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Complement soul Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil global hot investment

Complement soul Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil global hot investment
Complement soul Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil global hot investment
Complement soul Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil global hot investment

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Company:Hong Kong to open an international Jun Co.
Information Name: Complement soul Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil global hot investment
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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The late eighties, Thai medical experts noted that ethnic minorities living in the mountains of northern Thailand - Mon busty women, body beautiful, fair, and healthy life (according to historical records, the longevity of 280 years). The experts also found a strange phenomenon, the average bust in the region than the average female bust big 8cm Thai women! The survey found that women in the region known as Thailand Pueraria eating habits. Experts for this project for Thailand, Pueraria research. The latest scientific findings that: wild Kudzu grows in the mountains of northern Thailand's rich female hormone estrogen has a similar effect, can effectively regulate endocrine highly active isoflavones, soy isoflavones and its activity was more than a thousand times, simulation and interfere with physiological and biochemical effects of estrogen more significant. Therefore, regulating the female endocrine levels, relieve estrogen-related diseases, especially effective. This conclusion is Thailand Pueraria breast generations are used to regulate the endocrine and anti-aging to find a scientific basis. More simply: If the body's secretion of estrogen deficiency, Thailand Pueraria after eating, which is rich in highly active isoflavones can effectively simulate the effects of estrogen, the body system is in a state of equilibrium; if the body's estrogen levels too high, due to the high activity of isoflavones and estrogen hormone receptors competition, so that excess estrogen can have an effect on human cells (estrogen need to have an effect on cells by binding to hormone receptors) thus avoiding the high levels of estrogen to the body harm. Thailand Pueraria is grown in the forests of northern Thailand in the beans Kege genus plants in northern Thailand, the locals will Pueraria crushed mix raw honey, as a female beauty care recipe. The experts found that Thailand Pueraria root block isoflavone rich variety of high activity - such as alcohol plant prime passion, daidzein, puerarin, genistein, prop flower thorn rope, peanut acid, glucose glycosides, isoflavones it contains substances found in plants is by far the highest activity in the content and (the activity of soy isoflavones approximately 100-1000 times). Savior coming! You can look at the risk of eliminating or embarrassed when the doctor operated on. Since Thailand Pueraria soul patch can provide you a safe supply of natural therapy, let your chest full face. Each 1) high reliability safety seminar ... ... before commodity production, our biologist (number of well-known universities in Thailand are immeasurable discussion troops), we have successfully mastered (Pueraria Mirifica) herb compensation goods species characteristic of (Pueraria Mirifica) safety and effectiveness of the active ingredient during conducted careful and prudent discussion. 2) nothing ... You have always been waiting for ... We look to work with you to share our research role, so you can know make soul Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil is what has always been the land is changing the name of their daughter life, it is how good for your day. 3) Useful and security ... appropriate question faced woman ... tens of millions of women now use a safe and effective complementary soul Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil, among them some small chest, and some face the menopause Some had given birth and breast-feeding the child, but also the role of breast implants do not satisfy a woman. They fill in the selection of the soul after Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil, its effects are felt very satisfied. Thailand imported, factory production lines in Thailand ---- Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil Thailand Hongkai international Jun Industry companies produce concentrated formula contains Pueraria Thai traditional medicine "Kwao Krua" Wild Kudzu (Chinese called the high stars, also known as milk fruit) cream can help influence the growth of fat, so the woman chest natural increase, stability and healthy and vigorous . The global commodity Kuangxiao, wind friction North America South America Eastern Europe Southeast Asia Oceania in Eastern Ya Xiou! Thailand Pueraria Mirifica breast oil hormonal effects on women, "the greatest impact for women is that female hormones We believe the aging process --- the loss of youth and vitality - not a normal life journey, but a physiological function The disease, the source of human life --- hormone secretion in vivo physiological function not only is the main cause of the lack of, while aging is the lack of hormone secretion by hormone supplements, aging can be terminated, even rotation, the average human life span 150 years is not a dream, with the fight against aging hormone supplement. " Chinese medicine experts said in a research report that, in the 21-22-year-old human is youthful peak, is divided: the system most peak period, after hormone secretion decreased by 15% in every 10 years, decreasing the speed. Hormones reduce the impact of the operation of other systems, all organs of the body function decline. Before age 30, the body of the endocrine system can automatically adjust to reduce trace insufficient hormones affect other physiological functions. But at about 30 years old, the secretion of hormones that only 85% of the peak period. 