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Tektronix SA2500 wireless signal detection instrument

Tektronix SA2500 wireless signal detection instrument
Tektronix SA2500 wireless signal detection instrument
Tektronix SA2500 wireless signal detection instrument

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Company:Beijing Rongjie De Granville Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Tektronix SA2500 wireless signal detection instrument
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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H500 / SA2500 portable wireless signal detection instrument scene debugging environment has never been easy. H500 / SA2500 portable wireless signal detection instrument series will help you to scan and easily in a field environment, classify and locate signals of interest. In using the unique DPX? Live RF spectrum display, you can scan the environment, find spectral events other analyzers missed. You can use the built-in user-defined signal database, to signal classification concerned. You can use the integrated GPS mapping solutions, rapid positioning signal. Rugged design and hot-swappable battery has been optimized to help you tackle the toughest environments. H500 / SA2500 portable wireless signal detection instrument scene debugging environment has never been easy. H500 / SA2500 portable wireless signal detection instrument series will help you to scan and easily in a field environment, classify and locate signals of interest. In using the unique DPX? Live RF spectrum display, you can scan the environment, find spectral events other analyzers missed. You can use the built-in user-defined signal database, to signal classification concerned. You can use the integrated GPS mapping solutions, rapid positioning signal. Rugged design and hot-swappable battery has been optimized to help you tackle the toughest environments. Portable wireless signal detection instrument H500 / SA2500 Key Features and Benefits scanning DPXTM revolutionary Live RF spectrum display and DPX spectrum mask, use of color based on frequency of occurrence intuitive understanding of RF signals in real time, with 100% Probability of Intercept (POI) per sec handle up to 10,000 spectra, when capturing the shortest length of 125 μs pulse signal, radar radiation, hopping signals and any other intermittent signal to achieve the desktop portable wireless signal detection instrument performance in a battery-powered rugged handheld field instruments , starting at 10 kHz to 6.2 GHz provides better than 70 dB spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR), ≤-95 dBc / Hz @ 10 kHz offset phase noise guaranteed perfect sensitivity, -153 dBm DANL @ 10 Hz RBW (equivalent to -163 dBm / Hz), for detection of low-level signals, such as RF transmitter failure and unauthorized LLAN interface for remote control and unattended monitoring stations, spectral recognition and classification built WLAN, GSM , W-CDMA, CDMA, ATSC signal classification capability to quickly and easily identify legitimate signal using the CSV file format, the flexibility to edit, update and share signal databases and signal classification database can export the I / Q data to CSV, MATLAB? and IQT format, and further post-analysis spectrum management spectrum monitoring and control interference detection and debugging signal to find signal recognition signals intelligence (SIGINT) Homeland Security 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Beijing Rongjie De Granville Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Wen Xin()
Telephone Number: 010-56420078
Company Address: Haidian District, Beijing West Fourth Ring Road No. 146, Beijing, Beijing, China
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