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On Haitai Si Electronics Co., Ltd.
On Haitai Si Electronics Co., Ltd.
On Haitai Si Electronics Co., Ltd. is a professional touch self-service equipment development, systems integration and software development in one of the technology-intensive high-tech enterprises. Self-adhering touch multimedia devices dedicated to the development, integration, promotion, Taisi touch systems have become Consumer Association recommended brand. Touch Products: Agent famous brands touch professional equipment. Touch screen product line covers all the well-known domestic brands can be seen: as the United States of ELO Surface Acoustic Wave screen, four-five-wire resistive screen, MicroTouch capacitive screen and the third generation of Taiwan's Luo Nisi, TPS touch screen, G-touch, etc.; touch one product, including agents Siemens, IBM's system-wide products, in addition to a.. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Computer peripherals, software, computer equipment manufacturing, software development
Contact Detail
Company Name: On Haitai Si Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Bao Chao Yang(Procurement))
Telephone Number: 86-021-22818971
Company Address: True Road, Shanghai, China, , Shanghai, China
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