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Medical decontamination | decontamination | Fu-fit

Medical decontamination | decontamination | Fu-fit
Medical decontamination | decontamination | Fu-fit
 Medical decontamination | decontamination | Fu-fit

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Company:Shandong Fu Cheng co-Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Medical decontamination | decontamination | Fu-fit
Update Time:2015-04-25
Price Description: RMB/
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 Decontamination Category 2 laminar air flow straight into a uniform motion, the air from the coverage of 100% of the filter into the room by the raised floor or side wall panels back to the wind. This type is suitable for clean room class required to set high environmental use, generally its cleanroom class Class1 ~ 100. Its type can be divided into two kinds: (1) horizontal laminar flow: horizontal air blown from the filter in one direction, from the right side wall of the return air system back to the wind, dust and wind to exhausted to the outside, usually in the downstream side of the polluted serious. Advantages: simple structure, after running a short time to become stable. Cons: construction costs than the turbulence High decontamination, interior space is not easy to expand. (2) vertical laminar flow: room ceiling completely covered with ULPA filter, air blowing down from the static distribution center decontamination, high availability of cleanliness, dust in the manufacturing process or generated by the staff quickly discharged outdoor work areas without affecting the other. Advantages: easy to manage, you can start up to steady state operation in a short time, the impact is not easy job status or job personnel. Turbulence style Disadvantages: higher cost structure renovation decontamination, flexible use of space difficult medical decontamination, the ceiling of the hanger considerable space, maintenance compared with the first step to change the filter selection of quality air purification equipment, is to choose a good brand. Select air purification equipment should try to prioritize international brands and has a history of professional brand products. International brands have in terms of technology and product quality absolute advantage, and good after-sales service, product descriptions and features clearly described. Select international brands have influence, can not get cheated guarantee inferior products. Medical decontamination | decontamination | Fu-Fu-fit provided by the Shandong Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd. together. Shandong Fu Cheng co-Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.sdfch.com) strong, credible, Shandong Weifang machining industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Fucheng and you work together into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shandong Fu Cheng co-Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhang()
Telephone Number: 0536-8200187
Company Address: Weifang City victory Street, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 261000
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