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Zhangjiakou intelligent switches, intelligent switches, intelligent switches Hengshui

Zhangjiakou intelligent switches, intelligent switches, intelligent switches Hengshui
Zhangjiakou intelligent switches, intelligent switches, intelligent switches Hengshui
Zhangjiakou intelligent switches, intelligent switches, intelligent switches Hengshui

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Company:Li Feng Electronic Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Zhangjiakou intelligent switches, intelligent switches, intelligent switches Hengshui
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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 Li Feng Electronic Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. is committed to the planning, development, production of various kinds beyond the five-star intelligent digital hotel, boutique motels, theme hotels, villas and hotels and other integrated control and related hardware and software products. Main: intelligent control regulation of hotel design, hotel intelligent control software systems, intelligent control host development, intelligent lighting control systems, energy control systems, audio-visual control systems integration, intelligent control switch D and production, multimedia connector .. (1) television; (2) a remote PC or laptop; (3) Internet Explorer; (4) phone, a digital telephone, a mobile telephone; (5) the transmitter button; (6) Remote Controller; (7) voice control; (8) touchscreen. Intervene when the system functions, but also the need for effective control, such as through a card reader, radio frequency equipment, or biometric machine, using a password, biometric identification technology, IC cards, or authorize special permissions intervention techniques, etc., normal user rights protection from infringement. Future home automation network system also needs to have a large number of adaptive features, such as the following: (1) Accessibility: Support for a large number of existing indoor wiring schemes, such as telephone lines, structured cabling, coaxial cable. (2) Flexibility: the ability to accept different types of connection schemes and standards Langfang intelligent switches to upgrade and expand the system programs. (3) Budget: because the network is used to connect a variety of devices, which itself is not the end of the device. The price advantage will accelerate its pace of applications. (4) easy to implement: Whether users or suppliers can easily design and implement network solutions, which will undoubtedly bring more users to Li Feng Electronic Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. is committed to the planning, development, production of various exceed five. Star of intelligent digital hotel, boutique motels, theme hotels, villas and hotels and other related hardware and software products integrated control. Main: intelligent control regulation of hotel design, hotel intelligent control software systems, intelligent control host development, intelligent lighting control system Cangzhou intelligent switch, energy control systems, audio-visual control systems integration Zhangjiakou intelligent switches, intelligent control switch D and production, multimedia connector .. 1971 Professor Fu Jing Sun that "intelligent control" concept since, intelligent control has grown from dualism (artificial intelligence and cybernetics) to four monism (artificial intelligence, fuzzy set theory, operations research and cybernetics), in research and application of fruitful At the same outcome, intelligent control theory has also been continuous development and improvement. Intelligent control is a multi-disciplinary subject, it benefited from the development of artificial intelligence, cognitive science, fuzzy set theory and bio-cybernetics and many other disciplines of the development of intelligent switches, but also to promote the development of related disciplines. Intelligent control is also developing rapidly emerging discipline, despite its theoretical system is still far from classical control theory as mature and perfect, but the results of the theory and application of intelligent control of the Institute have demonstrated its vitality by relevant research and engineering and technical personnel attention. With the development of science and technology, intelligent control applications will continue to expand, theory and technology will also be continuously developed and improved. Zhangjiakou intelligent switches, intelligent switches, intelligent switches Hengshui provided by Li Feng Electronic Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd .. Li Feng Electronic Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. (www.leadai.com) strong, credible, in Xiamen, Fujian combined switch industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead you join Li Feng electronics into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Li Feng Electronic Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Xu()
Telephone Number: 0592-5735979
Company Address: Albert House District, Xiamen Torch Hi-tech business park S501, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 361000
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