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Leica DNA03 Digital Level

Leica DNA03 Digital Level
Leica DNA03 Digital Level
Leica DNA03 Digital Level

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Company:Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Guangzhou measured States
Information Name: Leica DNA03 Digital Level
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Large-screen liquid crystal display capable of measuring all the important data is displayed on a screen, and also prompts the next action. Double Safety measurement process under control data protection: now, in addition to linking your work automatically stored in the instrument memory, you are also in the measurement is completed, the data stored in a PC card. This time measurement data can be easily downloaded to your computer more comfortable and easy to operate up: lessons alphanumeric keyboard and the operating mode hybrid design ideas TPS700 total stations, allowing users to get a first-class operating efficiency and operating smoothly, the process of familiarization fast Practice has proved that, compared with conventional water level, using Leica digital levels can save nearly 50% of the time easy and accurate measurement of the complimentary use Leica SurveyOffice software for data exchange, parameter setting, set up coding table and update the instrument software. A special feature is able to set up the imaging data output format field book is displayed as an optional professional measurement data processing software LevelPak-Pro features include line calculation, adjustment and report generation. Measurement data and results through a database to manage Level-Adj Chinese level adjustment software, can be used with electronic level Leica DNA Chinese use, fully in accordance with our rules and standards Rigorous Adjustment compiled, the software uses an Access database to store and manage data, and the use of multiple document windows mode. In addition, for the convenience of users, the software also provides a convenient context menu function DNA10 and DNA03 Height measurements can provide solutions for a variety of applications, such as topographic surveying, building surveying, first-class standards and monitoring. Technical Specifications Model DNA03 DNA10 roundtrip per kilometer elevation measurement accuracy standards leveling rod 1.0mm, 0.3mm standard indium ruler level ruler 1.5mm, 0.9mm indium ruler 24x magnification range of the standard level ruler measuring 1.8m to 110m, indium ruler 1.8 m to 60m Minimum Reading 0.01mm 0.1mm single measurement time 3s measurement program to measure and record water level elevation / distance, BF, aBF, BFFB, aBFFB data logging memory 6000 or 1650 measurement data set station data (BF) / PCMCIA card (ATA-Flash / SRAM) / RS232 output data format GSI8 / GSI16 / XML / user-defined format LCD display, Chinese 8 lines of 15 characters or 30 letters GEB111 / GEB121 time available to the operating 12h / 24h Magnetic damping compensator compensation compensation compensation accuracy range of ± 10 minutes 0.3 seconds 0.8 seconds Power NiMh battery / adapter 节 6 1,5V (AA) batteries Operating temperature -20 ℃ to + 50 ℃ Storage Temperature -40 ℃ to + 70 ℃ 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Guangzhou measured States
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Contact Person: Mr. Ji Xinxing(Manager)
Telephone Number: 020-37039855
Company Address: 29 18 1816 No Tianhe District Five Xianqiao Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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