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Zhengzhou to the free exercise of the ancient town of Baisha, gull-day outdoor sports (certified), Baisha Ancient Town

Zhengzhou to the free exercise of the ancient town of Baisha, gull-day outdoor sports (certified), Baisha Ancient Town
Zhengzhou to the free exercise of the ancient town of Baisha, gull-day outdoor sports (certified), Baisha Ancient Town
Zhengzhou to the free exercise of the ancient town of Baisha, gull-day outdoor sports (certified), Baisha Ancient Town

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Company:Henan days Gull Outdoor Sports Culture Communication Co..
Information Name: Zhengzhou to the free exercise of the ancient town of Baisha, gull-day outdoor sports (certified), Baisha Ancient Town
Update Time:2014-12-07
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Zhengzhou to the free exercise of the ancient town of Baisha, gull-day outdoor sports (certified), Baisha old town is provided by Henan days gull outdoor sports culture Communications Limited. Henan days gull outdoor sports Culture Communication Co., Ltd. (www.3glaa.com) is specialized in the "outdoor sports, outdoor travel, driving," the enterprise, the company of "honesty, hard service" concept, to provide you with the most quality products and services. Welcome to inquire! Contact: Li. Water in the wild, sometimes quite difficult, especially with the development of industrialization, many of the past are more or less high-quality water contamination, especially located in the downstream of the river, and therefore should be aware of upstream industrial production of turbid lakes, ponds should observe whether the growth of organisms, surrounding vegetation (whether withered flowers fade) sources, the pair must be drinking bad water to be purified to be filtered. If you should have no purification tablets, there is no medical iodine, bleach, vinegar ...... then look at the following way. In the water you will find a good collection, can put a small amount of alum or kapok pounded leaves, cactus, walnuts, stirring after 30 minutes precipitation evenly. This way, you will be able to get more clean water. When you find the water sediment turbidity ALICE Baisha town tourism, and there is a foreign body floating microbes or worms and leeches larvae, when the water is not suitable surroundings also digging Baisha town, can be found in a plastic bag (good quality, not easily broken), the bottom of the stab some small holes punched Baisha Old Town features, or with a single cotton gloves, handkerchiefs, sleeves, legs, etc; also can take advantage of the Coke bottle, first remove the bottom of the bottle, and then a knife to tie a few caps holes, and then from the bottom up in order to fill 2 to 4 cm thick clean sand layer 5-7, pressed by the real, the unclean water slowly into the homemade simple filter until the filter Below the water overflows, you can use pots or kettles The filtered clean water collected. Field of water purification is very important, unhealthy water will not help, it will only make the environment more deterioration, so do a lot of water purification also needs attention. Monty Python Lake water slide is the world's largest group of slides, 18.7 meters high, the equivalent of eight stories high. I took my girlfriend to meet this challenge very thrilling. Departure station boarded the highest point, we sat down in the inflatable kayak. Slope very slow start, we move slowly slide along the water. After the turn of the two snake bends, steep slope up suddenly, the water took us down the big slope exceeding 50 ° rushing down, as if flying jump from 8 floors in general. Girlfriend, shocked, scared gripped me, close your eyes and scream out loud, and I clung tight kayak dare let go. "Shabu" and look, we rushed to the bottom of the slide, hitting the front kayak countless white spray. Arrived at the bottom, slide in front again sprang up, and we help of great inertia, along the water back to the eight-storey together. Just to breathe, I actually found a U-turn in front of the slide back, turning a big bend of 180 °. I am very helpless watching his kayak along the direction of water flow slowly turn around, I know the next upcoming dive. Instant we fall into the ground and from the thousands of miles of cloud rapidly. In the shock of the big cry in Zhengzhou to the free exercise of Baisha Old Town, a left turn, our entire kayak slide up along the right wall piece flew up, high-speed burst into some corridor. Great corridor, but also slow down the slope, we mentioned throats heart finally put down his girlfriend happy cheered. Gull day outdoor sports to python slide is a good project has interested you can follow fellow gulls outdoor one day to experience the experience. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Henan days Gull Outdoor Sports Culture Communication Co..
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Li()
Telephone Number: 0371-63335990
Company Address: Fair Dongfeng Road, Zhengzhou City Road East Road, 50 meters south of Fort Bay Blue Phase 9 3 Unit 401, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 450000
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