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Copper alloys standard tensile testing machine, tensile testing equipment 200 tons of steel cord business

Copper alloys standard tensile testing machine, tensile testing equipment 200 tons of steel cord business
Copper alloys standard tensile testing machine, tensile testing equipment 200 tons of steel cord business
Copper alloys standard tensile testing machine, tensile testing equipment 200 tons of steel cord business

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Company:Jinan Experimental Factory Yongmao
Information Name: Copper alloys standard tensile testing machine, tensile testing equipment 200 tons of steel cord business
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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First, the cable tensile testing equipment, horizontal tensile testing machine technical parameters: Size (kN) 500 1000 2000 Test force measurement range 10KN-500kN 20KN-1000kN 40KN-2000kN Test Force showed the displacement measurement accuracy of ± 1% resolution 0.01mm Test speed 0-80mm / min slider load fast forward speed not less than 200mm / min test space piston stroke customized according to customer requirements according to customer requirements two, horizontal tensile testing machine, electro-hydraulic servo horizontal tensile tester main Purpose: computer controlled servo horizontal tensile testing machine with a whole rack steel welded frame structure, single rod double-acting piston-cylinder test force applied, cylindrical pin plug sample load force sensors, according to the sample size length stepwise adjustment tension space, computer screen control and display test force and test curve, according to the requirements of the test method automatic processing test data, the machine is lifting belts, chain type and the cord do product-by-tensile test equipment, with tensile load in one by one, destruction test sling products require operational flexibility, load slow and steady, strong body carrying capacity and so on. Third, copper alloys tensile testing machine, horizontal tensile testing machine price Features: 1 Host: 1.1 chassis with welded steel frame structure as a whole, the main structural components of the system before and after the cartridge seat, fuel tank and front beam; 1.2 after Chuck seat manually push mode to test space-level adjustment; 1.3 host appearance on the basis of the horizontal test equipment to meet the technical requirements for the design, modeling concise, proportion, color matching and reasonable, so that the stability, security, test equipment, aesthetics perfect unity. 2 oil supply system (pump station): 2.1 a 10l / min, 30MPa constant pressure pump: using well-known brand motor, imported low-noise high-pressure gear pump. 2.2 motor is installed with a damping device (optional damping pad), to reduce vibration and noise; 2.3 Fuel tank: closed standard tanks, volume 80 liters, with oil temperature gauge, oil level gauge, precision pressure filter, air filter is Qing and with oil temperature, liquid level, oil barrier protection and indicating means, in accordance with the requirements of the oil in the oil filter with the corresponding high-precision devices. 2.4 has a temperature over the limit, filter clogging level is too low, such as automatic shutdown or alarm functions; 2.5 pipeline system: the master cylinder loader chuck actuator hydraulic line using high-pressure hose. 3 control system: 3.1 Dual control panel used in all digital circuits, consistent with the structure, improve the interchangeability of the channel; 3.2 computer screen to complete the integration of data to control the display and test curve display; 3.3 data storage functional, can be history data reproduction and graphic display; 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jinan Experimental Factory Yongmao
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Lee()
Telephone Number: 0531-82355266
Company Address: Jinan, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China
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