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Fuzhou days Electronics Equipment Company
Fuzhou days Electronics Equipment Company
The company mainly engaged CDR.CDRW.MO.SCSI card lithography storage products, brands NATIONAL.YAMAHA.RICOH.FUJISTU.ACER.PHILIPS.TEAC.SANYO.OLYMPUS. While other PC Distribution START.IBM.HP.LEGEND.CONPAQ , and is HAIER PC Fuzhou, a stewardess business company under the e-mall company under the Ministry of the software, is committed to development of CAD software, apparel, and the province is now more than thirty Wu garment factory established industry contacts. The company also undertake corporate website making in Fujian reputation. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Computer, other peripherals, and other
Contact Detail
Company Name: Fuzhou days Electronics Equipment Company
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number:
Company Address: Sixty-one Road 198 #, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 350001
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