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Drying equipment quality and extraordinary achievements cerium carbonate drying equipment

Drying equipment quality and extraordinary achievements cerium carbonate drying equipment
Drying equipment quality and extraordinary achievements cerium carbonate drying equipment
Drying equipment quality and extraordinary achievements cerium carbonate drying equipment

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Company:Changzhou Yihong Drying Equipment Co.
Information Name: Drying equipment quality and extraordinary achievements cerium carbonate drying equipment
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Changzhou Yihong Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. is one of China environmental protection equipment manufacturers drying, active in a dry environment manufacturing sector. China is an ancient civilization, beautiful great country, the rapid development of the economy is having a profound impact on the future development of the world, so we take the path advocated by the Chinese government's energy saving and environmental protection industries. R & D with independent intellectual property core products. Flash dryer for control of the material in the dryer residence time, air flow rate should be adjusted according to the air in the dryer when asked to stay, so that the particle size, moisture content of the finished product yield and ultimate control, so that the formation of a drier Balanced feed rate and meet the requirements of dry goods yield between. Spin flash dryers little affected by the moisture content of the final product feed moisture content fluctuations, which is one of the advantages of the dryer. Changzhou Yihong Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. is one of China environmental protection equipment manufacturers drying, we are dried, environmentally friendly manufacturing project actively cooperate with the government and research institutions, and hopes to play a role in the future development and benefit the local economy saving and environmental protection, in order to exchange of scientific and technological progress of advanced concepts and build bridges. Flash dryer is in a fluid state particle surface is completely exposed to the hot air, and asked each other collide with each other and friction, while the water evaporates, the particles ask sticky weakened, and asked to form a dispersion of particles, irregular movement, so that the gas-solid two with full access to accelerate the mass transfer, heat transfer process. Section in the flow of the maximum temperature difference between hot and cold media, most of the water in this area is evaporated. Only after fully dried particles can be hot air out of the flow of the segments. Flash dryer hot air from a tangential direction at a certain speed into the annular channel at the bottom of the dryer, the gap from the housing into the fluidized bottom section. Since the passage section is suddenly reduced, so that the kinetic energy of the wind speed increases, so that a swirling wind farm has a higher wind speed in the device. Material from the screw conveyor into the dryer, the first to bear the agitator mechanical crushing, in the role of centrifuge, shearing, impact forces the material to be micronized, full contact with the rotating hot air form a fluidized bed is fluidized. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Changzhou Yihong Drying Equipment Co.
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhuang Yihong()
Telephone Number: 0519-88911555
Company Address: Changzhou, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
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