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Coating pre-treatment, sincere electrical, paint pre-treatment

Coating pre-treatment, sincere electrical, paint pre-treatment
Coating pre-treatment, sincere electrical, paint pre-treatment
Coating pre-treatment, sincere electrical, paint pre-treatment

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Company:Guangzhou Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Equipment C..
Information Name: Coating pre-treatment, sincere electrical, paint pre-treatment
Update Time:2014-12-07
Price Description: RMB/
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 Brushing the treatment solution directly to the surface by hand brushing coating pre-treatment production line to achieve the purpose of chemical treatment, this approach is generally difficult to get a good deal before the effect of the coating process is seldom used in the factory. For some large, relatively simple shape of the workpiece can be considered in this way. Treatment temperature from saving energy and improving the working environment, reduce production costs, the chemical reaction rate, the processing time and production speed requirements starting in production applications commonly used in the former low or medium temperature processes. Apart from liquid oil workpiece, there is a small amount of solid fat at low temperatures, solid oils are difficult to remove, so the degreasing temperature should be either immersion or spray selection medium temperature range. If only liquid oil, use defatted can meet the requirements. General corrosion and scale workpiece temperature should be chosen pickling, can only be assured in 10min matter thoroughly to remove rust and scale. Unless there is sufficient reason, generally do not choose low or no heating pickling rust, low pickling limited to such as: the workpiece little rust, scale; rust unlimited time; allowing the use of hydrochloric acid and so on. Surface adjustment process, generally without heating, is the general room temperature processing. Low or medium temperature phosphate, phosphate speeds are not significantly different, in a relatively short period of time can quickly form a phosphate coating. After phosphate piece, if required storage time between long process, change in temperature should be selected phosphate coating pre-treatment, will have a good anti-corrosion effect. Throughout the pre-treatment process, can be employed at room temperature without heating wash coating pre-treatment methods, if the last one is the hot water wash dry, water temperature should be above 80 ℃. Division I undertake Motorcycle Grand Canal (Luoyang) robot welding, smoke items. Our main products are: powder, liquid and electrophoretic coating the whole plant equipment, clean painting equipment, all kinds of conveyor equipment, surface treatment equipment; specific automated paint line equipment, production lines, belt line, powder coating line , ovens, tunnel furnace, Uv machines, waste gas treatment equipment, automotive steering gear production line, enamel wire, curtain cabinets, oven, clean room and painting cabinets and so on. Treatment before painting, sincere electromechanical, before painting processing is provided by the Electrical and Mechanical sincere. Guangzhou City sincere Electrical Equipment Co. (www.gzjcjd.com) enamel powder production line in line sintering furnace and other industries have a higher visibility, both business integrity, quality service, welcome to inquire, or consult our "business alliance customer service." it! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou Jingcheng Mechanical & Electrical Equipment C..
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Zhang Wan flute()
Telephone Number: 020-86869929
Company Address: Xinhua Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, New Street Boulevard three Chinese Village Industrial Park on the 15th, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 510800
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