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Used crushing equipment all kinds of grinder

Used crushing equipment all kinds of grinder
Used crushing equipment all kinds of grinder
Used crushing equipment all kinds of grinder

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Company:God Liangshan used chemical equipment sales Ltd.
Information Name: Used crushing equipment all kinds of grinder
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Depending on the desired fineness of the material standard of D90 (90% of the material reaches a predetermined fineness) can be divided into the crusher mill (60 mesh), grinder (60-120 mesh), ultrafine mill (120-300 mesh), attritor (300 mesh or more). In the grinding process is applied to the material forces have nip, shear, impact (hit), grinding four. Nip mainly used in coarse material for hard materials and large pieces of broken material; shear is mainly used in crushing or grinding, toughness or fibrous materials suitable for grinding; impact (hit) is mainly used in crushing reconciliation polyethylene, suitable for crushing brittle materials; ultrafine grinding and polishing, mainly in ultra-fine powder, suitable for the fineness of pulverized ultrafine grinding. 2 Basic Concept English name: crusher; pulverizer;; comminutor mill is the large size of the solid material crushed to the required size of the mechanical mill. By debris or crushed material size can be made mill divided into crushing machines, shredders, knife mill needed. In the grinding process is applied to the solid, shearing force, impact, crushing, grinding four. Shear is mainly used in crushing (crushed) and crushing operations for toughness or fibrous materials and bulk material crushing or grinding operations; the impact is mainly used in grinding operations, grinding suitable for brittle materials; rolling further crushing operations are mainly used ultrafine grinding or polishing large grinding equipment, suitable for crushing operations after; mainly used in high fineness of grinding (superfine grinding) operation, the material most suitable for the nature of the conduct ultrafine grinding work . The actual grinding process is often several at the same time the external force, but are based on high-end mill pulverizing environment tailored. 3 APPLICATION large grinder (with the same grinding fineness higher yield premise equipment) is mainly used in crushing and processing metallurgy, building materials, chemicals, mining, highway construction, water conservancy and hydropower, refractories, steel and other industries mineral materials . Small mill (with the same grinding fineness premise lower production equipment) is mainly used in food, chemical, pharmaceutical, green, sanitation, and other sectors of material crushing process. Crushing machine is mainly used in various industries crush pretreatment operations, its main function is the larger diameter material (5-10cm) processing of granular materials to smaller diameter (diameter 5-10mm). Pulverizer is mainly used in the fineness of the industry's crushing operations, its role is to granular materials processing to the desired diameter of the fineness of the powder, for later processing or as finished products. Advanced Micro Devices mill is mainly used for ultrafine grinding work in most sectors, the crushed material is pulverized to work again after the material to achieve the desired diameter, the main raw materials for the processing of high-end products. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: God Liangshan used chemical equipment sales Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Hui from()
Telephone Number: 0537-7601959
Company Address: Shandong, , Shandong Province, China
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