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Pointer board table / straight AC ammeter / electromagnetic system meter DE-96

Pointer board table / straight AC ammeter / electromagnetic system meter DE-96
Pointer board table / straight AC ammeter / electromagnetic system meter DE-96
Pointer board table / straight AC ammeter / electromagnetic system meter DE-96

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Company:Dixon Zhejiang Electric Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Pointer board table / straight AC ammeter / electromagnetic system meter DE-96
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Performance in line with GB / T7676-1998 and IEC60051 standards, shell size in line with IEC60473 and GB / T1242 standard, this series (48 * 48, 72 * 72 and 96 * 96) are also in line with the German DIN43700 and DIN61010 standards, and ROHS directive. Dynamic supply 96 type ammeter with switch AC (Three adjustable), for the six-speed please contact us sales team. Pros: do not open the instrument panel can be replaced, easy to use, effective dust. When replacing the panel, it will not cause any loss to the instrument, an accurate rating unchanged. The company also mainly produces current transformer, transformer, relays, electrical instrumentation / Pointer board table (voltmeter, ammeter, AC table, DC meter, frequency meter, power meter, power factor meter), intelligent digital form, plastic case circuit breakers, miniature circuit breakers, AC contactors, fuses, voltage regulators, switches, terminal blocks, terminals and other products, and has a special focus on HVAC. Enterprise strong technical force, advanced production and testing equipment, the introduction of foreign advanced level of manufacturing processes and technologies, users can fully meet quality requirements. Ammeter means for measuring AC and DC circuit current of the instrument. In the circuit diagram, the ammeter symbol "; circle A" ;. The current value of "security" or "A"; as the standard unit. Ammeter is based on action by the magnetic force of the current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field made of. Ammeter inside a permanent magnet, the magnetic field is generated between the poles, there is a coil, the coil springs at each end of a spring in a magnetic field, a current meter connected to the respective terminal spring, between the coil spring consists of a shaft connected to the shaft relative in the front ammeter, there is a pointer. When a current is passed, the current direction of the spring, the shaft through a magnetic field, the magnetic induction current cut line, so action by the magnetic force of the coil deflected drive shaft, pointer deflection. Since the size of the magnetic field strength increases with the current, so we can observe the size of the current through the degree of deflection of the pointer. This is called the magnetic-electric ammeter, it is what we usually use the kind of laboratory. In junior high school period, the use of meter-scale general 0 ~ 0.6A and 0 ~ 3A ammeter is based on the magnetic field strength of current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field that is made for. Ammeter inside a permanent magnet, the magnetic field is generated between the poles, there is a coil, the coil springs at each end of a spring in a magnetic field, a current meter connected to the respective terminal spring, between the coil spring consists of a shaft connected to the shaft relative in the front ammeter, there is a pointer. Pointer deflection. Since the size of the magnetic field strength increases with the current, so we can observe the size of the current through the degree of deflection of the pointer. This is called the magnetic-electric ammeter, it is what we usually use the kind of laboratory. Generally can be directly measured microamps or milliamps of current magnitude for measuring a larger current, ammeter should have a parallel resistor (also known as shunts). The main use of magnetic Ammeter measurement mechanism. When the value of the shunt resistor to make the full-scale current through the ammeter full deflection, the ammeter indicates maximized. For a few amps, you can set up a dedicated splitter in the meter. For more than a few security current, then using extrinsic shunt. Large current shunt resistance value is very small, in order to avoid lead resistance and contact resistance in addition to the error caused by the shunt, the shunt is made to form a four-terminal, i.e., there are two current terminals and two voltage terminals. For example, when attached external shunts and millivolt meter to measure large current to 200A, the use of standardized millivolt range is 45mV (or 75mV), then the shunt resistance value of 0.045 / 200 = 0.000225Ω (or 0.075 / 200 = 0.000375Ω). If you use a ring (or step) shunt can be made multi-range meter. AC ammeter mainly uses electromagnetic Ammeter, Ammeter and rectifier type electric meter measuring mechanism. Lowest range electromagnetic system measuring mechanism is about tens of milliamps, to improve the range, a pro rata reduction of the number of turns, and bold wire. When composing ammeter, dynamic and static ring in parallel with the electric system measuring mechanism, the minimum range of several tens mA. To improve the range, to reduce the number of turns quiet and bold wire or the two static ring from the series changed in parallel, the ammeter range will be doubled. Rectifier type meter measuring AC current use, only when the AC sinusoidal waveform, meter reading was true. To expand the range can also be used shunt. In addition, the available thermoelectric meter measuring mechanism measuring the high-frequency currents. Wide Range AC ammeter used mostly in power system electromagnetic system ammeter 5A or 1A, and with appropriate current ratio of the current transformer. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dixon Zhejiang Electric Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Di Fu Zhen(Domestic Trade Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0577-62865131
Company Address: Wenzhou Bridge Industrial Zone, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 325603
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