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Supply of organic Kudzu powder 250g

Supply of organic Kudzu powder 250g
Supply of organic Kudzu powder 250g
Supply of organic Kudzu powder 250g

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Company:Ye Village Green Food Co., Ltd. in Anhui
Information Name: Supply of organic Kudzu powder 250g
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Kudzu powder, also known as arrowroot, can be divided into Kudzu Pueraria starch and flour, plus difference between the two lies in the different processes. Kudzu contains 12% of nutrients flavonoids, such as puerarin, daidzein glycosides, peanuts and other factors, as well as proteins, amino acids, sugars, and essential iron, calcium, copper, selenium and other minerals, is both young and old should the valuable supplements, the "Millennium ginseng" reputation. Both medicinal value, but also the effectiveness of nutrition and health. Kudzu powder on the market, there are two, one is cultivated Pueraria made, the other is a wild Gegen produced, it is dug out of the Kudzu after crushing, washing, filtration, sedimentation, repeatedly wandering made of . Wild Gefen is pure natural health food. The Ministry of Health announced the Kudzu both drugs and food, which shows arrowroot used as food for human safety, but also has some functional role. Walled wild card we Kudzu powder also different from other products advantages: 1 wild kudzu growth environment: in the world geological park, national AAAAA level scenic spots Tianzhushan original ecological mountain forests, where not only the good climatic conditions, and more peculiar geology, in the Earth's umbilical cord latitude 30 °, the soil surface is 8000 m deep seabed sediment composition, rare worldwide, here is rich in trace elements, is very beneficial to the human body. 2. Our Gefen purity can reach 100% wild:. A Gefen our original reservation during processing, granular, and now you can see a lot of powder on the market, we understand many have a mix of other starch, making it pure enough; b on our product packaging and found a gram printed fake, reward one million commitment, can do so only this we promise a wild Village on the market. Kudzu powder effects: 1, prompting chest full upright: Pueraria are rich in isoflavones mimic estrogen and effectively stimulate breast gland, and body fat for guiding both the body fat transfer to the chest, breast Body. 2, restore the breast area skin's elasticity: Pueraria are rich in isoflavones nourishing the skin, restore skin elasticity effect. So it can help breast again become strong. And when after the closure, since estrogen secretion returns to its original level, breast atrophy occurs certain, but the fat part of the breast area does not change. 3, rich in isoflavones Kudzu: This substance is a natural plant estrogen, which can be adjusted to the body's endocrine, for low levels of estrogen, showed estrogen-like replacement supplement, can prevent estrogen decrease symptoms caused by, such as elevated blood lipids, osteoporosis, menopausal syndrome, and can increase the middle-aged woman in serum estradiol levels and high concentrations of plasma lipoprotein levels, lower cholesterol, protect the cardiovascular action; while estrogen levels were high, and the performance of the anti-estrogen-like activity, can help prevention and treatment of endometrial cancer, breast cancer and other cancers, and thus play the role of two-way adjustment. 4, constipation, insomnia, particularly visible improvement: Regular consumption of Pueraria can make the body skin becomes delicate, moist, shiny; original chloasma diminished, disappeared; urinary symptoms caused by endocrine disorders mitigate disappeared; acne significantly subsided, increase skin elasticity, pores situation has improved significantly; menstruation improved. Kudzu powder true and false identification first, arrowroot color is not very white, very bright, a little white in the slightly brown, with a crystal luster. Secondly, the product on the market, the possibility of massive adulteration smaller than powdered. Third, with the clutch a little bit into the mouth, natural Gefen will soon melt in your mouth, as Gefen cool, then the mouth can feel the slightest cool, and there will be a little off-flavor, but no odor. Fourth, brewed arrowroot soup with a spoon to stir streaming down linearly, as the noodles (which is the difference flour / lotus root starch and other important characteristics of other powder, not wild Gefen are difficult to line Fifth, see dissolved in water fast boiling water brewing, the water temperature enough to be burnt like milky white, a little heat to boiling water or transparent gel-like, high degree of adhesion, slightly pale yellow (Taibai Kudzu powder may be grown or add starch, talc powder), a slight smell of the soil, but no smell, compared with pure edible method 1. Prepare a pack of wild Gefen, cold water, bowls, spoons; 2, wild Gefen pour in a bowl; 3, first with a small amount of cold water stirring dilution, mix thoroughly until no resistance to influenza (cold water not too much); 4, slowly pour boiling water over 95 degrees, while down the water with a spoon stirring constantly; 5, Gefen stir well into a translucent plastic shape (if the water temperature is too low, will show a milky white burnt like, can pour into wok or placed in a microwave oven into a transparent burnt like, can be used); 6, according to their own tastes taste deployment needs (such as adding the right amount . The sugar) produced by organic greens are: Kudzu powder, Pueraria series of health fans, edible fungus, mountain wild series, wild river fish, shrimp, Melon seeds, camellia oil, tea 181-3059-1575 yezhai. .21food.cn 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Ye Village Green Food Co., Ltd. in Anhui
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wang Yaling(Market Business Support)
Telephone Number: 0556-8242388
Company Address: Welcome Hill County Road No. 8, , Anhui Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 246300
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