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Supply HP8920AHP8920AHP8920A

Supply HP8920AHP8920AHP8920A
Supply HP8920AHP8920AHP8920A
Supply HP8920AHP8920AHP8920A

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Company:Shenzhen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Instrument
Information Name: Supply HP8920AHP8920AHP8920A
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Supply HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A Jiang 13510075288 Company Name: Shenzhen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Instrument Shenzhen Jia Huatai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Contact: Tan Yanfei (General Manager) - Li Miss (special assistant) Mobile: Tan S 135-1007-5188 technology Advisory: Jiang work 135-1007-5288 Tel: 0755-21502766 Fax: 0755-21502722 Customer Service QQ: 53540923 Taobao shop: http: //tosstar.taobao.com Website: http: //www.yqybshop.com http: // www.yixin1718.com mail: yixin1718@126.com Address: Longhua District Department of Chinese Pine Road, Tin Building A 408 HP8920A HP 8920A Agilent 8920A Tester HP 8920A 400KHz ~ 1GHz RF communications test HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A HP 8920A is A fully functional test equipment, it can meet the cellular and land mobile communications maintenance and repair requirements. 8920A combines the features of a complete 22 kinds of equipment, provide testing cellular phones, all functional testing land mobile radio and communications systems needed, can be measured to 1GHz. In addition, because the new standard electronic attenuator, 8920A's improved reliability, help ensure the most efficient use of the test device. HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A faster testing and diagnostic HP8920A HP 8920A and provide more functions necessary by simplifying standard measurement tasks in a machine inside and reduces test and diagnostic time. With one touch RX, TX and duplex testing can directly get the transmitter and receiver characteristics. All measured results are displayed as a digital or analog bar graph on the screen. All settings and measurements can be used knob on the front panel for easy access or modification, all settings can be stored in a fixed deposit / fetch register or on SRAM memory card media for future calls. HP8920A HP8920A international cellular telephone test solutions HP8920A HP 8920A by using the HP 11807A wireless test software to test the world's most common cellular telephone. There are three levels of testing: Artificial telephone debugging, quick function tests, and according to the technical specifications of all the system parameters of the test. Supported formats include cellular AMPS, NAMPS, TACS, NTACS, JTACS, NMT450 and NMT900. HP8920A Option 004 is a cellular telephone test required by HP11807A software. HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A HP8920A group radio test three HP 11807A Option available for test trunked mobile radio station. The option supports LTR, EDACS and MPT1327 trunked radio station equipment, can provide users with a variety of automated testing. Ability HP8920A HP8920A controlled by software, HP 8920A can establish a key way of radio stations in the cluster system for testing, and can be retrieved cluster parameters programmed into the mobile radio station. Users can choose from manual procedures or automated test program for all display characteristics. If HP 8920A printer available, it would have the capability to print out details of radio stations, and will highlight the failure (printout required HP 8920A Option 103). When the HP 11807A software testing cluster systems require the HP 8920A Option 004. The company has long sold cheap! Cash recovery: Lease: Used imports of high-gear equipment, network analyzers, spectrum analyzers, audio analyzers, signal sources, bridge, power supply, while receiving second-hand equipment maintenance high gear! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Instrument
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Contact Person: Mr. Jiang()
Telephone Number: 0755-21502766
Company Address: Shenzhen, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
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