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JYW-300D automatic constant stress bending compression testing machine manufacturers and other pictures

JYW-300D automatic constant stress bending compression testing machine manufacturers and other pictures
JYW-300D automatic constant stress bending compression testing machine manufacturers and other pictures
JYW-300D automatic constant stress bending compression testing machine manufacturers and other pictures

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Company:Xianxian Universal construction equipment factory
Information Name: JYW-300D automatic constant stress bending compression testing machine manufacturers and other pictures
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
JYW-300D automatic constant stress bending compression testing machine [new product] cement pressure testing machine specialized test equipment suppliers, the company homegrown, truly, the profits to customers. After years of effort, Hebei Hua Yuwei Industry Equipment Co., Ltd. products are major research institutions, schools, businesses preferred supplier. Cement pressure testing machine warranty: Genius, ranging from one year to life 华宇伟 industry Quote: Please submit inquiry or call the toll-free hotline at the bottom of the country: 0317-4403093 The main technical parameters: 1, the maximum test force: 300N 2 The maximum flexural test force: 10N 3, showed the relative error: ±% 4, compression test speed range: 0-10N / S 5, bending test speed range: 0-0.075N / S 6, motor power: 0.75 W 7, dimensions (length X width X height): 1500 × 500 × 1500mm 8, NW: 500G more like high-quality products, please visit Hebei Hua Yuwei industry enterprise network - National Free Order Tel: 13483801150 First, thank you for your visit Hebei Huayu Albert corporate network, you want to consult any products or recommendations could call our national toll-free hotline: 13483801150 (working days), a non-working day you [login QQ: 706874393] Leave your views and information, we It will be the first time reply. Second, you consult products for Genius Products, within a specified time that you can get free warranty service provided by the Hebei 华宇伟 industry enterprise, you peace of mind, you can rest assured purchase. Cement pressure testing machine specialized test equipment suppliers, the company homegrown, truly, the profits to customers. After years of effort, Hebei Hua Yuwei industry's products have been the major research institutions, schools, businesses preferred supplier. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Xianxian Universal construction equipment factory
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Liu Anning(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0317-4403093
Company Address: Hebei Cangzhou Xianxian Business Administration, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 062250
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