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Shandong fortunes pneumatic measuring meter for you to explain the correct application of the method. . . .

Shandong fortunes pneumatic measuring meter for you to explain the correct application of the method. . . .
Shandong fortunes pneumatic measuring meter for you to explain the correct application of the method. . . .
Shandong fortunes pneumatic measuring meter for you to explain the correct application of the method. . . .

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Company:Shandong fortunes meter Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Shandong fortunes pneumatic measuring meter for you to explain the correct application of the method. . . .
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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According to various length parameters, the shape and position error measure the workpiece, especially certain mechanical gages and measuring instruments elusive measurement of pneumatic measuring instrument at purchase. For example, by deep inside the inner hole through the narrow groove width, relatively easy to implement. Pneumatic measuring high magnification, human error is small, no mechanical friction at work, no return errors. Such pneumatic measuring instrument easy to operate, intuitive readings, continuous measurement can be performed. Especially multi-tube split pneumatic measuring instrument capable of simultaneously measuring multiple parameters, high efficiency measure. Pneumatic-meter buoy achieve probe and the surface is not in direct contact, to reduce the impact on the measurement results of the measuring force, to avoid scratching the surface under test, the measurement of thin-walled deformable part is particularly applicable. Due to non-contact measurement, the measuring head can be less wear and prolong life. Buoy-type pneumatic measuring instrument at the time of purchase to observe the layer and the outer surface of the coating should be no peeling, rust and other defects. Pneumatic measuring instrument shall not affect the performance of the leak. Magnification and zero adjustment button adjustment button rotation should be flexible, reliable and should not have, a significant axial movement. Pharmaceutical processing pointer in the measurement limit should be easy to adjust up and down, and accurate, steady and reliable. Engraved lines on the meter scale, numbers and other signs are correct, uniform and clear. Second, adjusting pneumatic-meter buoy multiples: 1. Adjustment inner and outer diameter pneumatic probe by the book:. "8 method of operation" in the "8.2.1", "8.2.3" item adjustments. 2, straightness (hole) measurement adjusting head. The hole axis straightness measurement head and proofreading will need to use to wipe clean the regulation, according to buoy-type pneumatic measuring instrument instruction manual with a plastic hose connected probe, open air, can be adjusted. When the hole axis straightness probe adjustment must be put down to the middle of the second hole, and then 15 the upper limit set in the master gauge measuring head, then the upper limit of the master gauge cover the middle two holes, so The float down the scale limit position adjustment. Then remove the master gauge, the upper limit set in the master gauge on the side head position swap, this time limit proofing regulations covering middle two holes, the inner diameter of the probe adjustment method is similar to the buoy transferred to scale the lower limit position, so repeated adjustment a few times, you can adjust the timeout. Since the probe of varying lengths, some a master gauge can cover four holes, you can press the adjustment method to adjust the inner diameter of the probe. Some also a master gauge only cover a hole, or to cover the three holes but put another master gauge unstable, increase the auxiliary master gauge. Adjustment buoy pneumatic measuring instrument with the former method, the upper limit of the master gauge limit must cover two holes down the middle of the probe position adjustments. By adjusting the lower limit must master gauge transducer probe down to the middle position of the second hole. Auxiliary master gauge or with the same specifications of the master gauge (its size within the workpiece tolerances); if the position does not fit, allows the same size 6mm thick master gauge 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shandong fortunes meter Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Song Ying(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0537-7703299
Company Address: Xu set number Liangshan County Industrial Park 8, , Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 272614
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