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Vacuum drying vacuum drying step Jiayuan drug equipment Certified

Vacuum drying vacuum drying step Jiayuan drug equipment Certified
Vacuum drying vacuum drying step Jiayuan drug equipment Certified
Vacuum drying vacuum drying step Jiayuan drug equipment Certified

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Company:Jiang Yin Jiayuan Pharmaceutical Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Vacuum drying vacuum drying step Jiayuan drug equipment Certified
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Compared with the current conventional oven drying method, spray drying method, continuous vacuum drying method has many unique advantages, to ensure product quality is much higher than other methods of drying products. Jiang 阴嘉源 drug Equipment Co., square vacuum drier because of low-temperature drying, the active ingredient less damage, loose and easy to absorb melting, drying and sterilization at the same time benefits, which can ensure high product active ingredients, sterile index high , oral absorption. Six double cone vacuum dryer operating procedures: 1. Check the front double cone vacuum dryer is turned 2, will need to dry the material added to the container (powder, fine granules, slurries vacuum feed), Cone Vacuum drying machine and then close the feed hole cover. 3, close the drain valve vacuum, vacuum pump open, so that the negative pressure within the drying vessel (600 - 755 mmHg). 4, close the power switch, start the motor, press the button work, work began to spin dryer. 5, the heating medium valve open, allowing the heating medium into the drying vessel dissection, according to process requirements mortem test. 6, after the completion of drying, turn off the heating medium valve, then inject cooling water into the sandwich, until the material is cooled to room temperature, stop the vacuum. Vacuum exhaust valve opening and closing power hungry, stop the rotation of the dryer, double cone vacuum dryer to open the hole cover the material. Square Vacuum Dryer Procedure 1. Check the dryer all parts are normal, the valve connections for leaks, open the drain valve discharge bypass despite stagnant water, close the valve. 2. The wet material evenly spread in the baking tray, thickness of no more than 30mm, baking tray and press on to the next order into the baking rack, close the door. 3. Turn on the vacuum pump. 4. Turn the square vacuum drier automatic device power, set the drying temperature. 5. always observe whether the change in the degree of vacuum. 6. meet the heating temperature, vacuum and other conditions, the user decides to experience the drying process by drying cycle related materials. 7. The front of the box to close the steam valve, close the vacuum pump, open the vent valve, open the door, in order to post on the material. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jiang Yin Jiayuan Pharmaceutical Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Yin()
Telephone Number: 0510-86687091
Company Address: Changzhou, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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