2013--2018, China Mall construction industry market research and investment prospects special ..
2013--2018, China Mall construction industry market research and investment prospects special ..
2013--2018, China Mall construction industry market research and investment prospects special ..
2013--2018, China Mall construction industry market research and investment prospects of special analytical reports --------------------------------- -----------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 69601〗 〖release date of July 2013 〖delivery way〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖Customer Service 〖QQ 1271943744 24: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/fangchanjianzhu/fangdichan/69601.html (click see text) [Report Contents] Chapter 1: Mall Construction Industry Development Review to define Mall 15 1.1 Definition and Classification 15 1.1.1 Mall shopping center 15 1.1.2 Classification 15 1.2 Development of China Mall shopping center 17 17 1.2.2 1.2.1 The first generation of the second on behalf of the mall 18 20 1.2.4 1.2.3 Third Generation of Chinese modern shopping mall should have features 23 1.3 24 1.3.1 Development of foreign shopping center Mall of America shopping center development analysis 24 1.3.2 Development of Japan 26 Chapter 2: Mall Construction Industry Development Environment 30 2.1 International Macroeconomic Environment 30 2.1.1 Analysis of the macroeconomic environment in Europe 30 2.1.2 Analysis of US macroeconomic environment 30 2.1.3 Analysis of the macroeconomic environment 32 2.2 Japan domestic economy environmental analysis 34 2.2.1 2011 34 2.2.2 overall economic operation of industrial production in 2011 34 2.2.3 Investment in fixed assets in 2011 35 2.2.4 2011 National Social Consumption 36 2.2.5 2011 investment environment 37 2.3 Analysis of the domestic industry policy environment analysis 39 2.3.1 2011 the real estate industry related policies 39 2.3.2 Influence Policy 43 2.3.3 typical "policy changes in the real estate industry analysis 47 Chapter 3: Development of shopping center construction industry analysis 48 3.1 Analysis of the real estate industry operating 48 3.1.1 2011 national real estate climate index 48 3.1.2 2011 48 3.1.3 National Housing sales in 2011, the national real estate development and investment situation 49 3.1.4 2011 national real estate market situation 52 3.1 .5 2011 the national real estate industry funding 53 3.2 Analysis of land market operations 54 3.2.1 2011 overall analysis of the national land market 54 3.2.2 2011 national land market price analysis 55 3.2.3 2011 Lot Land analysis focused on the national market 56 3.3 Construction of shopping center development industry analysis 57 3.3.1 Analysis of the overall development of China Mall Mall China 57 3.3.2 Distribution Analysis 58 Chapter 4: Mall construction industry regional market analysis 63 4.1 63 4.1 Beijing mall market analysis. a Beijing shopping center investment analysis 63 4.1.2 Analysis of the development potential of a shopping center in Beijing 63 4.2 Market Analysis 65 4.2.1 Shanghai Shopping Shanghai Shopping Mall in Shanghai Investment Analysis 65 4.2.2 Analysis of development potential 65 4.3 Shopping mall in Guangzhou 67 4.3.1 Analysis of Guangzhou Investment Analysis 67 4.3.2 Mall Shopping Center, Guangzhou, Shenzhen Development Potential 67 4.4 Market Analysis 68 4.4.1 Mall shopping center in Shenzhen, Shenzhen Investment Analysis 68 4.4.2 Analysis of the development potential of a shopping center 69 4.5 Hangzhou mall market analysis 70 4.5.1 Investment Analysis 70 4.5.2 Hangzhou Hangzhou Mall shopping center development potential of 70 4.6 Other City Mall shopping center in Chengdu market analysis 71 4.6.1 Market Analysis 71 4.6.2 Tianjin Shopping mall 72 4.6.3 Analysis of Chongqing mall market analysis 72 Chapter 5: Mall shopping center format analysis 74 5.1 Analysis 74 5.1.1 Format constitute Mall shopping center format Composition Analysis 74 5.1.2 Characteristics 75 5.2 formats constitute Mall Retailing analyzes retail industry 76 5.2.1 5.2.2 Scale of 76 retail industry profitability analysis 79 5.2.3 Mall shopping center retailing analysis 81 5.3 Analysis 82 5.3.1 Form catering catering industry analysis 82 5.3.2 Development Scale Food industry profitability analysis 83 5.3.3 Analysis 84 5.4 formats Mall shopping center catering entertainment Form 84 5.4.1 Analysis entertainment industry scale analysis 84 5.4.2 