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PF Fuchs Proximity Switch NBB10-30GM50-E0-V1NBN15-30GM50-E0-V1 pass ..

PF Fuchs Proximity Switch NBB10-30GM50-E0-V1NBN15-30GM50-E0-V1 pass ..
PF Fuchs Proximity Switch NBB10-30GM50-E0-V1NBN15-30GM50-E0-V1 pass ..
PF Fuchs Proximity Switch NBB10-30GM50-E0-V1NBN15-30GM50-E0-V1 pass ..

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Company:Yueqing City Electric Co., Ltd. logo border
Information Name: PF Fuchs Proximity Switch NBB10-30GM50-E0-V1NBN15-30GM50-E0-V1 pass ..
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Metal sensing face inductive proximity switches metal surface metal inductive proximity sensor proximity sensor surface, in some applications, the sensor has a very high degree of durability requirements, then such threaded rugged stainless steel sensing face of the sensor is to meet this application the best choice. Similar machine tool manufacturing or metal processing and other applications, often makes the sensor from impact, abrasion and erosion corrosive solvents or other fluid, so in this environment, stainless steel sensing surface of the sensor will be able to play its great advantage: big reduce downtime, extend life and improve production efficiency. Our product range metal sensing face (NMB ...) There are two types: FE for detecting ferrous metal, NFE for the detection of non-ferrous metals. Inductive analog output sensors Inductive analog output sensors Inductive analog output sensors Inductive analog output sensors are used to detect metal target position within a specific sensing range. The detected object position detection distance corresponding to the output of a proportional analog signals, so that the section sensor ideal for measurement control. Fuchs detection range of products can provide are 2 ... 5mm, 3 ... 8mm and 15 ... 40mm. Since the temperature inductive analog sensor drift lower, per degree Celsius temperature drift error is only 1/1000, in the very state of the case is still able to ensure its reliability and accuracy. Bus proximity switch proximity sensor bus AS AS bus proximity sensor in many sensor applications, communication networks often linked to the sensor, so that the system will be able to coordinate the operation. We provide intelligent proximity switch, its capabilities to include supply line monitoring and diagnostics, and network communications programmable logic controllers and the like. Use our AS bus proximity sensor, so that each user can master extended to 31 slaves (version 2.0) or 62 slaves (version 2.1). Bus proximity switch with a warning indicating an error, an on / off delay and an internal oscillator monitoring. Press the shape can be divided into cylindrical, square and screw on type "F" type housing. High pressure proximity switch proximity switch high-voltage high-voltage proximity switch proximity switch for high pressure hydraulic cylinders and actuators. Such sensors sensing face can withstand 350 bar (M18 cylindrical) or 500 bar (M12 cylindrical). Sensing distance proximity switch sensing range growth growth growth proximity switch sensing distance proximity switch in some of the need to detect small objects or of objects of different materials and under the influence of the attenuation coefficient of applications, the need to use inductive proximity switch from the growth. In addition, also in the following occasions: small installation space, mechanical tolerances or detected through the protective film. Intrinsically safe output proximity switches intrinsically safe proximity switch for its output voltage and current is very small, so it can be applied in potentially explosive environments, the product models with the letter "N", or the letter "N" after adding a digital have said the series. In the corresponding device circuits, power is limited to a very small, which means that only intrinsically safe proximity switch supporting a respective said only intrinsically safe isolation amplifier. Valve position sensor valve echo sensor valve echo sensors in many process control industrial field flow instrumentation products often are applied, most applications of these instruments are in 90 ° rotation of the valve shaft feedback signal to the control system. Our valve echo sensor according to VDI standard housing and open two / VDE 3845's. Such sensors may be securely mounted directly to the actuator, easy to replace, very compact. While its standardized shape can effectively protect, control valves and switches provide terminal. Annular ring proximity switch proximity switch the ring as long as the metal object close to the switch in the sensor ring area, the sensor detected and the output action. Typical applications include proximity sensor for detecting and counting by an annular small metal objects. Whether ferrous or non-ferrous metals can be detected. Proximity switch proximity switch Groove Groove Groove Groove proximity switch proximity sensor has two coils inside. If there is a metal insert groove switch, according to the depth of insertion of the metal sheets, the induced magnetic field between the coils will be weakened, once reduced to a specific value, the switch will be action. Design features of this sensor is affected by metal properties are relatively small change in the target position in the axial direction of the coil also has little effect on the sensitivity of the sensor. IP69K protection class IP69K proximity switch proximity switch proximity switch IP69K under certain environmental conditions, after a long run, the reliability of the standard sensors can not be guaranteed. For example, in washing systems, high pressure water jet may enter inside the sensor, the sensor failure will lead to hidden dangers. To this end, Fuchs devised a new type of sensor is able to work in a high pressure environment, similar to the above applications, the problems will be solved. Our proximity switch design features include a rugged mechanical part such as plastic sensor head and the sensor housing, a plasma clean all sealing surfaces, the coil system has pre-sealing function. This makes it possible to far exceed IP67 / IP68 grade test requirements of our products. Anti-magnetic proximity switch magnetically shielded solder solder solder shielded proximity switch proximity switch for use in welding systems for anti-jamming features proximity switches have a strong magnetic field and to withstand the harsh environment of strong features. Sensing surface of the product by the molten metal resistant material durable Ryton, plus solder brass shell. Selection of material points proximity switch (iron / non-ferrous metals) Such proximity switches can distinguish ferrous metal and non-ferrous metals. To achieve this function, the sensor has two independent outputs. All the way to the ferrous metal signal detection, and the other way is the non-ferrous metals was detected signal output. Proximity switches with safety function with safety function of proximity switches with safety features such proximity switches proximity switches belong intrinsically safe product, but has the following characteristics: Once the sensor fails, the control interface unit or control interface component output will be automatically into the safe "off" state. These sensors are at the end of the model known as the "SN" or "S1N" distinction. The safety function is only guaranteed under suitable control interface unit 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Yueqing City Electric Co., Ltd. logo border
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Chen Road(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0577-61757692
Company Address: Renhe Town, Yueqing City, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province Dang village, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang, China
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