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Factory price direct bridge water and alkali resistant silicone primer

Factory price direct bridge water and alkali resistant silicone primer
Factory price direct bridge water and alkali resistant silicone primer
Factory price direct bridge water and alkali resistant silicone primer

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Company:Hangzhou-Shing paint Ink Co.
Information Name: Factory price direct bridge water and alkali resistant silicone primer
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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The product consists of a modified two-component temperature silicone resin, corrosion resistant paint fillers, solvents and imports polyamine curing agent composition, moisture, corrosion primer. Key Features:? Has excellent adhesion on sandblasted steel. ? Excellent water resistance and acid and alkali. ? Heat resistance reaches 250 ℃ -350 ℃. Uses: For coating boiler pipes, ovens, machinery, petrochemical and other high temperature equipment surfaces. Color and Appearance: iron red, flat. Basic parameters: Weight: about 1.2 kg / L dry film thickness: 25um wet film thickness: 50Um Theoretical amount: lOOg / m2 ratio Part A: B = 10: 1 (weight ratio) Drying time: 25 ℃ Table dry ≤4h hard work ≤24h completely dry 7d Curing time: 25 ℃ 0. 5h applicable period: 25 ℃ 6h Suggested painting number: Suggested painting Bu 2. After matching paint: JW-300 silicone high temperature silver paint. Surface treatment:? Primed surface must be dry. ? In addition to the net all the oil, debris, the film without the acid-base and water condensation. ? Steel surface sandblasted Sa21 / 2, with compressed air to remove surface dust. Substrate temperature:? Substrate temperature to be above the dew point above 3 ℃ coating application:? Airless spray: Not recommended nozzle diameter of 0.2 ~ 0.3 mm discharge pressure 10 ~ 15 MPa (about 100 ~ 150kg / cm2) air? Spray: Not recommended nozzle diameter of 1.5 ~ 2 Omm discharge pressure of 0.3 ~ 0.4 MPa (about 3 ~ 4kg / cm2) Roller / Brush:? Diluting O ~ 5% (by weight paint). ? Cleaning agent: special thinner (flash point 27 ℃) Note:? In order to obtain good results, after the first high temperature paint coating should be slowly warming to the use temperature, the first paint is fully cured, then high temperature paint coating the second track. ? This product is only by professional applicators in industrial situations in accordance with the instructions in this manual and on the container. ? Application and use of this product all work must be carried out according to various national health, safety and environmental standards and regulations related. ? If there is doubt about the suitability of this product, please consult the details of our technical service department. Packing: 3. 7L barrels 3kg storage and transportation: 1. This product is at a temperature of 25 ℃ effective storage period for a period of 12 months, extended by the inspection qualification can still be used. 2. The product should be stored ventilated, dry, to prevent direct sunlight and away from heat sources. 3. When this product transportation, should prevent rain, sunlight, and should meet the requirements of the transport sector. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Hangzhou-Shing paint Ink Co.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Hong Chi only(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0571-87291527
Company Address: No. 589 Dengyun Road Gongshu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
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