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Wear-resistant ceramic coating professional manufacturers welcome to visit the plant

Wear-resistant ceramic coating professional manufacturers welcome to visit the plant
Wear-resistant ceramic coating professional manufacturers welcome to visit the plant
Wear-resistant ceramic coating professional manufacturers welcome to visit the plant

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Company:Gongyi City Mingschin corrosion resistant materials Ltd.
Information Name: Wear-resistant ceramic coating professional manufacturers welcome to visit the plant
Update Time:2015-04-30
Specifications:25KG / Bag
Price Description: RMB/
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Technical indicators Test items Test items of data volume data density (g / cm3) 2.99 Thermal conductivity (W / mk) 1.5 compressive strength (110 ℃ × 24h) 161 Compressive strength (850 ℃ × 3h) 135 flexural strength (110 ℃ × 24h) 17.8 flexural strength (850 ℃ × 3h) 16 wear (g / cm2) 1.1 maximum use temperature (℃) 2200 adjusted high temperature resistant ceramic adhesive coating is a cementitious material, due to the raw materials used special treatment and strict process control composition, through a series of chemical reactions, so that it can form a high strength and hardness at room temperature. It has a convenient construction, easy maintenance and low cost characteristics have been widely used. High temperature resistant ceramic coating rubber tune the main aggregates and ultrafine powder combined two-phase composition, particle closely packed, so there is no large macroscopic defects, bulk density. Ordinary concrete and refractory castable incomparable, can effectively resist the high-speed impact and shear stress of the material. At the construction site, the use of artificial or mechanical means applied in the liner or surface equipment, through a series of chemical reactions at room temperature for 3 days to reach the theoretical bond strength and hardness. High temperature resistant ceramic coating rubber transfer features: (1) having a high mechanical strength and rigidity. High temperature resistant ceramic coating rubber tune consists of wear-resistant aggregate and binding system components, high density, no major macroscopic defects, strength up to 150MPa, general concrete and refractory castable can not match, mainly using the ionic compound and Part synthetic covalent compounds, ionic bonding firm, so great strength and stiffness, which can effectively resist the impact and shear stress of the material. The combined system due to be taken to strengthen the measures and special treatment complexes to form chemical bonding, resulting in high strength. (2) has excellent toughness and shock resistance. Because of high temperature resistant ceramic coating rubber tune directional mesh enhanced measures to further improve the toughness by coupling, so anti-fracture toughness, which can effectively prevent damage caused by the impact and peeling. On the other hand, since the ionic bond and the covalent bond which strongly bonds, bond energy is relatively high, it has little effect on low temperature, and its high frequency vibration, it is difficult to pose a threat to the normal temperature, no thermal shock damage . (3) the overall good. Because of abrasion resistant plastic double reinforcement measures taken, and some even take a variety of reinforcing measures to effectively improve the material properties, the volume was stable, it is impossible to crack, which is good overall, in addition to the construction of an overall construction , appear seamless, and thus to further improve the integrity. (4) Environmental compatibility. As a result of acid and alkali synthetic materials will not react and slag, and because of this raw material, mostly high-temperature synthesis, crystal growth is good, structural integrity, the ambient temperature will not it cause a big impact, an environmental inert material, and thus environmental sensitivity difference. (5) no environmental pollution. High temperature resistant ceramic coating rubber tune belongs to inorganic material, mainly composed of silicate and aluminum oxide, and composition of the Earth's lithosphere similar, will not cause soil degradation and pollution of heavy metal ions, it will not affect the environment. Use: wear-resistant ceramic coatings in various industries in the use of parts numbers cement plant coal power plant applications in the steel industry application petrochemical industry applications 1 cubic grind to a cyclone or precipitator inlet duct Bucket Wheel barrel ore, coal transport silos, hopper catalytic cracker cyclone 2 vertical mill, the lower casing and bottom belt hopper car tee bucket by bucket reactor 3 vertical mill on the cone, lower conical hopper and into the chute coal hopper (bin) bin regenerator coking ingredients mixed 4 vertical mill classifier housing coke silo sintering system shaker; trough and beneficiation hopper seal the flue duct 5 vertical coal grinding mill outlet conduit remote beneficiation silos, hoppers catalyst conduit 6 raw material composition separator cyclone inlet duct and speed mill cylinder housing and separating baffle filter housing and piping carbon monoxide waste heat boiler 7 all cyclone housing and out of the wind pipe, including cyclone coarse powder cyclone housing, cone hopper and coal-fired boiler flue pipe out of 8 grate cooler to the electrostatic precipitator duct a secondary air duct fired boilers electricity transmission line 9 with the top of the precipitator housing sintering silo coarse powder separator housing and out of the duct 10 tertiary air duct valve high temperature and high-temperature exhaust fan casing and casing powder out of the duct 11 C1 cyclone the air damper tube and pipe bending of mill housing and slide duct sinter feed tube 12 kiln, kiln coal transportation wear straight and elbow cone sintering bed gas-fired hot air blower machine dust collection system 13 Shell and out of the wind pipe circulating fluidized bed furnace, hot blast furnace cyclone feed tube slide for 14 out of the wind circulation fan casing and boiler flue pipe blast furnace slag and furnace water quenching stream media mill grinding stone warehouse 15 feeding tubes and pipes pulverized coal storage hopper other strong abrasion, erosion and strong parts of 16 coal mill separator housing and out of the wind and the dust collector pipe elbow 17 coal mill hot fan duct out of the chassis and cinder, coal transportation pipe 18 cement mill separator housing, and out of the wind winnowing machine dry ash in the cement mill shell precipitator inlet conduit 19 and inlet duct http; // www.mingxinnm.com
Contact Detail
Company Name: Gongyi City Mingschin corrosion resistant materials Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Zhang Xin(Manager)
Telephone Number: 0371-63235198
Company Address: Gongyi City, North Park Yamaguchi Refractories, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 451200
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