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Saint Technology Co., Ltd. Xi'an (East)
Saint Technology Co., Ltd. Xi'an (East)
The main products are computer Changling St. Francis, St. Francis super electrical products have been ISO9001 certified products. Now enter force, judiciary, education, government agencies. Company has been part of the shares through the acquisition of male petrochemical listed total assets of 20 billion. Are seeking agent, the price are as follows: St. Francis machine configuration and price list price of gold model configuration 566 (I) C400/32M/4.3G integrated display, audio / 40X / speakers / 15 "(M-ATX) 5000 Gold 566 (II) C466/64M/10.2G /, integrated display, sound, MODEM Card / 40X / speakers / 15 "(M-ATX) 5800 Gold 568 K6II450/32M/4.3G / integrated display / 40X/1.44M / Audio / speaker / 15 "(AT Horizontal) 4800 Gold 570 (I) PIII500/64M/10.2G/AGP8M/40X/1.44M / sound card / speakers.. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Computers, servers, workstations, host Accessories
Contact Detail
Company Name: Saint Technology Co., Ltd. Xi'an (East)
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number: 86-013003696046 05718868813-215 13957138927
Company Address: Wen San Road, 498 days Yuan Garden buildings B, C Block, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 310013
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