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Electromechanical sincere treatment before painting _ _ coating pre-treatment

Electromechanical sincere treatment before painting _ _ coating pre-treatment
Electromechanical sincere treatment before painting _ _ coating pre-treatment
Electromechanical sincere treatment before painting _ _ coating pre-treatment

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Company:Guangzhou Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Equipment C..
Information Name: Electromechanical sincere treatment before painting _ _ coating pre-treatment
Update Time:2014-12-07
Price Description: RMB/
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Pre-treatment before painting painting _ _ sincere electromechanical processing is provided by the Electrical and Mechanical sincere. Coating pre-treatment, sincere electrical, electrophoretic coating pre-treatment is sincere Guangzhou Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.gzjcjd.com) 2014 has been newly upgraded launched workpiece handling approach, refers to the manner in which the workpiece and bath contact coating pre-treatment to achieve the purpose of chemical pretreatment, including full immersion, all spray, spray soaking modular, brush type and so on. It mainly depends on the size and shape affect the geometry, the area, the scale of investment, production and other parts of factors. For example, the complex geometry of the workpiece, is not suitable for spray mode; tanks, drums workpieces in a liquid coating pre-treatment process is not easy to sink into, and is not suitable for dipping. Oven works: through digital instrumentation and temperature sensor is connected to control the temperature, using hot air circulation mode, hot air circulation system is divided into horizontal and vertical. Are accurately calculated by coating pre-treatment line, the wind source is driven back by the wind blowing the motor running wheel via electric heaters (heat pipe) coating pre-treatment equipment, hot air duct into the oven to the studio, and will be used after The air intake duct becomes again circulating heated air source to use, so can effectively improve the temperature uniformity. If the door is to use the switch, you can take the air circulation system quickly restored to operational status temperature. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Equipment C..
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhang Wan flute()
Telephone Number: 020-86869929
Company Address: Xinhua Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, New Street Boulevard three Chinese Village Industrial Park on the 15th, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 510800
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