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Famous drum training, Xi'an drums, beat Xi'an Times

Famous drum training, Xi'an drums, beat Xi'an Times
Famous drum training, Xi'an drums, beat Xi'an Times
Famous drum training, Xi'an drums, beat Xi'an Times

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Company:Xi'an Times beat percussion Arts Center
Information Name: Famous drum training, Xi'an drums, beat Xi'an Times
Update Time:2015-04-25
Price Description: RMB/
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Xi'an Times beat percussion arts center in Xi'an Xi'an Times beat drums drums drums Xi'an training to develop efficient methods of training drummer attention to know how to read drum notation spectrum, the spectrum of teaching writing drum stand, will make you a tremendous pace, and can be more effective or, more correctly, senior learning drums playing skills. Drums existence value spectrum: a learning process that you have not studied all the evidence, to learn at a glance. You can practice every process, described in detail the progress of the case by the date of the day, when you wait for the next time to practice the same course again, you know where to begin to strengthen. When you call a drummer future teachers, but also be your textbook. Xi'an Times beat percussion arts center to join us Xi'an Times drums beat drums training Xi'an Xi'an Xi'an Times beat drums percussion art training center in Xi'an Xi'an Times beat drums drums drums Xi'an training to develop efficient methods of training drummer importance to know how to read drum notation spectrum, write the spectrum, will make you stand out of the drum advances education, and more effective, more accurate learning drums advanced playing techniques. Drums spectrum existence value: 3 is your song caught the permanent preservation of information is an important means of grasping the song drummer exercises, will hear the drums recorded songs in the spectrum of the paper, because there are a lot of sections of a song stand out on the shelf Drum training, brain matter how good, can not accurately remember. Grab songs recorded drum notation will be your resume Occupation drummer drums, drummer wealth, you can take them to any one band are never have re-arrested. Xi'an Times beat percussion arts center to join us in Xi'an Xi'an Times beat drums drums drums Training Training Xi'an famous drum training, drums Xi'an, Xi'an, Xi'an era by era beat beat percussion arts center. Xi'an Times beat percussion Arts Center (www.xasdjp.com) strong, credible, in Xi'an education, training and other industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Xi'an Times beat and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Xi'an Times beat percussion Arts Center
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Shen teacher()
Telephone Number: 029-86119166
Company Address: Weiyang Luya He North Central Building, 24th Floor, Block A, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 710000
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