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Pingyao, Shanxi Fengyan Group Foreign Trade Branch
Pingyao, Shanxi Fengyan Group Foreign Trade Branch
Pingyao Fengyan Coking (Group) Co., Ltd. is a large-scale private enterprises in Shanxi Province. Founded in 1996, mainly produces coke and activated carbon, all export products. And Germany's ThyssenKrupp, Ruhr company, the Netherlands SSM companies have long-term coke supply contracts (75 percent of ThyssenKrupp's coke demand is provided by our company). In recent years, the company marching pace of new economic development, continued integration of capital, the main focus has acquired two coal mines and two coking plants. So far, the company has Fengyan a plant, Plant, the three plants, seed village coal mines, two acres of coal mine, Fengyan Activated Carbon Co., Fengyan Computer Corporation and Tianjin branch offices. New projects include: accessibility Carbon Co., Ltd., Fengyan and .. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Software development, fruits and products, graphite and carbon products
Contact Detail
Company Name: Pingyao, Shanxi Fengyan Group Foreign Trade Branch
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number: 86-0354-5628758
Company Address: Yunfeng Hotel second floor, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Zip/Postal Code: 031100
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