mall entertainment formats mall format layout analysis 85 5.5 Analysis 86 5.5.1 Mall shopping center format format layout planning principles 86 5.5.2 Features 87 Chapter 6: Shopping Mall competition analysis 88 6.1 Analysis of foreign companies to compete in China 88 6.1.1 Analysis of the Wal-Mart shopping center investments in China 88 6.1 .2 Carrefour shopping center investment in China Analysis 88 6.1.3 TESCO shopping center analysis 88 6.2 Investment in China mall construction industry competitor analysis 89 6.2.1 Dalian Wanda Commercial Real Estate Co., operation analysis 89 (1) Enterprise Development Brief Analysis of 89 (2) product mix and new product trends 89 (3) business sales channels and network 89 (4) analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of business conditions 90 (5) analysis of the latest corporate developments 90 6.2.2 Shanghai Shimao Co. business Analysis of 91 (1) Enterprise Development Brief Analysis 91 (2) analysis of 92 major economic indicators (3) profitability analysis of 93 (4) the ability to analyze business operations 93 (5) business solvency analysis 94 (6) Business Development Capacity Analysis of 94 (7) product mix and new product trends 95 (8) business sales channels and network 95 (9) of business conditions advantages and disadvantages of 96 (10) Merger and restructuring corporate investment analysis 97 (11) Analysis of the latest corporate developments 97 6.2.3 China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. operation analysis 97 (1) Enterprise Development Brief Analysis 97 (2) analysis of 98 major economic indicators (3) profitability analysis 98 (4) the ability to analyze business operations 99 (5 ) solvency analysis 99 (6) the ability to analyze business development 100 (7) product mix and new product trends 100 (8) business sales channels and network 101 (9) of business conditions advantages and disadvantages of 101 (10) Enterprise Latest Developing Trends 101 6.2.4 Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., operation analysis of 102 (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis 102 (2) Analysis of major economic indicators 103 (3) profitability analysis 103 (4) the ability to analyze business operations 104 (5) business solvency analysis 104 (6) business development capacity analysis 105 (7) product mix and new product trends 106 (8) business sales channels and network 106 (9) of business conditions advantages and disadvantages of 107 (10 ) The latest developments in enterprise analysis 107 6.2.5 Enterprise Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch operation analysis 107 (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis 108 (2) Analysis of major economic indicators 108 (3) profitability analysis 109 (4) of business operations the ability to analyze 110 (5) business solvency analysis 110 (6) business development capacity analysis 111 (7) of product structure and new product trends 111 (8) business sales channels and network 112 (9) the advantages and disadvantages of business conditions in 113 (10) Merger and restructuring enterprises to invest in 113 (11) Enterprise the latest developments in 113 Chapter 7: Shopping Center Construction Industry classic item analysis of Dongguan in southern China MALL 175 7.1 175 7.1.1 Project Analysis Project Analysis 175 7.1.2 Regional Competition Environment 175 175 7.1.3 Development Prospect 7.2 Beijing Golden Resources Mall Project Analysis Project Analysis 176 7.2.1 176 7.2.2 Competitive Advantage 176 Grandview Mall in Guangzhou 7.3 176 7.3.1 Project Analysis Project Analysis 176 7.3. analysis of environmental conditions 177 7.3.3 Business layout analysis 177 7.4 Shanghai Super Brand Mall Project Analysis Project Analysis 178 7.4.1 178 7.4.2 Development Prospect 178 7.5 Shenzhen, China Resources Center Vientiane City Project Analysis 178 7.5.1 Analysis 178 7.5 philosophy .2 main store analysis 179 7.6 179 7.6.1 Japanese LALAPORT mall before 179 7.6.2 LALAPORT Taiwan Mall shopping center contrast district strategic planning site analysis 181 7.7 184 184 7.7.1 Development 7.7.2 Factors contrast district rules Compare 185 Chapter 8: Shopping Mall Construction Industry Business Planning Analysis 188 8.1 Analysis Project market conditions Mall shopping center site analysis 188 8.1.1 188 8.1.2 Mall Shopping Center Area Analysis 191 8.2 Analysis 192 8.2.1 Project Planning Architectural features and functions of planning analysis 192 8.2.2 