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WebEx Technology Development Co., Ltd.
WebEx Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Committed to the development of China's distance education and for a true enterprise e-business solutions. Strong technical force, has developed a unique, can be adapted to different size companies the freedom to customize e-commerce platform. The platform is stable, applicable, easy to use, high scalability and other features, for different industries, different sizes, gives the best solution. Currently, the company in order to further expand business and establish a brand, the need for visionary investors and us a better future! (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Other, network engineering, software development
Contact Detail
Company Name: WebEx Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number: 67342038(H) 13301003126
Company Address: Chaoyang District, where 53 F 501 Wusheng, Beijing, Beijing, China
Zip/Postal Code: 100021
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