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Spray dryer, Su Cheng dried gold factory map, spray dryer output

Spray dryer, Su Cheng dried gold factory map, spray dryer output
Spray dryer, Su Cheng dried gold factory map, spray dryer output
Spray dryer, Su Cheng dried gold factory map, spray dryer output

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Company:Su Cheng Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Spray dryer, Su Cheng dried gold factory map, spray dryer output
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Energy-saving measures spray 1) increasing the inlet temperature and outlet temperature is increased to reduce inlet temperature, can reduce heat consumption (production capacity constant). Dryer heat consumption is usually expressed as the ratio of calories consumed (calories needed for 1kg of water evaporated, and sometimes the heat required per kg product represented). Increase inlet temperature, can significantly reduce heat consumption. 2) increase the feed solution was spray-dried solids volatiles were evaporated expensive method, therefore, get the best conditions for thermal efficiency is always possible to improve the liquid feed solid content to the maximum. 3) increasing the feed temperature increase feed temperature (using waste heat or steam preheat indirect preheating), can reduce the amount of heat per unit mass of dry product consumption. Preheating feed liquid, to reduce the viscosity of feed solution, atomization performance improvement; prevent liquid crystalline material, clogging atomizer; high feed temperature, droplet evaporation in the dryer directly, there is no warm-up phase. 4) emissions will be part of the recycling process in open cycle, the exhaust gas overall emissions into the atmosphere, which is about to lose 10% to 40% of total calories. Especially dry air outlet temperature is particularly high, the greater the heat loss. If the outlet temperature exceeds 120 ℃, the use of part of the exhaust gas recirculation technology that can save up to 20% of dye. 5) the use of waste heat recovery heat exchanger using heat recovery of the exhaust gas can be significant savings in energy. There are two types of heat exchangers, the air - air and air - liquid - air, can be used. 6) the use of a secondary or tertiary drying using two or three drying has the following characteristics:??? In the last stage of drying, the product can achieve a lower moisture content; can obtain lower product temperature; by rating or reunion, you can change the powder particle size distribution; ④ improve the thermal efficiency of the drying process. Vitamin Material Description: Vitamins are humans and animals to maintain normal physiological functions necessary for a class of trace organic substances obtained from foods in human growth, metabolism, during development plays an important role. Vitamin constitute neither involved in the body's cells, nor provide energy for the body. Vitamin special centrifugal spray dryer works: the air is filtered and heated air into the dryer at the top of the dispenser, the hot air was evenly into the drying room in the spiral. Passing through the top of the tower high-speed centrifugal atomizer (rotational) was sprayed into the extremely fine mist liquid beads, and flows into contact with hot air in a very short period of time can be dried into a finished product. Finished continuously from the bottom of the drying tower and cyclone exhaust gases vented by the fan. Because spray drying speed, good drying effect, and other characteristics of the production process continues to be respected by the majority of enterprises. However, with the growth in use of time and related parameters are set incorrectly, spray in the production process will have some problems. After drying, Ltd. Kinder twenty years of experience, is a list of some common problems and solutions: 1. The product moisture content is too high exhaust temperature is a major factor affecting the moisture content of the finished product, so the resulting product moisture content is too high The usual cause is that the exhaust temperature is too low. The exhaust air temperature is adjusted by the feed amount. Therefore appropriate measures are appropriate to reduce the feed in order to increase the exhaust temperature. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Su Cheng Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Charles loud()
Telephone Number: 0519-88672737
Company Address: Changzhou, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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