Analysis of product positioning and portfolio planning 194 Chapter 9: Mall construction industry project investment analysis 197 9.1 Overview of the concept of shopping center investment 197 197 9.1.2 9.1.1 Mall Merchants Mall Merchants Merchants Mall object 197 9.1.3 Overview 199 9.1.4 Form Mall shopping center investment features 208 9.1.5 Types of investment 210 216 9.2 Principle 9.2.1 Merchants Mall retail, services, entertainment science portfolio value principle 216 9.2.2 Brand Value Principle 218 219 9.2.4 9.2.3 2/8 value principle developers, investment worth 220 9.2.5 negotiate a win-win business value principle as the mid-222 9.2.6 Overall rental income maximization principle 223 9.3 Mall investment promotion plan early development 224 9.3.1 Investment Promotion Plan 224 9.3.2 Development of Investment Promotion Plan 225 9.3.3 After opening the investment plan to promote long-term investment 226 9.3.4 Opening and promotion plan shopping center 227 9.4 227 9.4 Analysis of typical businesses .1 entertainment businesses in 227 home building materials business analysis 9.4.2 235 9.4.3 236 9.4.4 Supermarket class department store business analysis business analysis 237 9.4.5 Analysis 239 9.4.6 Appliances business class catering business analysis 240 9.4. 7 hotel managers who analyze the business analysis 241 9.4.8 Commercial Street Mall Merchants embodiment 244 242 9.5 9.5.1 9.5.2 244 businesses combined to form a target investment policy development 247 250 9.5.4 9.5.3 Merchants Merchants negotiating team building 254 9.5. 5 Investment means and channels to select 261 9.5.6 Investment implementation details 263 Chapter 10: mall construction industry business model analysis 266 10.1 Analysis 266 10.1.1 mall management self-management analysis 266 10.1.2 Principal Management Model 266 10.1.3 consultant Management Model 267 10.2 Profit Model 268 10.2.1 Mall shopping center revenue model type of 268 10.2.2 shopping center sales model Causes 269 10.3 Analysis 269 10.3.1 Mall shopping center leasing model leasing model classification Analysis 269 10.3.2 Mall shopping center leases 10.4 Current Modes of Operation Mode 270 271 10.4.1 Wanda Case Analysis Model of commercial real estate Shimao commercial real estate model 271 10.4.2 272 Chapter 11: Mall construction industry revenue optimization model 274 11.1 Store Rent Determinants Analysis 274 11.1.1 274 11.1.2 Building Factors 275 11.2 tenant mix different types of shops Optimization Analysis 276 11.2.1 276 11.2.2 shopping center store categories hypotheses location factors 11.2.3 277 11.3 278 different conclusions type of retail tenant mix optimization study 280 11.3.1 280 11.3.2 Conclusions 281 Chapter 12: Analysis mall and shopping center development trend of China 285 12.1 Problems and Solutions 285 12.1.1 285 12.1.2 Problems Measures 287 12.2 Development of shopping center development trend of China Mall shopping center 289 12.2.1 themed shopping center Leisure Trend Analysis 289 12.2.2 293 Charts Chart 1: Mall of America Exhibit 2 basic types Table 15: Follow position (influence) mall type classification Table 16 Exhibit 3: In accordance with the architectural form of mall type classification Table 16 Chart 4: Follow the shopping center business subject classification type table 17 Exhibit 5: 2010 - 2011 US unemployment rate change ( unit:%) 31 Figure 6: 2010 - 2011 US GDP (unit: one billion US,%) 32 Figure 7: 2010--2011 Japanese unemployment rate (unit:%) 33 Figure 8: 2010 - 2011 Japan trade surplus (unit: million US dollars) 33 Figure 9: 2006 - 2011 China's GDP growth rate (unit:%) 34 Figure 10: 2010 - 2011 China's industrial output growth (Unit: 100 million,% ) 35 Figure 11: 2006 - 2011 China's fixed asset investment (unit:%) 36 Figure 12: 2010--2011 national social consumption (Unit: 100 million,%) 36 Figure 13: 2010 - 20011 in China M0 changes (Unit: 100 million,%) 37 Figure 14: In the case of M1 20011 Change in China (Unit: 100 million,%) 38 Figure 15: 20011 M2 changes in China (Unit: 100 million,%) 38 Exhibit 16: 20011 in China M0, M1, M2 growth rate (Unit:%) 39 Figure 17: Summary of real estate policy in 2011 39 Figure 18: The new four content analysis 44 Figure 19: policy changes affect the real estate industry SCP analysis 47 Figure 20: 2010 - 2011 real estate development climate index (unit:%) 48 Figure 21: 2010-2011, real estate sales and cumulative sales growth rate (unit:%) 49 Figure 22: 2010 - 2011 investment in