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Flexible waterproof casing Gongyi Hua Yang wholesale piping diagram flexible waterproof casing suppliers

Flexible waterproof casing Gongyi Hua Yang wholesale piping diagram flexible waterproof casing suppliers
Flexible waterproof casing Gongyi Hua Yang wholesale piping diagram flexible waterproof casing suppliers
Flexible waterproof casing Gongyi Hua Yang wholesale piping diagram flexible waterproof casing suppliers

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Company:Gongyi City, the China Pipeline Equipment Factory
Information Name: Flexible waterproof casing Gongyi Hua Yang wholesale piping diagram flexible waterproof casing suppliers
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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DN1500 parameters 02S404 flexible waterproof casing waterproof casing above the flexible waterproof casing portfolio is the largest model DN1000 and DN1000 and rigid waterproof casing over there DN1200,1400,1600,1800,2000. DN1000 is greater than the actual production of flexible waterproof casing generally in accordance with the same type of rigid waterproof casing wear tube diameter do, and wing ring, tube thickness is slightly larger than DN1000. But DN1500 flexible waterproof casing that according to what criteria do? Because there is no rigid waterproof casing part DN1500 parameters. In this case only in accordance with the actual pipe diameter design and production, 1520 DN1500 pipe diameter, and therefore made out of flexible waterproof casing diameter must be greater than 1520, but not too big. The actual production casing diameter is generally to do by 1530, so wear tube 1520 without any problems. Length less than 300mm of flexible waterproof casing DN200 how to calculate the theoretical weight today Nanchang customer called asking flexible waterproof casing type theoretical weight 250mm long DN200 is the number? Flexible waterproof casing is flange gland, ring, rubber seals, bolts, nuts and flange spool constituted to calculate the theoretical weight, then you need to know in detail the standard parameters for each component, calculated up more trouble. Although 02s404 waterproof casing portfolio among theoretical weight of 300mm long flexible waterproof casing made a calculation, but the length of the flexible waterproof casing is equal to the thickness of the wall, not all walls are 300mm thick. So practice to calculate the theoretical weight flexible waterproof casing usually portfolio standard weight as the base, plus or minus the extra weight of the tube to be calculated. In DN200 flexible waterproof casing A type, for example, we can know through Atlas 300mm long A-type flexible waterproof casing theoretical weight was 44.69 kg. Production DN200 flexible waterproof casing pipe diameter is 265mm, the thickness is 6mm, 50mm weight of the tube is 1.9 kg. Therefore 250mm long, flexible waterproof casing is 44.69-1.9 DN200 weight = 42.8 kg. If the tube is longer than 300mm, then add the excess weight of the tube on it. Theoretical weight rigid waterproof casing can also be used this method to calculate. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Gongyi City, the China Pipeline Equipment Factory
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Pangya Hui()
Telephone Number: 0371-64033170
Company Address: Gongyi City Wing southern section, , Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 451281
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