15% lack of hormone secretion caused by other organs function decline, aging of human organs organizations began to shrink, the skin was dark, poor spirit, lack of physiological function will cause the appearance of aging and mental loss. 1: The monthly female hormone estrogen has two peak periods: the first peak: the seventh day of menstruation follicles secrete estrogen production increased rapidly, forming the peak before ovulation, slightly reduce post-ovulation. The second peak: about 7 to 8 after ovulation during the luteal mature form of circulating estrogens second peak, this peak is lower than the first peak before ovulation. (About 1 to 2 days after ovulation, the corpus luteum begins to secrete estrogen circulating in the blood estrogen increased gradually Note: EPO luteal used). 2: Why was the old woman the same age than men? Man's charm and age is proportional to the beauty of a woman is inversely proportional to age. Starting at puberty, a woman every month through menstruation is not peaceful: headache, insomnia, abdominal pain, his face still long small lumps; mature woman gave birth to a new life is essential responsibility in life: pregnancy, childbirth, edema, pregnancy spots; wait until the children grow up, this is easily the down time to enjoy life, menopause has come to the woman's body: hot flashes, insomnia, headaches, depression, osteoporosis, joint pain. Modern medicine has proven: the physiological status of women in each stage of life are closely related to the secretion of female hormones. Loss of hormones, physical suffering accelerated aging woman. Male puberty begins and ends much later than women, adolescent men than women is relatively long, which is why the woman was old age reasons than men! Human hormone imbalance have any effect on breast? In addition to women's breasts and estrogen, but also progesterone, prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone, anterior pituitary hormones, thyroid hormones are closely related. These hormone imbalance, also give breast development, and other aspects of pathogenic bring many adverse consequences. ⑴ progesterone disorders: gynecomastia progestin participation can play an important role, especially for breast acinar development plays an important role. Progesterone during pregnancy increased, accelerated mammary gland development, and the formation of lobules. If progesterone levels are too low, then there is no estrogen effect is suppressed, estrogen, "whatever they want" to accelerate breast cancer, increased proliferative breast disease and so on, are relevant. ⑵ prolactin disorders: Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary, placenta can secrete large amounts of prolactin during pregnancy. Prolactin and progesterone in the joint participation, so that mammary gland development and increased significantly as lactation ready. ⑶ adrenocorticotropic hormone imbalance: adrenocorticotropic hormone involved in breast development is essential hormones. If the adrenal cortex with certain diseases (such as Addison's disease), the glucocorticoid secretion reduction, can affect breast dysplasia or early breast atrophy. ⑷ anterior pituitary hormone imbalance: normal secretion of anterior pituitary hormone secretion not only to promote development and reproductive organs, while breast development also plays an important role. Only the presence of estrogen and progesterone, did not participate in the anterior pituitary hormones, it is impossible to fully developed breasts. ⑸ thyroid hormone disorders: thyroid hormone breast is indirect, the data showed that patients with hypothyroidism, not only can affect breast development, it is important to be able to induce a lot of breast disease. Thailand Pueraria soul fill the Hong Kong the world's only high-quality products is India, to meet the stringent international quality standards of products Mirifica breast oil agent Contact us Chinese distributor:?? Hong Kong Hong-Kai International Limited Gallop Project Name:? Fill soul Thailand Pueraria Agents / Merchants / join the brand name: make soul - Chinese name:????? Chen Yafei Address: Haikou City, Hainan Province Yusha Yusha Road International Plaza 9 608 (570 100) Tel: 0898-65314645 Fax: 0898 -65,314,645 Mobile:? 18,898,218,896 URL:? http: //www.bupo.cc http:? //bupo002.b2b.hc360.com QQ:? 1520441902 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Hong Kong to open an international Jun Co.
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Contact Person: Mr. Chen Yafei(Investment Manager)
Telephone Number: 0898-65314645
Company Address: Haikou City, Hainan Province Yusha Yusha Road International Plaza 9 608, Haikou City, Hainan, China
Zip/Postal Code: 570100
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