fixed assets, the cumulative growth rate of real estate development and investment (unit: %) 50 Figure 23: 2010 - 2011 commercial housing new construction, construction, completion of the area accumulated count on year growth rate (unit:%) 51 Figure 24: 2010 - 2011 real estate real estate land acquisition area and YoY growth (Unit: million square m) 52 Exhibit 25: 2010 - 2011 commercial housing completion area, sales area YoY growth rate (unit:%) 53 Figure 26: 2010 - 2011 the main source of real estate development and real estate investment funds YoY growth rate (unit:%) 54 Exhibit 27: 2006 - 2011 年 120 major cities on the supply of residential land (Unit: million square meters) 55 Exhibit 28: 2010 - 2011 with Soil price MoM increase (unit:%) 55 Exhibit 29: 2011 National Land transfer income (Unit: 100 million) 56 Exhibit 30: 2011 Urban land transfer Ranking (Unit: 100 million) 57 Exhibit 31: Chinese shopping mall development status and trends 58 Chart 32: Situation China Mall distribution diagram chart 59 33: Distribution map of China City Mall 60 Exhibit 34: Chinese shopping mall development schematic diagram 61 Figure 35: Number of China's three major economic circles Mall proportion (Unit: home,%) 62 Exhibit 36: China's three major economic circles under the jurisdiction of the city Mall popularity (unit:%) 62 Exhibit 37: Beijing shopping center development index case 64 Chart 38: Beijing shopping center development index Each index ranking 64 Exhibit 39: Shanghai Shopping Center Development Index case 66 Exhibit 40: Shanghai Shopping Center Development Index ranks 66 of the index Chart 41: Guangzhou mall development index case 67 Exhibit 42: Guangzhou Shopping Center Development Index ranks 68 of the index Chart 43: Shenzhen shopping center development index case 69 Chart 44: Shenzhen City Mall development index Each index ranking 70 Exhibit 45: Hangzhou mall development index case 71 Chart 46: Chinese shopping mall format constitute a schematic diagram 74 47: mall format ratio of international standards and national statistical difference between the results in Table 74 Chart 48: Different regional malls Format Comparison Chart 76 Chart 49 Composition: 2011 retail sales growth in 77-year monthly chart 50: 2011 total retail sales points on a monthly growth rate of 77 Exhibit 51: Total 2011 retail sales growth of 78 points MoM Chart 52: 2011 retail sales growth rate ranked 78 Chart 53 Category: 2007 - 2011 listed companies in the retail industry and its growth in consolidated gross profit margin (unit:%) 79 chart 54: 2007 - 2011 retail expense ratio of listed companies Its growth rate (unit:%) 80 chart 55: 2011 retail sub-industry profit growth (unit:%) 81 Chart 56: Different regional malls retail formats Fact Sheet 82 Chart 57: China's catering industry operating income ( billion) 83 Chart 58: China's catering industry profitability 83 Chart 59: Different regional malls catering format Fact Sheet 84 Chart 60: Different regional malls entertainment formats Fact Sheet 86 Chart 61: National Mall plan format features 87 chart 62: Dalian Wanda Commercial Real Estate Co., advantages and disadvantages of 90 Chart 63: Chart 64 block diagram 92 of the controlling relationship Shanghai Shimao Co., Ltd. and the actual controller between: Shanghai Shimao Co., analysis of major economic indicators (unit: million) 92 chart 65: Shanghai Shimao Co. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 93 chart 66: Shanghai Shimao Co., operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 93 chart 67: Shanghai Shimao Co. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 94 chart 68: Shanghai Shimao Co. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 95 chart 69: the product mix Shanghai Shimao Co., Ltd. (unit:%) 95 chart 70: Shanghai Shimao Co., Ltd. The main business area distribution (unit:%) 96 chart 71: Shanghai Shimao Co., advantages and disadvantages of 96 Chart 72: China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The main analysis of economic indicators (Unit: 100 million) 98 Chart 73: China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. profitability analysis (unit:%) 99 Chart 74: China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 99 Chart 75: China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. solvency Analysis (unit:%, times) 100 Chart 76: China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 100 Chart 77: China Resources Land (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 101 Chart 78: Poly Real Estate ( a block diagram of the Group) Co., Ltd. and the controlling relationship between the actual controller 102 Chart 79: Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd. The main analysis of economic indicators (Unit: 100 million) 103 Chart 80: Poly Real Estate (Group) Co. Limited Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 104 Chart 81: Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 104 Chart 82: Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:% , times) 105 Chart 83: Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 105 Chart 84: Poly Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd. Product Structure (Unit:%) 106 Chart 85: Poly Real Estate ( Group) Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 107 Chart 86: Chart of the controlling relationship Enterprise Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch and the actual control between 108 Chart 87: 2009--2011 mainly engaged Index of Vanke Co., Ltd. ( Unit: 100 million) 109 Chart 88: Profitability Analysis Vanke Co. (unit:%) 109 Chart 89: Vanke Co. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 110 Chart 90: Vanke Co. debt Capacity Analysis (unit:%, times) 110 Chart 91: Vanke Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 111 Chart 92: Product Structure Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Branch (unit:%) 112 Chart 93: Shenzhen City Vanke Co., Ltd.'s main business area distribution (unit:%) 112 Chart 94: Shenzhen Vanke Co., Ltd., advantages and disadvantages of 113 Chart 95: property southern home Wuhan Ltd. and actual controller and 114 block diagram of a control relationship chart 96: Land Ltd. Wuhan Southland analysis of major economic indicators (Unit: 100 million) 115 Chart 97: Southern Land Ltd. Wuhan profitability analysis (unit:%) 115 Chart 98: Shares of Wuhan southern home Limited operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 116 Chart 99: Southern Land Ltd. Wuhan solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 116 Chart 100: Land Ltd. Wuhan Southland development capacity analysis (unit:%) 117 Chart 101: Product Structure Co., Ltd. Wuhan southern home (unit:%) 117 102 Chart: Wuhan Southland Land Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 118 Chart 103: Hengda Real Estate Group Co., the main economic indicator analysis (Unit: 100 million) 119 Chart 104: Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 120 105 Chart: Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 120 Chart 106: Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:%) 121 107 Chart: Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited development capacity analysis (unit:%) 121 108 Chart: Hengda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 122 Chart 109: Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd. mainly analysis of economic indicators (Units : 100 million) 123 110 Chart: Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 124 111 Chart: Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 124 Chart 112: Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (Unit :%) 125 113 Chart: Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 125 Chart 114: Advantages and Disadvantages of Lake Real Estate Co., Ltd. 126 Chart 115: Property Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co., Ltd. and the actual controller and between 127 block diagram of a control relationship graph 116: 2009--2011 for Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co., Ltd. main business indicators Analysis (Unit: 100 million) 128 117 Chart: Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 128 Chart 118: Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 129 Chart 119: Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 129 Chart 120: Beijing Vantone Real Estate Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 130 --------------------------------------- 〖Contact Ms. Gao Miss Zhao〗 〖Order〗 010-56205768〗 〖QQ 1271943744 24: 18211180815
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Company Name: | Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co... |
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Contact Person: | Mr. Zhao Ying(Sales) |
Telephone Number: | 010-56205768 |
Company Address: | Chaoyang District, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, China |
Zip/Postal Code: | 100000 |
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