhejiang overflew the Electrical and Mechanical limited ability to predict corporate sales (unit: million) 171 Chart 143: 2008--2012 Zhejiang overflights Electromechanical Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 171 Chart 144: 2008--2012 Zhejiang overflew the Electrical and Mechanical limited ability to predict corporate marketing (Unit: Times) 172 Chart 145: 2008--2012 Zhejiang overflew Electrical Co. solvency forecast ( Unit:%, times) 172 Chart 146: 2008--2012 Zhejiang Electrical Co. business progress overflew the ability to predict (unit:%) 173 147 Chart: Zhejiang overflew Electrical Co., advantages and disadvantages of business forecasting 173 Chart 148: 2008 - 2012 Tsurumi vacuum Engineering (Shanghai) Co., the ability to predict corporate sales (unit: million) 175 149 Chart: 2008 - 2012 Tsurumi Vacuum Engineering (Shanghai) Co., profitability forecast (unit:%) 175 150 Chart: 2008 - 2012 Tsurumi Vacuum Engineering (Shanghai) Co., corporate marketing capacity Forecast (Unit: Times) 176 ---------------------------------- Contact Ms. Gao 〖-----〗 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Miss Zhao〗 〖QQ 1271943744 24: 18211180815 
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