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The recall / sales / service HP8753ET network analyzer / 8753ES trustworthy

The recall / sales / service HP8753ET network analyzer / 8753ES trustworthy
The recall / sales / service HP8753ET network analyzer / 8753ES trustworthy
The recall / sales / service HP8753ET network analyzer / 8753ES trustworthy

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Company:Shenzhen, Kodak Electronics Co.,
Information Name: The recall / sales / service HP8753ET network analyzer / 8753ES trustworthy
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Select product series is characterized by transmission / reflection analyzer (ET-type) or S-parameter analyzer (ES) allows you to target your application to select the best relationship between price and performance. Network analyzer is characterized by two independent measurement channels simultaneously measure and display all four S-parameters. You can choose to use the amplitude, phase, group delay, Smith chart, polar coordinates, VSWR or time domain format to display any combination of the reflection and transmission parameters. Easy to use special function keys to quickly access the various measurements. You can use up to 4 scale grid on the high-resolution color LCD display to overlap or form separate panel to observe the results. In order to drive larger external monitor, in order to observe, increased compatibility with VGA output. Test timing feature allows a typing quickly, repeatedly perform complex tasks. Work in the timing mode, just once, the analyzer stores the keystrokes from the panel measurement, so that no additional programming. You can also use the test sequence via parallel or GPIB port for external device control. To measure the mixer, tuner and other frequency conversion devices, frequency offset work permit independent of the network analyzer receiver tunes. Analyzer is easy to fix IF IF test or scan mode complete conversion loss, phase, group delay and mixers tracking of measurement. Power meter calibration to absolute input or output level-sensitive device provides absolute power leveled. 8753ET / ES AF 436A, 437B, 438A E4418B E4419B power meter or control, so that the power in the test system can be adjusted to any point of having power meter accuracy, or the network analyzer receiver for accurate absolute calibration power measurements. Other productivity features include support for LIF, the built-in floppy drive DOS JPEG and comma-separated variable (CSV) format, non-volatile memory, serial and parallel interfaces, DIN keyboard interface and print output and document provides time record The real-time clock. Also include limit testing, arbitrary frequency testing, and marker tracking. By utilizing the list to select the scanning mode to be tested independent of the specific frequency and the intermediate frequency bandwidth and to set the power level in each frequency range, the measurement time can be shortened. Segmented calibration and interpolation error correction can improve the accuracy of a given segment of the vector analyzer calibrated frequency range on. 8753ET / ES and 8753D / E is code-compatible, eliminating the need to modify existing software. With Option 010, reflection or transmission can be observed in the time domain response. The analyzer inverse fast Fourier transform on the frequency domain data is calculated to show the reflection coefficient or transmission coefficient versus time relationships. Both time-domain analysis mode to observe the step response or impact response of the device. Time gating can be used to remove some undesired response, such as joint mismatch, strobe results can be displayed in the time domain or frequency. Combined with the analyzer and time domain functions S parameter network for tuning the resonator bandpass filter provides a simple deterministic method. The reflex response time domain response of the filter with a suitable filter tuned to compare, which can reveal the need to adjust or coupled resonator tuned. Use time domain filter tuning, it is easy to train new staff for this complex task, and greatly simplifies the fine tuning and troubleshooting procedures. In order to carry out more advanced device characterization, Option 002 adds harmonic measurement function. Either directly or with respect to the number of fundamental dBc display the scanned secondary amplifier and the total harmonic level. The push of a button, you can measure up to harmonics of -40dBc. High stability frequency reference (Option 1D5) to improve the measurement accuracy of high frequency Q components such as surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices, crystal resonator or dielectric resonator filter. Shenzhen, Kodak Electronics Co., Ltd. Address: Shenzhen Huazhen Mei Long Road Golden Westgate 15 2 unit 4C Phone: 0755-2803 978029404780 Fax: 28039781 Mobile: 13113600861 QQ: 158316466 Contact: Wu Su = ================================================= company E-mail address: szwusu@vip.sina.com Website address: http://www.szckd.com.cn ========================= ========================= heavily / High / pick-idle factories / closure of individual processing electronics welcome! ! Sales / rental / maintenance of various types of imported second-hand equipment, adequate supply, welcomed the call, come to see the goods! ! ================================================== ================ Note: The long-term cash / recovery: network analyzer, spectrum analyzer, tester, digital communications test instrument, wireless tester, high-frequency signal sources, oscilloscopes, LCR tester, Bluetooth tester, video, audio analyzers, logic analyzers, power meters and other second-hand equipment. And sales / maintenance / acquisition / lease these instruments. Welcome to inquire !! ============================================= ================================================== == another sale of the following instruments: spectrum analyzer: E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B, E4440A, E4443A, E4445A, E4446A, N9010A, N9020A, N9030A, 8593E, 8594E, 8595E, 8596E, 8560E, 8561E, 8562E, 8563E, 8564E, 8565E, 8560EC, 8561EC, 8562EC, 8563EC, 8564EC, 8565EC, FSP3, FSP7, FSP13, FSU8, FSU26, FSQ8, FSQ26 Source: N5181A, N5182A, N5183A, N5181B, N5182B, N5171B, N5172B, E8241A, E8247C, E8257C, E8267C, E8257D, E8267D, 8648C, 8648D, E4421B, E4432B, E4433B, E4436B, E4437B, E4438C, 83712A, 83712B, 83732A, 83732B, 83752A, 83752B, 83620B, 83630B, 83640B, 83650B, SMJ100A, SMU200A, SMBV100A, SMB100A, FLUKE54200 network analyzer: 8753D, 8753E, 8753ET, 8753ES, 8720C, 8720D, 8720ES, 8722C, 8722D, 8722ES, E5061A, E5062A, E5063A, E5061A, E5070A, E5070B, E5071A, E5071B, E5071C, E8356A, E8357A , E8358A, N5230A, N5230C, E8361A, E8362B, E8362C, E8363B, E8363C, E8364B 8711B, 8711C, 8712C, 8712ET, 8712ES, 8713C, 8714C, 8714ET, 8714ES noise analyzer: 8970B, N8973A, N8974A, N8975A, probe: 346A , 346B, 346C, N4001A, N4002A N4010A WIFI tester, N4010A Bluetooth tester, N4010A Wireless Networking Test Tester: 8920A, 8920B, 8921A, E5515C, E6607A, CMU200, CMW270, CMW280, CMW500 frequency meter: Agilent: 53131A , 53132A, 53147,53148A, 53149A, 53150A, 53151A, 53152A LCR and impedance tester: 4291A, 4291B, 4287A, 4294A, 4284A, 4285A, 4286A, E4980A, E4981A Spirent (SPIRENT): GPS Signal Generator: STR4500 GSS6300M ??GSS6700, GSS6300 LitePoint (LITEPOINT): WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS tester: IQ2010, IQ2011, IQ2015, IQNXN, IQVIEW, IQflex Bluetooth tester: MT8852A, MT8852B, CBT, CBT32, MT8850A 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen, Kodak Electronics Co.,
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wu Su()
Telephone Number: 0755-28039780-000 0755-28039780-00
Company Address: Shenzhen, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
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