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Veterinary vacuum dryer vacuum dryer Su Cheng dry, high-quality certified

Veterinary vacuum dryer vacuum dryer Su Cheng dry, high-quality certified
Veterinary vacuum dryer vacuum dryer Su Cheng dry, high-quality certified
Veterinary vacuum dryer vacuum dryer Su Cheng dry, high-quality certified

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Company:Su Cheng Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Veterinary vacuum dryer vacuum dryer Su Cheng dry, high-quality certified
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Vacuum drying process affected the heating mode, the heating temperature, vacuum, coolant temperature, leather thickness and initial temperature and suffered the pressing force size and other factors, usually leather heat to heat conduction, heat radiation, and a combination of both three ways. Thermal conductivity vacuum dryer, vacuum drying drum thermal radiation method. Vacuum drum drier drum sealed in a vacuum chamber, vacuum drum drying machine, feeding, unloading and scraper so must be controlled from the dried outdoors, high drying costs, it can only be used for very heat-sensitive food dried fruit juice, yeast, baby food. They use a conventional vacuum dryer heat conduction, convection or thermal radiation heating way, heating slow and not uniform, in recent years, researchers vacuum technology and microwave technology and other drying technology, there are some new vacuum Dryer type. There are a wide range of vacuum drying important application in the food industry, into the past few years, vacuum technology and microwave technology and other drying technology, the emergence of new types of vacuum dryer, proposed that China should speed up the research and development of vacuum microwave drying new ideas machine. There are a lot of dry food and "food" linked to the characteristics, which is different from drying chemical products, the former need to consider food hygiene, nutrition loss, changes in color, flavor, etc., there are strict limits on the drying temperature and time; food drying is different from drying of pharmaceutical products, because food is often low value-added products, and drugs are generally high value-added products, the former must consider the economics of the drying process. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Su Cheng Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Charles loud()
Telephone Number: 0519-88672737
Company Address: Changzhou, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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