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Yada Electronics Co., Ltd. Hangzhou
Yada Electronics Co., Ltd. Hangzhou
Yada Electronics Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone of Hangzhou high-tech enterprise, specializing in high-speed line printer sales and technical service and monitoring systems, network traffic engineering. Strong technical force, the East line printer sales agent. The company introduced a variety of sophisticated users, performance, meet the different needs of high-speed line printer. Our customers are all over the country provinces and cities of the pedestrian area, ICBC, Bank of China, Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank, Bank, Commercial Bank, Pudong Development, CITIC Industrial Bank and other professionals, as well as securities companies, telecommunications, statistics, insurance, Hotel systems and large military, iron and steel manufacturers. In line w.. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Network engineering, consumables, software development, computer peripherals
Contact Detail
Company Name: Yada Electronics Co., Ltd. Hangzhou
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number: 0571-88856355
Company Address: Wenhua Road, Lake Gardens 16-2-102, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 310012
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