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L-50 hydraulic complex rail

L-50 hydraulic complex rail
L-50 hydraulic complex rail
L-50 hydraulic complex rail

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Company:Beijing Beijing Railway Skyworth Technology Development..
Information Name: L-50 hydraulic complex rail
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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L-50-type complex rail straight top rail sliding type complex is traditional rescue methods, first is to lift the vehicle off the road and then cross-moved for about rerailing by lifting cylinder, sliding cylinder, transverse shift bridge, sliding car jacking and pump components. Complex traverse straight top rail of the lift cylinder for the three hydraulic cylinders, cylinder top combined points in the coupler, or center sill plate of the vehicle, give rise to a certain height, traversing cylinder by pushing or pulling a complete vehicle The off road and rescue operations from the complex. Straight top sliding type complex rail structure is simple, easy to operate, single pump double pump control, the pump can operate a lifting cylinder or traversing cylinder. Note that when using the device off when road vehicle tilt, first with the device first before righting rescue vehicles from the complex operations; crosstie pad is to use lower base, when pad level and work to ensure the lift cylinder perpendicular to the ground. Straight top rail sliding Complex is based on the first lift and then to complete the re-track sliding around work, the whole process is simple and clear so the entire hydraulic rise up inside the industry, this principle is the most complex rail is the most common. L-50 Complex track the jacking point coupler in the beam (or heart disk), the hydraulic cylinder for the three hydraulic cylinders, maximum lateral displacement of 500mm, the lowest operating point of 450mm, the maximum lift of 560mm. Jacking coupler applicable total weight ≤55 tons of various vehicles, jacking beams applied to the total weight of ≤90 tons of various types of vehicles. It can be accessed by hand pumps, motor pumps, electric pumps, installation is simple, stable operation. This model of the hydraulic complex rail systems applicable to public works rail cars and flat cars, power supply system operations vehicles, vehicle service systems vans, large maintenance of the mechanical parts of the vehicle, the subway system and other rescue operations from the complex.
Contact Detail
Company Name: Beijing Beijing Railway Skyworth Technology Development..
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Contact Person: Mr. YIN Hui()
Telephone Number: 010-57102640
Company Address: Fengtai District, Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, China
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