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Infrared Grating, infrared grating principle, infrared window grating, ALEPH Electronics Technology

Infrared Grating, infrared grating principle, infrared window grating, ALEPH Electronics Technology
Infrared Grating, infrared grating principle, infrared window grating, ALEPH Electronics Technology
Infrared Grating, infrared grating principle, infrared window grating, ALEPH Electronics Technology

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Company:Guangzhou Yi Li Fu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Infrared Grating, infrared grating principle, infrared window grating, ALEPH Electronics Technology
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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The company is headquartered in Canton tong tong East Industrial Road, 3rd Floor, 1 Park Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Tianhe District in Guangzhou Tianhe Road, No. 586 President Cyberport fourth floor of our store, customers in Guangzhou also go directly to our stores to visit, complete product. The company also has offices in Beijing, we participated in last week's exhibition in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, to promote our fourth-generation large-screen LED digital infrared shooting, the response received was very good, and our recent National Recruitment all the agents and the will can contact us. To accommodate the various spaces perimeter terrain / feature more conditions: if the perimeter of different places to turn there will be a different angle, zone undulating ground, the ground effectively prevent Terrain Hom, dam, which on IR Curtain debugging flexibility puts special requirements of national standards other than those specified. Take for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, fences east, north, west three directions outside its logistics center, tennis center west of the fence are the outer part of the precautionary area neat sidewalks and green belts, the visual sensation substantially flat surface, but using Level observation can detect some zones installed base ends near infrared curtain height 20 cm; Tennis Center on the west side of the fence to prevent the region most sustained gentle slope, using the water level observation, you can detect both ends of each zone infrared curtain mounting base surface height 25-30 cm; water sports, cycling and triathlon stadium perimeter zone quite a lot more ups and downs, some zones at both ends of the infrared curtain wall installation base elevation of up to 1-2 m; some venues such as individual zones in a zone the west side triathlon, softball track individual infrared curtain wall installation base appears Hom / dam terrain ...... considerable number of venues, and infrared curtain wall installation, layout must You can adapt the above terrain / surface features a variety of forms, and an infrared beam to prevent both the feature and can be configured to avoid obstacles along the terrain effectively prevent the trend. Guangzhou Yi Li Fu Electronic Technology Co., ten burglar alarm manufacturers, Safe City Recommended Brand. The company introduces the fourth generation of large screen LED digital infrared shooting, once available, continue to praise, I am faced with infrared mass market, our agents throughout the country, dealers work together to share the feast. Infrared curtain is a proprietary patented technology developed by one of the active infrared intrusion detection products. In order to meet the requirements of security of the actual use of the products in the principles / techniques and applications we have made some innovative attempts. Infrared curtain using infrared security network technology to create a code modulated active infrared intrusion sonar, the principle of digital communications applications to prevent infrared radiation field, the technical characteristics of each beam infrared beam pulse code encoding completely different (various beam patterns completely overlap in the same timeline). Emission by synchronous communication and coding characteristics completely different infrared beam pulse code (signal), so that each beam pulse coded infrared beam after reaching the receiving end, can be effectively identify, thus solving the plurality of receivers in a plurality of infrared spot beam pulse coding conditions coincide with each other, for each bundle infrared beam pulse code recognition problems. This feature makes the product of a monomer, can be distinguished from a plurality of infrared pulse coded infrared pulsed beam to any bouquet of whether the beam is blocked and the encoding time of occurrence of blocking. Thus these products can be used simultaneously multi-beam infrared beam pulse encoder interface constitutes a high guard. Infrared window grating | infrared grating | ALEPH infrared grating provided by ALEPH Electronics Technology. Guangzhou Yi Li Fu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (www.alephchina.com) One is located in the West Building 3 Kwong Tong Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Tong East Industrial Park, 303, Contact: Chen Shengyou 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou Yi Li Fu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Miss left(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 020-28875873 020-28875871-8007
Company Address: 3 Canton Road, 1st floor, tong tong East Industrial Park, , Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 510665
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