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Health advocates ingredients selected assistant - Microscope

Health advocates ingredients selected assistant - Microscope
Health advocates ingredients selected assistant - Microscope
Health advocates ingredients selected assistant - Microscope

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Company:Equipment Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Yao
Information Name: Health advocates ingredients selected assistant - Microscope
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Microscope (http://www.microimaging.com.cn/) application of the latest optical system, imaging map of the object can be collected and output, has become a modern industrial biosciences and an indispensable detection equipment. With the technological development of equipment, people began to use optical microscope for food selection, by detecting food PH value and its ingredients to match the high nutrient diet. Metallography mainly refers to the use of optical microscope and stereo microscope for analysis of raw materials, both containing material surface microstructure analysis, as well as the internal organization of the raw material can be detected. Number of organizations can easily get inside the object, distribution, orientation and other information. Today is the era of the pursuit of health, diet is the most effective as the solution to disease, without side effects way. We can use the microscope to classify the food, raw materials commonly soy beans, soy, etc., we can use the microscope to measure soy internal matrix, concentration ratio and chemical composition. Nutrients Different people need different, some people's body alkaline and some people are acidic, we can according to their own needs for food match. Adequate intake of acid foods, contribute to good health. Researchers found experimentally that the growth in the amount of soy and soy products mycelium amount proportional to the ratio. In terms of the fermentation broth, in addition to soybean meal, the pH of the remaining beans are within 3 to 5, lower than the normal pH of the body needs, the body after a large number of intake, the body will be presented to the acidity. Researchers found that by using a microscope can be cultured in the interior of a fungus soybean, high nutritional value of this fungus, can help the body improve physical health. Such bacteria must be grown under carbon rich environment, and this fungus species belonging to the candy category, limited modern technology, but also can not be nurtured such a large number of fungi, the future may be able to achieve the goal of a large number of cultivated . Powerful microscope observation function, it can easily help detect health who conducted ingredient of food, health who helped to develop a reasonable and healthy diet, become the best assistant of modern health advocates. Yao and Shanghai with more relevant products: Shanghai Full Yao OLYMPUS official website (http://www.microimaging.com.cn/about.shtml) fluorescence microscopy operating system (http://www.microimaging.com.cn/pro /) 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Equipment Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Yao
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr Wong()
Telephone Number: 021-57717867
Company Address: Songjiang, , Shanghai, China
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