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Shaanxi 127mm drill core composite sheet prices

Shaanxi 127mm drill core composite sheet prices
Shaanxi 127mm drill core composite sheet prices
Shaanxi 127mm drill core composite sheet prices

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Company:Hejian Bai Jonas drill Manufacturing Co.
Information Name: Shaanxi 127mm drill core composite sheet prices
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Speaking of bits, what would you think? Some people may think of something its performance and functionality, it is really easy to use, while there may be some people thought might be how it should be used, and I think it's something brand, we all know that any product produced by all brand, and what drill sessions elite is it? Speaking of the drill, you can not talk about the new three-cone drill? With our exploration work gradually extended to the west country, drilling and geological conditions faced by the natural environment is more complex and severe, difficult to develop oil resources continue increases, the existing cone bit has been difficult to deal with some complex terrain, such as hard formation occurs, the plastic layer, although single-cone bit PDC drill bits and the like would solve part of the complex stratigraphic drilling problems, but its use is still limited, at present, PDC drill mainly used for soft to medium-hard homogeneous strata, not suitable for drilling hard formations, single cone bit in recent years launched a new drill, he had only one cone, the structure is simple , bearing a large space, and three-cone bit increased compared to the reliability of the drill, while single-cone bit crowded with a scrape, cut, broken color mode impact crusher in high-efficiency soft rock breaking formation, and tricone bit due to space constraints, it determines its security is the lowest of the three bits, but since it impact crushed the main way to break the rock, so hard formations than single cone bit and PDC bit high a lot, so now most of the use of three-cone drill bit for drilling hard formations. Conventional model: 3 7/8 (98mm), 4 5/8 (118mm), 5 7/8 (149mm), 6 (152mm), 6 1/2 (165mm), 7 1/2 (190mm), 7 7/8 (200mm), 8 1/2 (216mm), 9 1/2 (241mm), 9 7/8 (250mm), 10 5/8 (269mm), 11 5/8 (295mm), 12 1 / 4 (311mm), 13 5/8 (346mm), 15 1/2 (393mm), 16 (406mm), 17 1/2 (445mm), 26 (660mm) and other drill tooth: [tipped drill: IADC437. 517.537.617.637] [steel tooth bit: IADC126.] Certification: API & ISO steel tooth tricone bit application layer: ???? 1: low compressive strength high drillability soft formation ???? 2 : high compressive strength of the medium hard formations ???? 3: Semi-abrasive and grinding of hard formations ???? 4: low, high compressive strength drillability of extremely hard formations tipped tricone bit applicable formations: ???? 1: Low compression strength, high drillability soft formation ???? 2: low compressive strength of soft, medium and hard formation ???? 3: The high compressive strength of Hard Formation ???? 4: Hard abrasive or medium abrasive formations ???? 5: High-abrasive extremely hard formations river Bai Jonas drill Manufacture Co. carbide drill bits and diamond PDC drill bits, mainly the sale and supply of petroleum, well, mine with old cone bits, tricone bits, PDC bits, roller cone bits specifications, tricone bit brands, major manufacturers of roller cone bits, diamond drill, the main models of 3 inches - 26-inch, three-cone drill as a whole, the company also custom processing different types of assembly drill 500mm-1200mm, imports of drill collars, drill pipe imports, rings, Elevators, tongs, centralizers and various drilling accessories and equipment. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Hejian Bai Jonas drill Manufacturing Co.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Ms Wong(Sales Executive)
Telephone Number: 018733062837
Company Address: Gentlemen Hall Industrial Zone, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 062450
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