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Tianjin Nankai High Technology Co., Ltd. Sun
Tianjin Nankai High Technology Co., Ltd. Sun
My company is a research, development and industrialization of one of the joint-stock limited liability company, Nankai University is the company's largest shareholder. Nankai Sun's Wish is the Dean of Information Technology Nankai University, Nankai University, Institute of Robotics and automation information. 63 plans in 1993 to become intelligent robot theme of national industrial base. The company's advanced systems to ensure the company's stable and healthy development. The company is mainly engaged in automation technology, computer technology, mechatronics, robotics control technology, computer network integration, large-scale application software development. Successful development of micro-operations for biological engineering management systems, multi-robot controller, PC card s.. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Computer manufacturing equipment, card type, network engineering, Attendance
Contact Detail
Company Name: Tianjin Nankai High Technology Co., Ltd. Sun
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Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number:
Company Address: Nankai District, Fukang Road No. 3, Zhongtian Building, 9th Floor, Tianjin, Tianjin, China
Zip/Postal Code: 300074
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