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Mike Suzhou Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mike Suzhou Electronics Co., Ltd.
Mike Suzhou Electronics Co., Ltd., located in Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China High-tech Industrial Development Zone. Founded in 2001. Business Scope: research and development, production and sales of industrial equipment, instrumentation, automation equipment, industrial control network. The company's development orientation primarily in three areas: 1, the application microcontroller (Atmel 89C51 series and PIC series) R & D for industrial production of non-standard 2 instruments. Sales agent imported instruments, sensors, PLC (TOKY, OMRON, FUJI, NAIS, SIEMENS) and other control components. 2, the application of PLC (OMRON, FUJI, NAIS, SIEMENS, AB series) system design, production automation equipment. 3, the application of industrial control computer (Advantech, ICP) research and d.. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Electronic and Electrical Products design and processing, industrial automation equipment and other instrumentation, software development
Contact Detail
Company Name: Mike Suzhou Electronics Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number: 0512-68289092
Company Address: Riverside Road, Room 233, No. 233, Suzhou , Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 215011
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