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Information Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Open Peng
Information Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Open Peng
U.S. Open Peng Co., Ltd. is engaged in information network products and high-tech product development and sales and integration of information technology companies. In order to accelerate and promote China's high-tech information industry development, open Peng has come to China. Peng hopes to open into your life, study and work, to be your good helper in the information age. U.S. Open Peng is committed to developing, introducing, promoting the application of advanced U.S. technology and information products and sought to have the strength of Chinese companies in China to establish sales network and production base, has invested in Shanghai open Peng Information Equipment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen offices in China in the 21st century and contribute to the information industry. In the introdu.. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Other network equipment, accessories
Contact Detail
Company Name: Information Equipment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Open Peng
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number:
Company Address: Local oscillator Building, Room 2112, Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai, Beijing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 200063
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